Welcome to the ACM Learning Center Bulletin |
Welcome to the September 2016 ACM Learning Center Bulletin, keeping you current on the many online learning tools ACM offers to help extend our members' skills and knowledge. To suggest addition of books, courses, future Webinar speakers and topics, or just offer feedback, leave a note in the Learning Center Suggestion Box
Register now: "Generators: Powering iteration in Python" with Luciano Ramalho
If you missed it live, "Generators: Powering Iteration in Python", presented live on Tuesday, September 27 at 12 pm ET by Luciano Ramalho, Technical Principal at ThoughtWorks and the author of Fluent Python (O�Reilly, 2015; available to ACM members in the ACM Learning Center). Ramalho was a web developer before the Netscape IPO in 1995, and has worked on some of the largest news portals in Brazil using Python since 1998. He has spoken multiple times at OSCON, PyCon, PythonBrasil, FISL, and RuPy. Ramalho is a fellow of the Python Software Foundation and co-founder of Garoa Hacker Clube, the first hackerspace in Brazil. He is a member of ACM as well as SIGCSE (the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education). You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at http://learning.acm.org/webinar/.
Available on Demand: "Embracing Open Data Science in Your Organization" with Christine Doig
If you missed it live,"Embracing Open Data Science in Your Organization", presented live on Wednesday, Sep 7 at 12 pm ET by Christine Doig, Senior Data Scientist at Continuum Analytics. At Continuum, Christine has worked, among other projects, on MEMEX, a DARPA-funded project helping stop human trafficking. She is a regular speaker and trainer at community conferences including PyCon, EuroPython, PyData, OSCON and Data Science Summit. In this tutorial-style talk, Christine will present the Anaconda platform and its foundational open source packages: Conda for package and environment management, Bokeh for interactive data visualization, Dask for parallel computing, Numba for high performance Python, and Datashader for large scale visualizations. Anaconda, the leading Open Data Science platform, is built on open source technology to fulfill the enterprise needs of Data Scientists and their colleagues, including Business Analysts, Developers, DevOps and Data Engineers. A Q&A session will follow the talk. You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at learning.acm.org/webinar/.
Available on Demand: "Evolving Critical Systems" with Mike Hinchey
If you missed it live, " Evolving Critical Systems", presented live on Tuesday, August 2 at 12 pm ET by Mike Hinchey, is now available on demand. Mike Hinchey is the Director of Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre, a national research center based in eight institutions and including all of Ireland�s universities. He's also a Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Limerick in Ireland. Mike will discuss how increasingly software can be considered critical, due to the business or other functionality which it supports. Upgrades or changes to such software are expensive and risky, primarily because the software has not been designed and built for ease of change. Expertise, tools and methodologies which support the design and implementation of software systems that evolve without risk (of failure or loss of quality) are essential. We address a research agenda for building software in computer-based systems that (a) is highly reliable and (b) retains this reliability as it evolves, either over time or at run-time and illustrate this with a complex example from the domain of space exploration. Stephen Ibaraki, Chair of the ACM Professional Development Committee, moderates the Q&A session. You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at http://learning.acm.org/webinar/.
Available on Demand: "Large-Scale Deep Learning with TensorFlow for Building Intelligent Systems" with Jeff Dean
If you missed it live, "Large-Scale Deep Learning with TensorFlow for Building Intelligent Systems", presented live on Thursday, July 7 at 12 pm ET by Jeff Dean, Google Senior Fellow and 2012 ACM - Infosys Foundation Award Recipient, is now available on demand. Jeff discussed his group's work on two large-scale computer systems for training neural networks, which have been applied to a wide variety of problems that have traditionally been very difficult for computers. Their software systems and algorithms have been used by dozens of different groups at Google to train state-of-the-art models for speech recognition, image recognition, various visual detection tasks, language modeling, language translation, and many other tasks. TensorFlow, their second system, is a platform for machine learning research and product deployment, and was released as an open-source project in November, 2015 (see tensorflow.org). Jeff will discuss ways in which his team applied their work to a variety of problems in Google's products, usually in close collaboration with other teams. Stephen Ibaraki, Chair of the ACM Professional Development Committee, moderates the Q&A session. You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at http://learning.acm.org/webinar/.
Safari Book Swap Adds 70 New Online Books and Video Courses
As part of the semi-annual ACM Book Swap, we have added 70 new online books, video courses, and O�Reilly conference videos to the ACM Learning Center. This includes fresh coverage of hot topics such as Amazon Web Services, Blockchain, Deep Learning, React, Rust, and TensorFlow, deeper coverage of Angular, DevOps, Docker, Machine Learning, Microservices, Scala, Spark, and Spring.
Some of the popular titles include Advanced Machine Learning with Python, C++ How to Program, 10/e, Infrastructure as Code, OSCON 2016: Video Compilation, Learning Angular 2, Learning Path: Enterprise Java Development, and Site Reliability Engineering. See all new titles added to our collection and log into Safari Books Online to start using them.
Learning Center: Books, Courses, Videos |
Featured Skillsoft Course: Cryptography Fundamentals
This month's featured Skillsoft course is Cryptography Fundamentals. Cryptography, and understanding its limits and pitfalls, is essential to protecting data. In this course, you will learn about how cryptography can be used to protect and secure data, different methods that exist to protect or transmit data securely, and the components that need to be understood to ensure data can be protected properly.
To access this and more than 1,300 Skillsoft Learning Collections courses, visit the ACM Learning Center, log in with your member credentials, and click on Skillsoft Learning in the top right corner. To jump directly to particular subject areas, visit the Skillsoft Learning Collections page. For more on the features in Skillport 8, see our Skillsoft FAQ/Support page.
