Tune in to the Livestream of ACM’s 75th Anniversary Celebration, June 10
June 7, 2022
ACM’s 75th Anniversary Celebration takes place this Friday, June 10, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm American Pacific Daylight Time. If you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to view the livestream on ACM’s homepage.
This notable occasion will not only be a remembrance of ACM’s past, but of its current and future endeavors with a full day of panel discussions focused on some of the most recent developments in the field of computing.
The celebration will commence at the following global times:
Central European Summer Time: 6:00 pm
India Standard Time: 9:30 pm
China Standard Time: 12:00 am, June 11
The program schedule follows. Times are Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
SESSION #1: 9:00–10:30 am
Gabriele Kotsis, ACM President
Jennifer Chayes, Program Chair
Opening Plenary: “From AI to Eternity”
Wendy Hall
Panel: Balancing Trust and Risk
Panelists: Stefan Savage (Moderator), Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, danah boyd, Bryan Ford, and James Mickens
SESSION #2: 11:00 am–12:45 pm
Panel: Incentives and Markets
Panelists: Kevin Leyton-Brown (Moderator), Susan Athey, Vincent Conitzer, Nicole Immorlica, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Hal Varian
Panel: Connecting Everyone Everywhere All the Time
Panelists: Charles Isbell (Moderator), Anind Dey, Jure Leskovec, Yoelle Maarek, and Duncan Watts
SESSION #3: 1:45–2:45 pm
Panel: Human-Centered AI
Panelists: Jitendra Malik (Moderator), Fei-Fei Li, Daphne Koller, and Raquel Urtasun
SESSION #4: 3:15–4:30 pm
Panel: Global Impact
Panelists: James Hendler (Moderator), Jeff Dean, Priya Donti, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Dina Katabi, and Anjana Rajan
Closing Remarks
Jennifer Chayes, Program Chair
Visit the ACM homepage to view the livestream. For more information about ACM’s 75th Anniversary Celebration, visit the event webpage.