ACM Technology Policy Council Releases “TechBrief: Technology Policy Can Curb Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and Crimes Against Children”
February 25, 2025
ACM's Technology Policy Council (TPC) has released the latest installment in the TechBriefs series, “Technology Policy Can Curb Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and Crimes Against Children.” The TechBrief concerns intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking, and child exploitation which are global problems that continue to grow and are facilitated by perpetrators using many of the same technologies.
The TechBrief states that these offenses are being addressed inconsistently—and often separately—by law enforcement, government agencies, and civil society in each country. Many reports indicate that these technology-facilitated crimes are on the rise worldwide, particularly following the pandemic lockdown and associated restrictions. ACM's TPC encourages legislators and policymakers to draft laws, regulations, and policies broadly so they apply to all three areas of abuse and thwart technology-facilitated IPV, human trafficking, and child exploitation and provide protections to primary users.
ACM’s TechBriefs are designed to complement ACM’s activities in the policy arena and to inform policymakers, the public, and others about the nature and implications of information technologies. Previous ACM TechBriefs focused on a data privacy, automated vehicles, trusted AI, the data trust deficit, safer algorithmic systems, generative AI, climate change, facial recognition, smart cities, quantum simulation, and election auditing. Topics under consideration for future issues include accessibility, misinformation/disinformation, explainable AI, AI and the future of work, and more.
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