ACM to Celebrate 50 Years of Turing Award with Livestreamed Events
June 15, 2017
ACM is celebrating 50 years of the Turing Award and the visionaries who have received it by highlighting the significant impact of their contributions on computing and society. But we also aim to use this occasion to look ahead to the future of technology and innovation, and to help inspire the next generation of computer scientists to invent and dream.
To mark five decades of computing excellence, we’ll be livestreaming a two-day conference exploring how computing has evolved and where the field is headed on June 23 and 24.
Turing Award Laureates Barbara Liskov and Donald Knuth will kick off each day with keynote talks looking back on the recipients’ achievements and the growth of computer science as a discipline.
After each keynote talk, more Turing Laureates, ACM award recipients and other ACM experts will participate in moderated panel discussions on the most pressing issues in computing today: advances in deep neural networks; personal privacy vs. national security; preserving the past; Moore’s Law; ethics; quantum computing; and augmented reality.
The Statement on IoT Privacy and Security will serve as a foundation for a forthcoming Policy White Paper on IoT.
The conference takes place in San Francisco, but you can join us via live video streaming at Visit the conference program page to see the full schedule of events.