SIGMIS - Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems
The ACM Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems promotes best-practice and research in the management of information systems and technologies and the use of these systems and technologies. SIGMIS is a sponsor of several conferences on information systems and technology. As one of the oldest of ACM's SIGS, SIGMIS traces its beginning back to 1961, and for decades has been instrumental in defining and developing the field of management and information systems. The annual Computer Personnel Research (CPR) Conference is unique in its role of gathering together MIS professionals.
SIGMIS Benefits FY 2025
Member Benefits:
- Subscription to The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (Data Base, for short), a peer-reviewed quarterly publication devoted to communicating advances in research and best practice in MIS. For current and previous issues of Data Base, please visit the SIGMIS website: https://sigmis.org/ .
- Subscription to the SIGMIS listserv.
- Access to the following content in the ACM Digital Library: Data Base, proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS CPR conferences, and proceedings of some conferences and workshops in cooperation with SIGMIS.
- Reduced registration for SIGMIS sponsored conferences.
Community Benefits:
- Open access to the SIGMIS website: https://sigmis.org/
- SIGMIS CPR (Computers & People Research) Conference.
- Hold a Doctoral Consortium annually in advance of the conference to provide feedback and guidance to students pursuing a PhD in an area related to computers and people.
- Funding of attendees to the Doctoral Consortium through our travel grant program.
- Students’ posters and demo submissions are entered into the ACM Student Research Competition.
- Author Posters/Demo session to showcase work-in-progress including the Best Poster Award.
- Hold a Journal Editors Panel to assist researchers targeting the journals for publication consideration.
- Hold an Industry Panel to discuss how to extend research for impact & relevancy beyond contributions to academia.
- SIGMIS CPR outstanding conference paper award, entitled “Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year Award.”
- SIGMIS Lifetime Achievement Award.
- SIGMIS Early Career Award.
- Sponsor research proposals (up to $3000 per proposal).
- The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems.
- Continue awards for paper of the year, senior editor of the year, and reviewer of the year
- Continue program of supporting AMCIS track activities
- In-cooperation with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
- Sponsor the Doctoral Dissertation Paper Award.
- Hold the annual networking reception and town hall meeting for SIGMIS members in the years when ICIS is held face-to-face (not hybrid or virtual).
- Continue to represent ACM as a member of a select group to develop model curriculum for education in IS, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. Please visit http://www.acm.org/education/curricula.html