ACM Recognizes Outstanding Service to the Field of Computing
May 17, 2023
ACM has recognized four individuals with awards for their exemplary service to the computing field. Working in diverse areas, the 2022 award recipients were selected by their peers for initiatives that have expanded ACM’s mission of “Advancing Computing as a Science and Profession.” More importantly, in a field where individual efforts yield monetary rewards, this year’s ACM awardees are largely being recognized for selfless volunteer contributions. The four recipients helped the field with efforts such as authoring an influential textbook on computer programming, founding an organization within ACM dedicated to multimedia, taking a leading role in ACM’s publications program, and bringing an innovative computer science education program to an underserved region of Africa.
Michael E. Caspersen, Managing Director of It-vest and Honorary Professor, Aarhus University, receives the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for his contributions to computer science education research, his policy work at the national and international levels to advance the teaching of informatics for all, and his outstanding service to the computing education community.
Ramesh Jain, Professor, University of California, Irvine, receives the ACM Distinguished Service Award for establishing the ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia Systems (SIGMM), and for outstanding leadership and sustained services to ACM and the computing community for the past four decades.
Joseph A. Konstan, Professor, University of Minnesota, receives the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award for 25 years of dedicated service and leadership in support of ACM's mission and operation, and the advancement of ACM's research, education, and practitioner communities.
Jelani Nelson, Professor, University of California, Berkeley, receives the ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions Within Computer Science and Informatics for founding and developing AddisCoder, a nonprofit organization which teaches programming to underserved students from all over Ethiopia. AddisCoder has led many students to higher education and successful careers.