???, 2023
December 09-11, 2023,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
COMPUTE is an annual Indian conference supported by ACM India and iSIGCSE. The focus of COMPUTE is to improve the quality of computing education in the country by providing a platform for academicians and researchers to interact and share best practices in teaching, learning, and education in general.
COMPUTE 2023 is the sixth edition in the series and is planned to be held during Dec 9-11, 2023. COMPUTE 2023 is being organized under the aegis of the iSIGCSE (India Chapter of Special Interest Group on CS Education) in cooperation with ACM and SIGCSE. It will be held at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad in physical mode.
- Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023 AoE
- Notification to Authors: October 3, 2023
- Camera-Ready due: October 23, 2023
- Conference Dates: Dec 09-11, 2023
We invite papers not exceeding 6 pages in length from faculty and researchers in any theme pertaining to computing education:
- Computing education research
- Experience report and tools: pedagogic techniques and tools, teaching techniques, assessment methodologies or tools, etc.
- Educational data mining and learning analytics
- Curricula design and experience
- India specific education research issues
If a submission does not contain sufficient evidence (empirical evidence for experience reports, formal proofs, etc.) then it can be considered for publication as a short paper (maximum 4 pages).
The papers accepted for COMPUTE 2023 will be published as Proceedings by ACM ICPS and indexed in the ACM digital Library.
The paper must be submitted as a PDF through the CMT3 conference management system:
You must use the templates (Word or LaTeX) provided by ACM Proceedings Template to prepare your paper (Use the two-column template). The papers have to be original, i.e., not previously published in another conference or journal, nor currently under review by another conference or journal. Every submission will be checked for originality using a plagiarism detection software service, such as iThenticate.
Dr. Chitra Babu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
SSN College of Engineering(Autonomous)
Kalavakkam 603 110
ACM Senior Member, IEEE Senior Member
Life Member of CSI and ISTE
Member of ACM-W India Committee
Member of ACM India Education Committee