ACM Technology Policy Council Releases TechBrief on Generative AI
September 27, 2023
ACM's global Technology Policy Council (TPC) has released its "TechBrief: Generative Artificial Intelligence." The Techbrief is focused on the rapid commercialization of generative AI (GenAI) posing multiple large-scale risks to individuals, society, and the planet which requires a rapid, internationally coordinated response to mitigate.
The ACM TechBrief states that AI policy should incorporate end-to-end governance approaches that address risks “by design” and regulate at all stages of the design-to-deployment life cycle of AI products. It also proposes that governance mechanisms for GenAI technologies must address the entirety of their complex supply chains, and that actors should be subject to controls that are proportionate to the scope and scale of the risks their products pose, with corresponding legal liability and other concrete consequences for irresponsible practices.
ACM’s TechBriefs are designed to complement ACM’s activities in the policy arena and to inform policymakers, the public, and others about the nature and implications of information technologies. Previous ACM TechBriefs focused on the data trust deficit, safer algorithmic systems , climate change, facial recognition, smart cities, quantum simulation, and election security. Topics under consideration for future issues include generative AI, media disinformation, content filtering, blockchain, accessibility and more.
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