New Skillsoft Books: September 2016
New books covering the latest IT skills and technologies are always being added to the ACM Skillsoft Learning Collections. Here are some of the notable titles recently added to our library:
- Adobe Captivate 9: Beyond the Essentials
- Adobe RoboHelp 2015: The Essentials
- Agile Project Management In Easy Steps, 2nd Edition
- Analytics and Tech Mining for Engineering Managers
- Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving
- Combating Security Breaches and Criminal Activity in the Digital Sphere
- Compiler Design, Fourth Edition
- Cyber Denial, Deception and Counter Deception: A Framework for Supporting Active Cyber Defense
- Data Mining Models
- Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation
- Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0, Third Edition
- iPhone In Easy Steps, 6th Edition
- JSON Quick Syntax Reference
- Keys to the Kingdom: Impressioning, Privilege Escalation, Bumping, and Other Key-Based Attacks Against Physical Locks
- Mathematical Problems in Data Science: Theoretical and Practical Methods
- More Math Into LaTeX, Fifth Edition
- Moving Target Defense for Distributed Systems
- OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift
- PHP 7 Quick Syntax Reference, Second Edition
- Planning and Control Using Oracle Primavera P6 Versions 8, 15 and 16 PPM Professional
- Relational Database Programming: A Set-Oriented Approach
- Spring Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition
- Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
- The SAS Programmer's PROC REPORT Handbook: Basic to Advanced Reporting Techniques
- Unix in Easy Steps
- Using Chef with Microsoft Azure
- Visual Basic In Easy Steps, 4th Edition
- WordPress in Easy Steps
A more comprehensive list of recently added book titles is available at http://learning.acm.org/books/skillsoft_video.cfm (see sidebar). To access this and more than 3,000 Skillsoft Learning Collections eBooks, visit the ACM Learning Center, log in with your member credentials, and click on Skillsoft Learning in the top right corner. To jump directly to particular subject areas, visit the Skillsoft Learning Collections page.
New Skillsoft Short Videos: September 2016
Did you know that ACM members have access to thousands of IT and productivity videos from Skillsoft? Covering a variety of today's hottest topics, these videos offer "on-the-job" support and "just-in-time" solutions for busy practitioners. Check out a couple of demo videos on Python and AngularJS. Recently, Skillsoft added significant video content in the following knowledge areas:
- Adobe Edge Animate CC
- Apache Subversion
- AWS Certified Developer
- Microsoft Azure
- Exchange 2016
- ICND2 v3.0
- iOS Application Development
- Java EE 7 Web Development
- LoadRunner 12
- Microsoft Excel
- Perl
- SAS Programming
- Teradata SQL
- Windows 10
See learning.acm.org/books/skillsoft_video.cfm for more information on short videos.
Featured Safari Title: Clean Code
Clean Code Even bad code can function. But if code isnt clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesnt have to be that way.Noted software expert Robert C. Martin, presents a revolutionary paradigm with Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship.
This is just one of 700 award-winning, best-selling technical books, full-length video courses, and O'Reilly Conference videos from Safari Books Online in ACM's eBook collection, by leading publishers such as O'Reilly Media, Manning and many more. All members (Student and Professional) can access them through the ACM Learning Center eBook catalog as well as the ACM Digital Library.
Featured MK Title: Cyber-Physical Attacks
Cyber-Physical Attacks presents the growing list of harmful uses of computers and their ability to disable cameras, turn off a buildings lights, make a car veer off the road, or a drone land in enemy hands. In essence, it details the ways cyber-physical attacks are replacing physical attacks in crime, warfare, and terrorism. The book explores how attacks using computers affect the physical world in ways that were previously only possible through physical means.
The book provides an accessible introduction to the variety of cyber-physical attacks that have already been employed or are likely to be employed in the near future. Demonstrates how to identify and protect against cyber-physical threats Written for undergraduate students and non-experts, especially physical security professionals without computer science background.
This is just one of nearly 500 titles from publishers Morgan Kaufmann (MK) and Syngress in ACM's eBook collection, covering the most bleeding-edge topics in computing, such as Big Data, Cybersecurity, Human-Computer Interaction, Parallel Computing, and more. The books are available in PDF (and some in ePub) and are downloadable to your desktop, laptop, tablet, and any popular eBook reader on your mobile device. All members (Student and Professional) can access them through the ACM Learning Center eBook catalog as well as the ACM Digital Library.
ACM Interview: Gisele Yasmeen
Tune in as the leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs advancing computing as a science and a profession discuss their background, experience, and career highlights, all while providing invaluable insights and lessons learned for future computing professionals in this ongoing series of exclusive interviews conducted by Stephen Ibaraki, Co-Chair of the ACM Practitioner Board.
In a recent ACM Podcast Stephen Ibaraki interviewed Gisele Yasmeen. Gis�le Yasmeen is currently Senior Fellow at the University of British Columbia's Institute of Asian Research and incoming Director of Social Protection for WIEGO. She is the former Vice-President, Research at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council � a Canadian Federal Government research-granting agency. Gis�le has worked in research and higher education for more than 20 years and has undertaken and managed research and related activities across the public, academic and not-for-profit sectors. She has published widely and her work has taken her all over Canada and around the world. Gis�le has a PhD from UBC, an MA from McGill and a BA Honours from the University of Ottawa and is the recipient of a number of awards. She is fluent in English and French and has studied a number of other languages. More information is available on her website at: www.giseleyasmeen.com
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Volunteer Your Computing Skills for a Social Good with ACM and SocialCoder
You can use your technical skills for social good and offer volunteer support on software development projects to organizations who could not otherwise afford it. SocialCoder connects volunteer programmers/software developers with registered charities and helps match them to suitable projects based on their skills, experience, and the causes they care about. Learn more about ACM's new partnership with SocialCoder, and how you can get involved.
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