ACM Student Quick Takes
July 13, 2017
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Welcome to ACM Student Quick Takes

Welcome to the Summer 2017 edition of Student Quick Takes. ACM Student Quick Takes (SQT) is a quarterly email newsletter geared specifically toward the needs of ACM Student Members. Each issue highlights ACM activities, programs, and offerings of interest.

•  Welcome, New Student Chapters

•  Start an ACM Student Chapter at Your School

•  ACM UIST 2017 Student Innovation Contest: Apply Now!

•  ACM Student Chapter Excellence Program: Congratulations!

•  2017 ACM-ICPC World Finals Results

•  2017-2018 Cutler-Bell Prize for Excellence in High School Computing

•  Student Research Competition

•  ACM Learning Webinars Live & On Demand

•  Free ACM Student Materials

•  Did You Recently Graduate? Are You Graduating Soon?

•  Get Involved with XRDS!

•  Apply for N²Women Fellowship to Attend Conferences

•  BIWA Summit 2018

•  Ambassadors for ACM Program

•  Book a Distinguished Speaker for Your School

•  ACM-W Student Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences

•  The 5th Annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF)

•  Complimentary Resources for ACM Student Members from Teradata University Network

•  Site Links Students to Grad School Application Info, Summer Research Opportunities in CS

Welcome, New Student Chapters!
ACM is delighted to welcome these new chapters from all around the globe to the ACM family:

  • Belhaven University ACM Student Chapter
  • Cankaya University ACM Student Chapter
  • Case Western Reserve University ACM Student Chapter
  • Colby College ACM-W Student Chapter
  • GD Goenka University ACM Student Chapter
  • Hindustan University ACM Student Chapter
  • IFPB ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Indiana University South Bend ACM Student Chapter
  • Instituto Tecnol�gico de Tuxtepec ACM Student Chapter
  • ITU ACM Student Chapter
  • METU NCC ACM Student Chapter
  • Miami University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • NSU ACM-W Student Chapter
  • NYIT Old Westbury ACM Student Chapter
  • PDPU ACM Student Chapter
  • PIEMR ACM Student Chapter
  • PIEMR ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Rajiv Gandhi Technical University ACM Student Chapter
  • Rajiv Gandhi Technical University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • RMKEC ACM Student Chapter
  • RVRJCCE ACM Student Chapter
  • SAKEC ACM Student Chapter
  • SCSU ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Seattle University ACM Student Chapter
  • Stevens Institute of Technology ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Techno India Salt Lake ACM Student Chapter
  • Universidad Francisco Marroqu�n ACM Student Chapter

Start an ACM Student Chapter at Your School
Take initiative and start an ACM Student Chapter at your school today! A Student Chapter serves as a gateway to forums, panel discussions, and symposia that further your professional development. Preparation and presentation of technical reports and papers and cooperative efforts on research projects allow students to test their technical expertise. Benefits include scholarship and recognition programs as well as access to the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program, one of the premier technology outreach programs in the computing industry! Learn how you can start a Student Chapter in 4 easy steps and get more info at

ACM UIST 2017 Student Innovation Contest: Apply Now!
The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) is the premier forum for innovations in Human-Computer Interfaces. The UIST Student Innovation Contest (aka the "SIC") explores how novel input, interaction, actuation, and output techniques can augment experiences that literally �reach out� into the world! In partnership with, UIST is seeking students to help them push the boundaries of input and output techniques on a Arduino Braccio� a desktop sized and fully-customizable, multi-DOF robotic arm! Join the UIST SIC and turn your ideas into reality! Win fabulous prizes! Apply here by July 18th!

The UIST SIC is your opportunity to shine and impress the world with your creative ideas! Participants will demo their work during the demo reception at the conference in Quebec City, Canada, and contest winners will be announced at the UIST banquet. A jury of UIST judges will select two winners for the Most Creative and Best Implementation categories. On top of that, conference attendees will get a chance to vote for their favorite teams in the People's Choice category. All categories receive prizes! Learn more at

ACM Student Chapter Excellence Program: Congratulations!
The ACM Student Chapter Excellence Program recognizes outstanding ACM student chapters in the following five areas: Chapter Activities, Chapter Website, Recruitment Program, Community Service, and School Service. Winning chapters in each of these categories will receive $500 and a Certificate of Recognition. These chapters will be recognized on the ACM student chapter website and in ACM MemberNet. A huge round of applause to our winners in the following categories.

