11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum - Watch the Livestream

September 19, 2024

The Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) is a networking conference where 200 carefully selected young researchers in mathematics and computer science spend a week interacting with the laureates of the ACM A.M. Turing Award, ACM Prize in Computing, Abel Prize, Fields Medal, IMU Abacus Medal, and Nevanlinna Prize. The 11th HLF will be taking place from September 22 - 27.

Select sessions will be available for livestream viewing on the HLF website: https://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/.

Notable participants this year include ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients Jack Dongarra, Vinton Cerf, Whitfield Diffie, Leslie Lamport, David Patterson, Patrick Hanrahan, Martin Hellman, Manuel Blum, John Hopcroft, Raj Reddy, Adi Shamir, Robert Tarjan, Ken Thompson, Jeffrey Ullman, and Leslie Valiant, and ACM Prize in Computing recipients Yael Tauman Kalai and Alexei Efros—many of whom will be delivering lectures and taking part in Lighting Talks and Spark Sessions. Also participating will be ACM President Yannis Ioannidis and former ACM President Cherri Pancake.

You can view the entire HLF schedule here.