Notice of the 12th Annual General Meeting of the Members of Association For Computing Machinery – India
All the Professional members of Association for Computing Machinery - INDIASUBJECT: NOTICE OF THE 12th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Dear Member,
NOTICE is hereby given that the 12th Annual General Meeting of the professional members of Association for Computing Machinery India (“Society”) will be held virtually** to transact the following business:
1. To confirm minutes of the previous meeting held on June 25, 2022. Minutes were published on the website:
2. To receive and adopt the Annual Report for the year 2022-23*
3. To receive and adopt Financial Statements for the year 2022-23*
4. To appoint the auditors for the year 2023-24
5. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Association for Computing Machinery - India
Venkatesh Raman
* Annual Report for the year 2022-23 and Financial Statements for the year 2022-23 will be available on the website on 20 th June 2023
**Instructions to join the meeting virtually:
Please register on the below URL. You will be required to provide your ACM Professional Membership number for registration. After registration, you get link for attending the meeting.