For more information, please visit

2017 ACM-ICPC World Finals Results
The 2017 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) results are in and St. Petersburg State University came in at first place with 10 questions solved in 1093 minutes! Did your school participate? The contest is a multitier, team-based programming competition that involves a global network of universities hosting regional competitions that advance teams to the ACM-ICPC World Finals. Participation has grown to tens of thousands of the finest students and faculty in computing disciplines at almost 2,000 universities from over 80 countries on six continents. The contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test their ability to perform under pressure. It is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world.

View the full World Finals results!

2017-2018 Cutler-Bell Prize for Excellence in High School Computing
The ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing is a prize designed to recognize talented high school students intending to continue their higher education in the areas of computer science or technology. The program seeks to promote and encourage the field of computer science, as well as to empower young and aspiring learners to pursue computing challenges outside of the traditional classroom environment.

Eligible applicants for the award will include graduating high school seniors residing and attending school in the US. Challenges for the award will focus on developing an artifact that engages modern computing technology and computer science. Judges will look for submissions that demonstrate ingenuity, complexity, relevancy, originality, and a desire to further computer science as a discipline. Apply by January 5, 2018.

Student Research Competition
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft, is an internationally recognized venue enabling undergraduate and graduate students to experience the research world—for many undergraduates this is a first! The SRC is a unique opportunity to:

  • Share research results and exchange ideas with other students, judges, and conference attendees
  • Rub shoulders with academic and industry luminaries
  • Understand the practical applications of research
  • Perfect your communication skills
  • Win prizes and gain recognition from ACM and the greater computing community
The winners of the 2017 Grand Finals of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Research Competition were recently announced, culminating a year-long competition involving more than 330 computer science students who presented research projects at 24 ACM conferences. Learn about the six Grand Finalists and their submissions here.

The next two open calls for submissions are for MOBICOM 2017, October 16-20, 2017, with a deadline of July 21, 2017 and for SC 2017, November 12-17, 2017, with a deadline of July 31, 2017. See all open calls for submission here. More information at

ACM Learning Webinars Live & On Demand
ACM keeps you at the cutting edge of the latest technical and technological developments with recent talks covering Monadic Programming for the Web Using React and RxJS, Machine Learning and Neuroscience, Kubernetes, Secure Programming, and much more. On-demand videos and material can be found in the ACM Learning Center.

Free ACM Student Materials
Faculty members can order complimentary ACM materials for distribution to students interested in the computing field. Items include ACM student membership brochures and posters, as well as flyers featuring ACM's Digital Library, Code of Ethics, and student chapters, among others. Place your order using our easy online form and we will fulfill your request promptly! To order free ACM student membership materials go to

Did You Recently Graduate? Are You Graduating Soon?
Find a wealth of useful information at ACM's Online Resources for Graduating Students, including Resume tips, Job Board links, and more at:

If you are a Student Member transitioning to a Professional Member, we want to help—please take advantage of ACM's special discounted offer available to you by visiting:

Get Involved with XRDS!
Don't miss out on the Summer 2017 Issue issue of XRDS, which focuses on Startups. Inside you will find a range of articles exploring the unlimited opportunities, the challenges, the heartbreaks, and the joys of tech entrepreneurship. To submit for the December 2017 issue on Human to Human, email the editors at [email protected]. Submissions are due by September 1, 2017.

There are also currently several opportunities to get involved with the XRDS: Crossroads team. Whether your strengths lie in writing, editing, photography, or you want to list an event in the calendar-there is a place for you to make good use of your talents.

For more information, visit:

Apply for N²Women Fellowship to Attend Conferences
N2Women is pleased to announce the continuation of their N2 Women Young Researcher Fellowship awards. N2Women considers you a young researcher if you are currently a student, working as a post-doc, or in the 1st or 2nd year of your new research career. These awards will partially cover a young researcher�s travel cost (up to $1000) to a meeting where an N2Women event will be held. In exchange, the young researcher must help organize the N2Women meeting. The benefit of doing the organization, in addition to the travel funds, is for the young researcher to connect with the organizers of the conference who are, typically, leaders in the research field. N2Women will arrange for a faculty or research member of N2Women to assist/mentor the young researcher in this task.

To apply for a Young Researcher Fellowship, please answer all questions in the following online application form: N2Women Fellowship Online Application Form. If you need to change previously entered information or you want to withdraw an application, please contact the fellowship chairs at [email protected]. Review the N2Women Fellowships Page for upcoming conferences and events.

BIWA Summit 2018
The BIWA Summit is organized and managed by the Oracle BI, Data Warehouse, and Analytics user community. This year, it even includes the annual Oracle Spatial Summit. This event attracts the top Oracle BI, Data Warehouse, Advanced Analytics, Big Data, and Spatial and Graph experts.

