ACM India Industry Webinar, 14 June 2024

ACM India Industry Webinar on 14 June 2024 at 6pm IST
With Tanuja Ganu, Principal Research Engineering Manager, Microsoft Research India

“Generative AI Use-Cases in Education and Healthcare"

In this session of the webinar series, we focus on a very current and important topic on Generative AI. In this talk, the speaker will talk about the recent advances in Generative AI technologies and the use-cases of deploying such technologies in domains like Education and Healthcare.

Register now for the next session of ACM India Industry Webinar series, Generative AI Use-cases in Education and Healthcareto be presented on Friday 14 June 2024 at 6pm IST by Tanuja Ganu,Principal Research Engineering Manager at Microsoft Research, India.

The hosts for this session will be Dr. Rajeev Shorey, IIIT Surat.

Title: Generative AI Use-Cases in Education and Healthcare”


This talk would focus on the recent advances in Generative AI technologies and the use-cases of deploying such technologies in domains like Education and Healthcare. It would cover the opportunities, early validations and safe deployment considerations for deploying generative AI technologies in real-world scenarios.


Tanuja Ganu is Principal Research Engineering Manager at Microsoft Research India. Her current work focuses on creating, nurturing and deploying AI technologies that will have large scale impact on society. Prior to this, Tanuja was the Co-Founder and CTO of DataGlen Technologies, a B2B sustainability startup that focuses on achieving decarbonization and rapid adoption of distributed and renewable energy resources using IoT & Machine Learning technologies. Earlier, she has worked as Research Engineer at IBM Research India. Tanuja has been recognized as MIT Technology Review’s Innovator Under 35 (MIT TR 35) in 2014 and IEEE Bangalore Woman Technologist of the Year in 2018. Tanuja holds a Masters in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Science (IISc).

Host: Dr. Rajeev Shorey,IIIT Surat