Register for ACM India Industry Webinar on 23 May with Manish Gupta: "AI for India and Beyond"
May 14, 2020
Continuing with our initiative of conducting multiple webinars during the COVID-19 related lockdown period, here is the next session of the series by another truly illustrious speaker who will talk about using AI and ML to tackle problems arising in the Indian context and beyond.
Register now for the next session of our ACM India Industry Webinar series, "AI for India and Beyond", to be presented on Saturday 23 May 2020 at 11 am IST by Manish Gupta, Director of Google Research India. The host for this session will be Hemant Pande, Executive Director of ACM India Council.
All students, faculty and industry professionals are welcome to attend the webinar. Feel free to forward this communication to those who would be interested.
Note : You can also stream this webinar on your mobile device, including smartphone and tablet.
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially the field of machine learning (ML), is transforming virtually all aspects of our lives. This talk describes our preliminary efforts at Google Research India to tackle problems arising in the Indian context and beyond. We start with examples of opportunities to apply ML to accelerate science and its applications, and some early results. We then describe a critical need and an opportunity to improve health outcomes globally at lower costs, and specific challenges in countries like India of an acute shortage of doctors. As examples, we describe a convolutional neural network based solution developed by our researchers for more effective screening of diabetic retinopathy, as well as ongoing efforts towards prevention of cardiovascular disease. We describe our AI for Social Good program through which we are addressing issues like public health, education and wildlife conservation, in partnership with NGOs and academic researchers. We describe challenges arising due to factors like diversity of languages and code mixing for Google products like Search and Assistant, which are being used daily by tens of millions of users in India, and our natural language processing research. Finally, we describe outstanding challenges associated with the overall field of AI itself, like safety, data privacy, and fairness, and our guiding principles and directions to address them.
Duration : 60 minutes (including audience Q&A)
Dr. Manish Gupta is the Director of Google Research India. He holds an additional appointment as Infosys Foundation Chair Professor at IIIT Bangalore. Previously, Manish has led VideoKen, a video technology startup, and the research centers for Xerox and IBM in India. As a Senior Manager at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, Manish led the team developing system software for the Blue Gene/L supercomputer. IBM was awarded a National Medal of Technology and Innovation for Blue Gene by US President Barack Obama in 2009.
Manish holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He has co-authored about 75 papers, with more than 7,000 citations in Google Scholar (and an h-index of 46), and has been granted 19 US patents. While at IBM, Manish received two Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards, an Outstanding Innovation Award and the Lou Gerstner Team Award for Client Excellence. Manish is a Fellow of ACM and the Indian National Academy of Engineering, and a recipient of a Distinguished Alumnus Award from IIT Delhi.
Dr. Hemant Pande, Executive Director, ACM India Council