ACM MemberNet - September 29, 2022
Welcome to the September 2022 edition of ACM MemberNet, bringing you the world of ACM and beyond. Explore the many facets of ACM with our newsletter of member activities and events. Read past issues of MemberNet online in our archive.
Read coverage of ACM in the news media.
September 29, 2022
- Ian Foster Recognized With ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
- The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum—Now On Demand
- Jack Dongarra to Give the ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture at SC22
- Call for Nominations for 2022 ACM Awards
- Call for Nominations: Gordon Bell Special Prize for Covid-19 Research
- SIG Elections and Extensions
- Join the Seminar, "Capturing Hidden ACM Heritage," Sept. 30–Oct. 1, 2022
- FCRC 2023, June 16–23, 2023
- SIGHPC 2022 Fellows / Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
- Design Automation Conference (DAC) Awards
- Best Paper Awards Given at Recent ACM SIG Conferences
- MICRO, Oct. 1–5
- SIGDOC, Oct. Oct 6–8
- ESWEEK, Oct. 7–14
- ACMMM, Oct. 10–14
- CIKM, Oct. 17–22
- MobiCom, Oct. 17–22
- ASSETS, Oct. 23–26
- MODELS, Oct. 23–28
- ICCAD, Oct. 30–Nov. 3
- Become an Ambassador for ACM—You Could Be a Grand Prize Winner!
- Featured Member Benefit: FreshBooks
- ACM Academic Department Membership Option
- Discover the Latest ACM Selects: "Getting Started With IoT"
- ACM ByteCast Interviews Nuria Oliver
- TechTalks: The Evolution of Accessibility
- Upcoming ACM Student Research Competitions: Submission Deadlines
- Graduating Students Eligible for Special Transition Rate
- New ACM Journals Open for Submissions
- ACM Journals Inaugural Issues
- New ACM Books
- acmqueue: "The Arrival of Zero Trust: What Does it Mean?"
- ACM Open: Johns Hopkins University and North Dakota State University
Ian Foster Recognized With ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award

Ian Foster, a Professor at the University of Chicago and Division Director at Argonne National Laboratory, has been named the recipient of the 2022 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award. The Ken Kennedy Award recognizes pathbreaking achievements in parallel (high-performance) computing. Foster is cited for contributions to programming and productivity in computing via the establishment of new programming models and foundational science services. The award will be formally presented to Foster in November at The International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC22).
The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum—Now On Demand
The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, held September 18–23, offered young researchers and other participants the opportunity to connect with scientific pioneers as some of the brightest minds in mathematics and computer science came together for an unrestrained, interdisciplinary exchange. 22 ACM Award recipients participated this year, including ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients Jack Dongarra, Vinton Cerf, Whit Diffie, and Yoshua Bengio, as well as ACM Prize in Computing recipients Pieter Abbeel, Shwetak N. Patel, and Alexei Efros, among many others. You can view the individual panels and lectures on demand on the HLF YouTube page.
Jack Dongarra to Give the ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture at SC22

2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient Jack Dongarra will be delivering his Turing Lecture in place of the keynote presentation at The 2022 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22). The ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture will be at 9 am CT (2 pm UTC) on Tuesday, November 15, on the SC22 Main Stage in the Dallas Ballroom of the Omni Dallas Hotel and via livestream. You can read more about the award, and watch the video interview with Dongarra about his career shown at this year's ACM Awards Banquet.
Call for Nominations for 2022 ACM Awards
ACM seeks your help in building and diversifying the nomination pool for our 2022 Awards. It is often the case that people wonder why a specific person who seems highly deserving has not received an ACM award. The common answer is that the person was never nominated. We ask that members help distribute this ACM Awards Call for Nominations to your network through distribution lists, related organizations, and individual contacts to help ensure that deserving candidates are nominated. It is also asked that ACM's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion be taken into consideration when nominating. While candidates for advanced member grades (Fellow or Distinguished Member) must be ACM members, candidates for ACM Awards do not need to be members to be nominated.
For a list of all ACM awards, information about each award, and their categories, please visit the ACM Awards Webpage.
