USACM Releases Statement on Accessibility, Usability, and Digital Inclusiveness
September 28, 2017
ACM’s US Public Policy Council (USACM) has reaffirmed its long-standing commitment to accessibility by releasing a statement and set of principles on accessibility, usability, and digital inclusiveness. Promoting digital inclusiveness for people with disabilities, as well as policies, regulations, and guidelines that ensure fair access to the opportunities that arise from digital innovations, has been an ongoing priority for USACM.
This set of principles builds upon earlier USACM policy statements by broadening the scope of issues that are addressed to include information and communication technologies (ICT). These principles can be used as a tool that web designers, software developers, and policymakers can use to assure that the promise of computing can be enjoyed to the maximum extent possible by all members of society.
Harry Hochheiser, Chair of USACM’s Accessibility Committee, said that “it is crucial to consider and build accessibility in from the beginning. These devices should be accessible and usable from conception. Designers and developers can avoid costly and difficult retrofitting by ensuring accessibility and usability before deployment.”
“The Council and its Accessibility Committee strive to advance public policies, practices, and research in usability, accessibility, and accessible technologies. ACM’s Special Interest Groups on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS), and Hypertext, Hypermedia and the Web (SIGWEB) also work to promote accessibility and usability in the computing field,” said Stuart Shapiro, Chair of USACM.
The Statement on Accessibility, Usability and Digital Inclusiveness was designed to be consistent with ACM’s Code of Ethics.