Minigraphs: A New ACM Publication

Dear all,

Delighted and proud to share a significant development with you all: Minigraphs, which started as an ACM India practitioner initiative, is being adopted by ACM as a new ACM-wide publication series. Moreover, Minigraphs will be available through the Digital Library free of charge. ACM Publications Board has formally approved it and the Practitioner Board has agreed to anchor it. An international Editorial Board, chaired by Prof. R. Ramanujam (Jam), will be responsible for publishing future ACM Minigraphs with international authorship.

About Minigraphs: A Minigraph is a document aimed at providing young practitioners an overview of an important area of computing, with right level of information which can help enable a career choice in the area. As a 20-30 page document, a Minigraph follows a storyline-like narrative which would make it accessible to the interested but non-expert reader with computing background.

Thanks are due to Prof. Mathai Joseph who inspired the concept of Minigraphs, to mentors and the authors of the ACM India Minigraphs published so far, and all those who contributed to Minigraphs in various ways, for bringing this well-deserved acknowledgment to the initiative and giving it a worldwide platform.

Stand by for more details from ACM directly.

-- ACM India Learning Initiatives Committee