Call for Nominations: Gordon Bell Special Prize for Covid-19 Research
The Gordon Bell Special Prize for High Performance Computing-Based COVID-19 Research will be awarded in 2022 to recognize outstanding research achievement towards the understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic through the use of high-performance computing (HPC). The purpose of the award is to recognize the innovative parallel computing contributions towards the solution of the global crisis. Nominations will be selected based on performance and innovation in their computational methods, in addition to their contributions towards understanding the nature, spread and/or treatment of the disease. Financial support of this $10,000 award is provided by Gordon Bell, a pioneer in high-performance and parallel computing. The deadline for nominations is October 8.
Call for ACM Senior Member Nominations
The Senior Member advanced grade of membership recognizes ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous ACM Professional membership. Nominations are accepted on a quarterly basis. The deadline for nominations is December 3.
SIG Elections and Extensions
In accordance with ACM Bylaw 6, the following SIGs will hold elections in 2023: SIGAPP, SIGARCH, SIGBED, SIGCAS, SIGDOC, SIGecom, SIGENERGY, SIGEVO, SIGMETRICS, SIGMICRO, SIGOPS, SIGSPATIAL, and SIGWEB.
SIG elections are generally scheduled to take place in odd-numbered years, with the elected officers holding office for a set number of years as set forth in the SIG's bylaws. There is a provision for the SIG’s Executive Committee to make a one-time request to extend its term of office. This provision was introduced so that SIGs did not have to hold an expensive election when officers would be rerunning for office, since incumbents were usually reelected.
In accordance with ACM's Constitution and Bylaws, the following SIGs have requested, and the SIG Governing Board EC has granted, an extension of terms:
- SIGAda - Special Interest Group on Ada Programming Language
- SIGCOMM - Special Interest Group on Data Communication
- SIGKDD - Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- SIGMIS - ACM Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems
- SIGMOBILE - Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data & Comp
- SIGMM - Special Interest Group on Multimedia Systems
- SIGSAC - Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control
- SIGSAM - Special Interest Group on Symbolic & Algebraic Manipulation
- SIGUCCS - Special Interest Group on University & College Computing Services
As a voting member, you may petition the ACM to request an election. A petition of at least 1% of the SIG's members must be submitted to ACM HQ by October 3, 2022. To initiate the petition process, please contact Pat Ryan, ACM’s Chief Operating Officer at: [email protected]. If the petition is successful, the SIG will be asked to form a nominating committee and begin the electoral process.
Join the Seminar, "Capturing Hidden ACM Heritage," Sept. 30–Oct. 1, 2022

The ACM History Committee is hosting an on-line seminar focusing on preserving the heritage of ACM. The seminar targets organizations in the ACM universe that are interested in engaging with this goal. This seminar is designed for individuals who are planning or are actively involved in doing projects related to ACM's past, including the history of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), past or present. The seminar will explore concepts and methods for heritage preservation, including professional archiving practices. This one-and-a-half-day on-line event via Zoom, which is open to the public, brings together individuals interested in ACM's heritage and history and will highlight ongoing projects.
For more information and to register, visit the event webpage.
FCRC 2023, June 16–23, 2023
The 2023 ACM Federated Computing Research Conference will assemble a spectrum of affiliated research conferences and workshops into a week-long, co-located meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA. This model retains the advantages of the smaller conferences while at the same time facilitating communication among researchers in different fields of computer science and engineering. Each morning FCRC will feature a joint plenary talk on topics of broad appeal to the computing research community. The technical program for each affiliated conference will be independently administered, and each is responsible for its own meeting's structure, content, and proceedings. To the extent facilities allow, attendees are free to attend technical sessions of other affiliated conferences co-located with their "home" conference.
SIGHPC 2022 Fellows / Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
ACM’s Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC) has announced the eleven recipients of the ACM SIGHPC Computational and Data Science Fellowships for 2022. The recipients are Tassallah Abdullahi (Brown University), Jennifer Briggs (University of Colorado), Navona Calarco (University of Toronto), Leslie Cook (Midwestern State University), Draga Doncila Pop (Monash University), Alexis Garretson (Tufts University), Tobias Holden (Northwestern University), Hellina Nigatu (University of California, Berkeley), Sonal Sannigrahi (Saarland University), Ana Veroneze Solórzano (Northeastern University), and Nicole Tomassi (Boston University). SIGHPC also announced Maciej Besta as the recipient of the 2022 Winner of SIGHPC's Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, with Kazem Cheshmi selected for Honorable Mention.
