ACM Recognizes Outstanding Service to the Field of Computing
May 4, 2022
ACM has recognized four individuals with awards for their exemplary service to the computing field. Working in diverse areas, the 2021 award recipients were selected by their peers for longstanding efforts that have strengthened the community. This year’s ACM award recipients made important contributions such as authoring computing textbooks and curriculum; increasing diversity in computing; advancing professional organizations; making the web accessible to millions of people and expanding ACM’s global presence.
Mark Allen Weiss receives the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for advancing the art and science of computer science (CS) education through his textbooks, research, and curriculum design, which have affected thousands of instructors and students worldwide.
Erik Altman receives the ACM Distinguished Service Award for leadership in the computer architecture communities, and for contributions to ACM organizational development.
Judy Brewer receives the ACM Policy Award for her leadership of the Web Accessibility Initiative and development of multiple web accessibility standards, which have been adopted globally and improved accessibility for millions worldwide.
Dame Wendy Hall receives the ACM Presidential Award for technical contributions that have significantly influenced the development of the Semantic Web and the field of Web Science, her leadership and impact in shaping technology policy and informatics education internationally, and her committed and inspired work to strengthen ACM's geographically diverse footprint by fostering regional councils to promote ACM activities in China, India, and Europe.