ACM India Summer Schools 2023
We are pleased to announce "ACM India Summer Schools 2023" which offer self-motivated students in-depth knowledge and exposure to research in current, advanced technology areas. Each school in this stellar line up covers academic and applied research in the technology topic, and is taught by the best-in-class faculty from academia and industry. This incomparable combination worth a semester course is being brought to you by ACM India for a registration fee of Rs2500, to be paid only by those who are accepted. No wonder the summer schools are so highly sought after. The application is free, and you can give first and second preference in the form. Our sincere request to apply after careful consideration, because the demand is high and the seats are limited, 40 per school.
Once accepted, please make sure you register and attend, to be fair to those who applied but did not get in. The accepted students need to make their own travel arrangements and bring their laptop, but once at the host institute campus, practically all your lodging and boarding is covered in the registration fee. Each day comprises lectures as well as tutorial sessions with hands-on problem solving experience. Toward the end of the school, there will be a session focused on career options in the area covered by the school.
As usual, one school is reserved for women students, this time it is on Cybersecurity. Please note that you need not be an ACM member to attend these schools, but our usual recommendation is to become one and experience all other benefits of ACM student membership! Please feel free to circulate this message in your academic institution and fellow student network.
Please apply for the Summer Schools here
Last date for application: Sunday 14 May 2023 (midnight IST)
Announcement of selection: Sunday 21 May 2023 (selected students will be informed via email)
Payment of fees by selected students: Wednesday 31 May 2023 (midnight IST)
Here is the list of the schools planned. More details about each school are available via respective school’s page below.
- 12 - 23 June 2023, Cybersecurity (for women only), hosted by Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai, and sponsored by Cisco
- 14 - 24 June 2023, Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology, hosted by IIT Hyderabad, and sponsored by TCS Research
- 19 - 30 June 2023, HPC and AI Compute Continuum, hosted by IIT Palakkad, and sponsored by National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) and IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation (IPTIF)
- 26 June - 07 July 2023, Algorithms for Data Science, hosted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
ACM India Summer School Committee