Design Automation Conference (DAC) Awards
The 2022 Design Automation Conference was held July 10–14 in San Francisco, with several awards being conferred. The SIGDA University Demonstration is a great opportunity for university researchers to showcase their results and to interact with participants at DAC. The Marie R. Pistilli Women in Engineering Achievement Award was awarded to Michelle Clancy, CEO of Cayenne Global and marketing leader in the EDA sector. And the Design Automation Conference Under-40 Innovators Award was received by Yanjing Li (University of Chicago), Luca Amaru (Synopsys), Hesham Omran (Ain Shams University), and Guangyu Sun (Peking University).
Best Paper Awards Given at Recent ACM SIG Conferences
ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) regularly cite outstanding individuals for their contributions in 38 distinct technological fields. Some awards presented (or to be presented) at conferences:
- AutomotiveUI '22: 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
- IVA 2022: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
- ICFP 2022: 27th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
- SPLC 2022: 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference
- SIGCOMM 2022: ACM SIGCOMM Conference
- DAC 2022: 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
You can find them all here.
MICRO, Oct. 1–5
The 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture is the premier forum for presenting, discussing, and debating innovative microarchitecture ideas and techniques for advanced computing and communication systems. Lectures, tutorials, and workshops will cover subjects such as revisiting residue codes, code compaction, cache cohesion, multi-layer in-memory processing, and many more. Keynotes will be delivered by David Ditzel (Esperanto), Jason Cong (UCLA), and Krysta M. Svore (Microsoft). This conference will be held as an in-person event in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
SIGDOC, October Oct. 6–8
The conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Design of Communication will be held in-person in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, with the theme of "Return, Reassess, Resolve." This year offers a number of workshops including: "Design Coalitions: Mapping Participatory Design Work in PTC"; "Addressing Equity and Justice in Infrastructural Rhetoric"; "Risk and Crisis Communication"; "Communicating with Digital Interfaces"; "UX Design"; and many more. Keynote speakers are Dr. Miram Williams (Texas State University) and Prajwal Ciryam (University of Maryland).
ESWEEK, Oct. 7–14 (hybrid)
Embedded Systems Week is the premier event covering all aspects of hardware and software design for intelligent and connected computing systems, bringing together three leading conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), and two symposia (MEMOCODE, NOCS). Subjects covered will include quantum control, confidential computing, embedded machine learning, and more. Keynote speaker are Jie Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Peter Stone (The University of Texas at Austin), and 2021 Eckert-Mauchly Award recipient Margaret Martonosi (National Science Foundation). The event will be held in-person in Shanghai, China, and Phoenix, Arizona, USA, with many online-only events available.
ACMMM, Oct. 10–14
The ACM Multimedia Conference is the worldwide premier conference and a key world event to display scientific achievements and innovative industrial products in the multimedia field. The conference will offer an extensive program of sessions, presentations, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations, and workshops including: "Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports"; "Human-Centric Multimedia Analysis"; "Interactive eXtended Reality"; and more. Keynote speakers are Yoelle Maarek (Amazon), Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Alicante), and Douwe Kiela (Hugging Face). This event will be held in-person in Lisbon, Portugal.
CIKM 2022, Oct. 17–22 (hybrid)
The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data and knowledge bases. This hybrid event will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, with workshops and tutorials including: "Fairness of Machine Learning in Search Engines"; "Federated Learning with Graph Data"; "Privacy Algorithms in Systems"; and many more. Keynote speakers TBA.
MobiCom 2022, Oct. 17–22
The 28th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking will be held in person in Sydney, Australia. Sessions will include: "Frontiers in Communication Systems"; "Securing Wireless Communication Via Programmable Metasurface"; "Enabling Contactless Sensing with Mobility"; and many more. Keynote speakers include Victor Bahl (Microsoft Azure), Hari Balakrishnan (MIT), James A. Landay (Stanford University), and Shyam Gollakota (University of Washington).
ASSETS, Oct. 23–26 (hybrid)
The ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility explores the design, evaluation, and use of computing and information technologies to benefit people with disabilities and older adults. ASSETS’22 will be held in Athens, Greece, and will be the first-ever “hybrid” conference in its 24 years. Workshops include: "The Future of Urban Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Data Collection, Analytics, Policy, and Tools"; "Disability Inclusive Remote Co-Design"; "Including Accessibility in Computer Science Education"; and more. Keynote speakers will be Haben Girma (human rights lawyer) and Clayton Lewis (University of Colorado Boulder).
