SIGMOD - Special Interest Group on Management of Data
The ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data is an association for students and professionals interested in research, development, and deployment of solutions to large-scale data management problems. The scope of interests that members bring to SIGMOD is wide, with an almost equal mix of people from industry and from academia. SIGMOD sponsors an annual conference that is regarded as one of the most important in the field.
SIGMOD benefits for FY 2025
Member Benefits:
There are two categories of membership, namely SIGMOD Online and SIGMOD Print, in addition to Student membership.
Online Member Benefits:
- Voting rights in ACM SIGMOD Elections and opportunity to serve as a SIGMOD officer
- Discounted registration fees at events in-cooperation or sponsored by SIGMOD, including the SIGMOD/PODS conference
- Access to content from SIGMOD sponsored and co-sponsored events in the ACM Digital Library, including content for the ACM SIGMOD conference (available before the conference)
- Announcements via the moderated, members-only DBWorld email distribution list, keeping members informed of the latest happenings in our field.
- The quarterly SIGMOD Record which publishes articles, reports, and interviews that cover the most recent developments in the community.
- A blog on “hot topics” in databases
- The SIGMOD video series which includes lectures by senior members of our community on topics related to data management research.
Print Member Benefits:All benefits of Online members, plus
- SIGMOD Record print edition (4 issues per year)
Student members receive all benefits of Online Members
Community Benefits:
- Access at SIGMOD Online (https://sigmod.org) to a range of content, including the following:
- Information about SIGMOD
- A blog on “hot topics” in databases
- Database resources (e.g., public domain software, list of graduating grad students)
- Historical materials collected by or commissioned by SIGMOD including video interviews with distinguished members of the community
- Social networking presence to disseminate community news
- The DBCares committee (https://sigmod.org/sigmod-policies/dbcares-policy) aims to create an inclusive and diverse Database community with zero tolerance for abuse, discrimination, or harassment.
- The DnI initiative coordinates efforts that aim to increase diversity and inclusion in the data management research community (https://dni.sigmod.org)
- Support for DBLP - a bibliography of computer science publications (http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/)
- Sponsorship of the annual SIGMOD and PODS conferences; co-sponsorship of DEBS, SIGKDD, SOCC, WSDM, and other conferences/workshops on occasion; sponsorship of the workshops held at the annual SIGMOD/PODS conference
- Reproducibility evaluation of papers published at the ACM SIGMOD Conference
- Research Highlights: A collection of best papers on data management that are relevant to the larger computer science community.
- The SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovation Award and the SIGMOD Contributions Award
- The SIGMOD Systems Award
- The SIGMOD Best Paper and the Test-of-Time Best Paper awards
- The SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation Award
- The SIGMOD Most Reproducible Paper Award
- The SIGMOD Programming Contest
- The SIGMOD Best Demonstration Award
- Undergraduate and graduate scholarships to enable undergraduate and graduate students to attend the SIGMOD/PODS conferences and other events on occasion