The 3-day event includes:
  • Keynotes by Industry Experts
  • Educational Sessions by Practitioners and Developers
  • Hands-on Labs
  • Networking Events
New at this year's BIWA Summit:
  • Grad-student track: sessions on cutting edge university work using Oracle Technology, continuing Oracle Academy�s sponsorship of graduate student participation.

This year it will be held at Oracle Conference Center in Redwood Shores, CA on March 20-22, 2018. Call for speakers is now open through Decemeber 3, 2017; submit your proposal today. More information can be found at

Ambassadors for ACM Program
The Ambassadors for ACM program rewards ACM members like you for encouraging new members to join. Your first-hand experience with ACM's valuable career development and continuous learning programs makes you a perfect envoy to share your ACM experiences with prospective members. Please consider becoming an Ambassador for ACM. The program offers opportunities for you to earn new prizes, rewards and bonus gifts with each referral. The top two recruiters will receive a Grand Prize.

With access to Communications of the ACM, eBooks and videos, a new streamlined courses program for online learning, and the Digital Library, ACM offers more tools than ever to empower members to succeed in their chosen fields. Please share this news with friends and colleagues.

For more information, as well as recruitment membership applications, visit the Ambassadors for ACM site:

Book a Distinguished Speaker for Your School
ACM provides colleges and universities with direct access to top technology leaders and innovators from nearly every sector of the computing industry. Book the speaker for your next event through the ACM Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP) and deliver compelling and insightful content to your audience. Our program features renowned thought leaders in academia, industry and government, speaking about the most important topics in the computing and IT world today, especially those relevant to your student chapter. (However, you don't have to be a student chapter to request a speaker.) Visit for more information.

ACM-W Student Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences
The ACM Women's Council (ACM-W), provides support for women undergraduate or graduate students in computer science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences. This exposure to the Computer Science research world can encourage a student to continue on to the next level (Undergraduate to Graduate, Masters to Ph.D., Ph.D. to an industry or academic position). The student does not have to present a paper at the conference she attends. Students can apply an unlimited number of times; however, once a student receives an award, she is no longer eligible for future ACM-W scholarships.

The ACM-W scholarships are divided between scholarships of up to $600 for intra-continental conference travel, and scholarships of up to $1200 for intercontinental conference travel. Scholarship applications are evaluated in six groups each year, in order to distribute awards across a range of conferences.

ACM-W encourages the student's home department to match the scholarship award and recognize the student's achievement locally within their department. In addition, if the award is for attendance at one of several ACM Special Interest Group conferences (SIGACCESS, SIGACT, SIGARCH, SIGCOMM, SIGCHI, SIGCSE, SIGDA, SIGECOM, SIGEVO, SIGGRAPH, SIGHPC, SIGIR, SIGITE, SIGMM, SIGMOBILE, SIGOPS, SIGPLAN, and SIGSOFT), the SIG will provide complimentary conference registration and a mentor during the conference. The number of free registrations available varies from SIG to SIG.

For an application form, notification dates and more information, please visit the scholarships page:

The 5th Annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum
The 5th Annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum, which is taking place September 24-29, 2017 in Heidelberg, Germany, provides a unique opportunity for luminaries in the fields of computer science and mathematics to meet with and inspire the best and brightest of young researchers from around the world. The week-long event focuses on scientific inspiration and exchange through a series of presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and social events.

Complimentary Resources for ACM Student Members from Teradata University Network
ACM's partnership with the Teradata University Network enables student members to access complimentary software from Teradata, MicroStrategy, SAS, Tableau, and other software tools, as well as datasets, case studies, free certification training, and other content. Currently present in 98 countries and accessed by students from over 1,700 universities, Teradata University Network (TUN) offers a unique learning and teaching experience that is supported by distinguished academics around the world. TUN provides hands-on training in combination with technical expertise. The goal of TUN is to challenge students to become innovative thinkers who know how to use data warehousing to create and enhance business value. TUN prepares its students for a competitive marketplace through offering corporate reality experience using Teradata data warehousing technology, and providing access to resources that would otherwise be overwhelmingly expensive for universities to develop and maintain. TUN is a free web-based portal for both faculty and the students, and supports students at undergraduate and graduate levels. To gain access to TUN resources visit

Site Links Students to Grad School Application Info, Summer Research Opportunities in CS
The Computing Research Association (CRA) offers a unique website for undergraduates in computing fields hoping to learn more about summer research opportunities as well as the process for applying to graduate school in computer science. Please visit the site at, where you'll find:

  • A section on what graduate school in computer science is all about (including frequently-asked-questions with answers by current graduate students and faculty).
  • Information, advice, and insights on how to apply to graduate school in computer science (including another set of FAQs with answers by students who have just been through the process, as well as faculty).

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