ACM India Live Interaction, 22 October: "Recent Advances in AI/ML in Networked Systems: Opportunities and Challenges"
October 15, 2020
In this first session of the ACM India Live Interaction Series, we focus on a very exciting and interdisciplinary topic that addresses the opportunities and challenges in AI/ML in Networked Systems. The panellists are eminent academicians and industry leaders who have made outstanding contributions in AI/Machine Learning in Networked Systems.
Register now for "Recent Advances in AI/ML in Networked Systems: Opportunities and Challenges", to be presented on Thursday 22 October 2020 at 5 pm IST. The panellists include 7 eminent researchers and practitioners from India, USA and Singapore.
The hosts for this session will be Rajeev Shorey, CEO, UQIDAR, IIT Delhi and Member of ACM India Council and Hemant Pande, Executive Director of ACM India Council.
All students, faculty and industry professionals are welcome to attend the session. Feel free to forward this communication to those who would be interested.
Note : You can also stream this session on your mobile device, including smartphone and tablet.
Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) has been enjoying an unprecedented surge in applications that solve problems and enable automation in diverse domains. This is primarily due to the explosion in the availability of data, significant improvements in ML techniques, and advancement in computing capabilities.
Researchers and practitioners in academia and industry are trying to understand the applications of diverse AI/ML/DL techniques in networked systems ranging from traffic prediction, routing and classification, congestion control, resource and fault management, QoS and QoE management, cyber security and more recently social networks and cognitive systems.
The eminent panellists from around the globe will share the state of the art in the area, present pros and cons of applying AI/Machine Learning technology in networked/connected systems. At the end of the panel discussion, the audience will have a clearer idea on the research challenges and future opportunities to advance ML in networked systems.
Duration : 90 minutes (including audience Q&A)
- Ranjita Bhagwan, Microsoft Research, Bangalore
- Ashutosh Dutta, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA
- Archan Misra, Singapore Management University, Singapore
- Vijay Gabale, Infilect, Bangalore
- Huzur Saran, IIT Delhi
- Lipika Dey, TCS Research & Innovation, New Delhi
- Shourya Roy, Flipkart, Bangalore
Panellist Bios:

Dr. Ranjita Bhagwan is a researcher at Microsoft Research India. Previously, she was a research staff member at IBM T.J. Watson Research in Hawthorne, NY, USA. Prior to that, she completed her PhD in 2004 from the University of California at San Diego. She received her B Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Kharagpur in 1998. Ranjita's interests are mainly in solving problems related to Networking and Distributed Systems. Most recently, she has been working on improving systems using machine learning. She also works on Cloud security-related projects.
Dr. Ashutosh Dutta is senior scientist and 5G Chief Strategist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. He has more than 90 conference and journal publications, three book chapters, and 31 issued patents. Ashutosh is co-author of the book Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization: Design, Evaluation and Application published by IEEE and John Wiley. As a Technical Leader in 5G and security, Ashutosh has been serving as the founding Co-Chair for the IEEE Future Networks Initiative that focuses on 5G standardization, education, publications, testbed, and roadmap activities. He also serves as IEEE Communications Society's Distinguished Lecturer (2017-2020) and ACM Distinguished Speaker (2020-2022). Ashutosh obtained his BS in Electrical Engineering from NIT Rourkela, India; MS in Computer Science from NJIT; and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University under the supervision of Prof. Henning Schulzrinne. Ashutosh is a Fellow of IEEE and Senior Member of ACM.
Prof. Archan Misra is Professor and Associate Dean of Research in the School of Information Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU). He is the Director of SMU’s Center for Applied Smart-Nation Analytics (CASA), which is developing pervasive technologies for smart city infrastructure and applications. Archan has led a number of multimillion-dollar, large-scale research initiatives at SMU, including the LiveLabs research center, and is a recent recipient of the prestigious Investigator grant (from Singapore’s National Research Foundation) for sustainable human-machine interaction intelligence. Over a 20+ year research career spanning both academics and industry (at IBM Research and Bellcore), Archan has published on, and practically deployed, technologies spanning wireless networking, mobile and wearable sensing and urban mobility analytics. His current research interests lie in ultra-low energy execution of machine intelligence algorithms using wearable and IoT devices. Archan holds a PhD from the University of Maryland at College Park, and chaired the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) from 2005 to 2007.
Dr. Vijay Gabale is the co-founder and CTO of Infilect. Vijay has over 12 years of experience in building highly scalable software systems and has worked at multinational companies like IBM Research. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from IIT Bombay. He takes care of product and technology.
Prof. Huzur Saran is with the Computer Science and Engineering Department at IIT Delhi. Prior to joining IIT Delhi in 1990, he did his PhD in Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley in 1989 and BTech in Electrical Engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi in 1983. His research is focused on Computer Networks and Algorithms. Prior to this he was the Head of the Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of IT at IIT Delhi. Huzur has been actively working in 4G and 5G wireless technologies. During 2000 to 2002 he was a Visiting Professor at the Information Systems Lab, Stanford where he worked on the media access control layer of an exploratory 4G wireless system. He has been investigating wireless access and mesh technologies to enable ICT for rural populations.
Dr. Lipika Dey is a Principal Scientist at the TCS Research and Innovation Labs. Her research interests are in the areas of Natural Language Processing, Data Mining and Machine Learning. Lipika did her Integrated MSc in Mathematics, MTech in Computer Science and Data Processing and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. Prior to joining TCS in 2007, she was a faculty at the Department of Mathematics at IIT Delhi. She has more than 100 publications with 2,000+ citations and a few patents to her name. She was awarded the Distinguished Scientist award by TCS in 2012. Lipika has been actively involved with ACM as a pioneer member of ACM-Women. Her interest in language is not restricted to profession. She is an active blogger and writes for various magazines.
Dr. Shourya Roy recently joined Flipkart as a Senior Research Director, where he is responsible for Data Science research and development for specific business units. Prior to this, he was the Head and Vice President of AI Labs at American Express, where he led a team of 50+ researchers and engineers working on several transformative AI initiatives in the payments industry. In his 18 years of research, Shourya’s work has led to 70+ papers and 15 granted patents. Since 2018 he has been serving as the Vice Chair of the India Chapter of ACM SIGKDD. He has been associated with ACM CODS-COMAD, the flagship conference in Data Science and Databases in India (Program Chair in 2018, General Chair in 2021). Shourya is an ACM Distinguished Member
Dr. Rajeev Shorey is a member of the ACM India Council. He is the CEO of the University of Queensland - IIT Delhi Academy of Research (UQIDAR), IIT Delhi.
Dr. Hemant Pande is the Executive Director of ACM India Council.