ACM India Council 2020 Election Results

June 11, 2020

Dear ACM India Members,

As a result of the votes cast by the ACM India Professional members who were eligible to vote in the ACM India Council election, the following individuals were elected to serve on the ACM India Council effective 1 July 2020.

Members-at-Large (1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024):
Supratik Chakraborty - IIT Bombay
Gargi B. Dasgupta - IBM Research India
Viraj Kumar - IISc, Bangalore
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru - IIIT, New Delhi
Venkatesh Raman - IMSc, Chennai
Rajeev Shorey - TCS Research & Innovation, New Delhi

Congratulations to all who have been elected to the ACM India Council.

The following members who were elected to serve on the Council in 2018 will continue to serve until 30 June 2022:
Meenakshi D'Souza - IIIT, Bangalore
Manish Gupta - Google Research India
Jayant R. Haritsa - IISc, Bangalore
Pankaj Jalote - IIIT, New Delhi
Venkatesh Kamat - Goa University
Hemangee K. Kapoor - IIT, Guwahati
Vasudeva Varma - IIIT, Hyderabad

Abhiram Ranade will continue to be a member of the Council from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 as Past President.

ACM India Council Nominations Committee