Apply Now for Funding to Attend ACM Symposium on Computer Science and Law: Deadline September 8
August 15, 2019
The inaugural ACM Symposium on Computer Science and Law will be held at the New York Law School in New York City on October 28. It will feature invited talks by speakers including keynoters Shafi Goldwasser (2012 ACM Turing Award co-recipient), Edward Felten (ACM Fellow and former ACM US Public Policy Council Chair) and Jack Balkin (Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School). Panels will explore research, education, and practice in the interplay of computer science and law. The day will conclude with a reception featuring student posters about work in computing and law, on topics ranging from cybersecurity to legal informatics.
Students are encouraged to apply for funding to attend the Symposium. You do not need to have entered the Student Paper Competition to qualify. You must also obtain a letter of recommendation from your academic adviser or from another faculty member at your college or university who is familiar with your work. The application deadline is September 8. Students whose applications are accepted will be notified September 22.