2022 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships
October 19, 2022
ACM and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) have named Marcin Copik of ETH Zurich and Masado Alexander Ishii of the University of Utah the recipients of the 2022 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships. Shelby Lockhart of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign received an Honorable Mention.
Copik’s research bridges the gap between high-performance programming and serverless computing. He is bringing the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) programming model into the HPC domain by developing high-performance software and hardware solutions for the serverless stack. By solving the fundamental performance challenges of FaaS, he is building a fast, efficient programming model that brings innovative cloud techniques into HPC data centers, allowing users to benefit from pay-as-you-go billing and helping operators to decrease running costs and their environmental impact.
Ishii is the main developer for the University of Utah’s Dendro-KT framework for four-dimensional adaptivity and parallel in time formulations. Given the ever-increasing levels of parallelism in the largest machines, parallelizing across space is not sufficient—and in many cases the inability to parallelize in time is the biggest bottleneck for several important problems. The Dendro-KT framework addresses this problem and also enables the development of high-orders and variable order in time formulation.
Lockhart is recognized for contributions in scalable iterative solvers using node-aware communication and low synchronization algorithms to reduce communication bottlenecks on supercomputers.
The ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship is endowed in memory of George Michael, one of the founders of the SC Conference series. The fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics using the most powerful computers that are currently available. The Fellowship includes a $5,000 honorarium and travel expenses to attend the SC conference, where the Fellowships are formally presented.