International Conference Proceedings Series

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the formal Call for Papers for your conference was released on or after January 1, 2024, please read this information about an important change in the publishing model for ICPS before completing the application process below.

ACM requires that all event organizers complete an ICPS Publishing Agreement at the time the application is submitted. Please review a sample copy of the ICPS Publishing Agreement before submitting your application. Failure to meet the obligations specified in the agreement may delay or prevent publication of your conference in the ICPS program. You can expect a response to your application within 4-6 weeks. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $50.

To propose a conference for publication in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, please read the Conference Guidelines below before completing the apllication form:

Conference Guidelines:

  1. Scope: The scope of the conference should be clearly defined and not overly broad or general.
  2. Topical coverage: The conference should align with the purpose of ACM to provide resources that promote the advancement of the science and profession of computing; it should cover topics that are directly relevant to computer science and its applications.
  3. Organizing team: The General Chair(s) and Program Chair(s) must be of appropriate seniority and must be experts in the field(s) covered by the conference. They should be capable of and have time to do the job of managing the conference. ACM recommends that GCs and PCs not commit to multiple organizing roles in a single year, and will take account of this in assessing applications.
  4. Review team: The members of the technical program committee should be of appropriate seniority and have relevant expertise; the committee should be diverse in geographical and gender representation.
  5. Review process: The conference review team should be of an appropriate size to complete the technical review of papers to a high standard in the allotted time. To maintain quality, the review period should not be less than one month. The conference must have a robust review process, with at least two positive reviews required to approve a paper.
  6. Conference papers: Submissions must be sufficiently substantive to be of real archival value to the community. Papers of 4-5 pages or longer are preferred.
  7. Media: Websites for the conference, Program Chairs and General Chairs must be readily readable in English and accessible by common browsers with secure protocols (e.g., https). The PC and GC websites must be created by an affiliated institution and should not be a personal or other organizational homepage.
  8. Use of ACM Name: Conference organizers may not refer to ACM sponsorship or use the ACM name or logo in communications to authors or anywhere on the conference website. Prior to approval of their ICPS application, conference organizers may not refer to publication in ICPS nor use the ICPS name or logo.

Please note the following important information about production charges for conferences that are accepted for publication in ICPS.

For conferences whose formal Call for Papers was posted on the conference website before January 1, 2024:

Your conference will be published in the "old" ICPS publishing model. Modest production charges will apply, and paid open access options are available. Please note that ACM will NOT begin the production process for your proceedings until the invoice is paid in full. Note also that no refunds can be issued for individual papers subsequently pulled from the proceedings for any reason (e.g. no-shows, fail to present, author requests for withdrawal from the published proceedings, etc.). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For conferences whose formal Call for Papers was posted on the conference website on or after January 1, 2024:

Your conference will be published in the new open access publishing model for ICPS will apply. No production fees will be charged to the conference organizer, but some authors may have to pay article processing charges (APCs). Read more about the new publishing model here.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.