Announcing the ACM India Annual Event 2023!

January 14, 2023

Dear India members:

The ACM India Council is happy to announce the ACM India Annual Event, to be held in Bhopal at the Oriental Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) on 11 February 2023, in physical mode.

The Annual Event is a great occasion to celebrate our achievements in computing and network with representatives of the strong computing community we have in India. This year the event will feature talks by Arjun Jain (UAVIO), Natarajan Shankar (SRI), Tulika Mitra (NUS), and a virtual fireside chat between Turing Award laureate Shafi Goldwasser (Simons Institute UC Berkeley) and Satya Lokam (MSR-I). Another highlight of the event is the award ceremony to felicitate ACM India DDA, ECR, OCCE, OCCW and Chapter Award winners. We are privileged to have ACM President Yannis Ioannidis and past President Gabriele Kotsis attending the event too.

The ACM India Academic Research and Careers for Students (ARCS) symposium on 9–10 February and the ACM-W India 10th Anniversary Celebration event on 10 February are co-located with the Annual Event.

Registration is free, but you need to register in order to attend. Further details and the registration link are available on the Annual Event 2023 site:

See you in Bhopal!