MODELS, Oct. 23–28
The ACM / IEEE 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems is the premier conference series for model-driven software and systems engineering, and is organized with support of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE. The conference has the special theme “Modeling for Social Good," and technical papers and events themed around socio-technical systems, tools with social impact, integrating human values, data science, and intelligent systems are encouraged. Keynote speakers include Akshay Rajhans (MathWorks, USA), Danny Tarlow (Google Brain), and Maria Angela Ferrario (Queen’s University Belfast). The event will be held in-person in Montreal, Canada.
ICCAD, Oct. 30–Nov. 3 (hybrid)
The 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design is the premier forum to explore the new challenges, present leading-edge innovative solutions, and identify emerging technologies in the electronic design automation research areas. This year's workshops include: "Open-Source EDA Technology"; "Zero Trust Hardware Architectures"; "Hardware and Algorithms"; "Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security"; and more. Keynote speakers include Jason Cong (UCLA) and Farinaz Koushanfar (University of California San Diego). This is a hybrid event being held in San Diego, California, USA.
Europe TPC Offers Guidance in UK AI Regulatory Framework Consultation
The government of the United Kingdom recently solicited public comments on "Establishing a Pro-Innovation Approach to Regulating AI," its July 20, 2022 policy paper designed to inform the development of a comprehensive AI regulatory framework. As summarized by a private law firm:
"The AI Paper provides for an alternative approach to AI regulation in the UK when compared with the recently proposed draft legislation for AI regulation in the EU (the EU AI Act). The UK Government favours a more decentralised and less regimented approach: guidance, rather than legislation; sector-based, rather than cross-sector application; regulated at sector level, rather than centrally; and with a looser definition of what constitutes AI for the purposes of regulatory application. This is intended to make the UK an attractive environment for AI innovation, with more flexible and pragmatic regulation, although AI businesses operating in multiple sectors will potentially need to review and comply with more than one set of principles and address conflicts between them."
In its September submission, in addition to commenting on several specific inquiries, Europe TPC made four overarching recommendations:
- Environmental risks and impacts should explicitly be considered and addressed
- AI regulation must be compatible internationally to enable the technological interoperability needed to sustain a thriving global ai ecosystem
- Critical elements of the proposed cross-sectoral principles should be clearly defined
- Development of an AI regulatory framework must remain a highly transparent process
As previously reported in MemberNet, Europe TPC also has participated in two other recent consultations bearing on artificial intelligence, commenting on the European Commission’s Proposed AI Regulations (August 5, 2021) and February 2020 AI White Paper (June 19, 2020).
Connect with ACM's Tech Policy Groups!
To learn more about upcoming programs and the work of ACM's Technology Policy groups, follow @USTPC and @EuropeTPC on Twitter. If you're interested in contributing to the work of ACM's Europe or US Technology Policy Committees, please email [email protected].
Become an Ambassador for ACM—You Could Be a Grand Prize Winner!
The Ambassadors for ACM program rewards ACM members like you for encouraging new members to join. Your first-hand experience with ACM's valuable career development and continuous learning programs makes you a perfect envoy to share your ACM experiences with prospective members. The Ambassadors for ACM program offers opportunities for you to earn new prizes, rewards, and bonus gifts with each referral. Submit the ACM Referral Form, and your referrals can join ACM at a special discount rate. Our members are our greatest asset. Your support of ACM is critical to our continuing efforts to advance computing as a science and a profession. Please consider becoming an Ambassador for ACM.
Featured Member Benefit: FreshBooks
FreshBooks is accounting software that makes running your business easy, fast, and secure. Automate invoicing, organize expenses, track time, and accept payments online with just a few clicks. FreshBooks helps you grow your business, gets you paid twice as fast, and keeps you and your team organized, efficient, and collaborative. Through our partnership with FreshBooks, ACM members can now get their first two months free.
ACM Academic Department Membership Option
The ACM Academic Department Membership option allows universities and colleges to provide ACM Professional Membership to their faculty at a greatly reduced collective cost. ACM offers a membership for academic department faculty at the cost of $49 per person, more than half off the standard ACM professional membership fee of $99 per year. Through this program, each faculty member will receive all the benefits of individual professional ACM membership, including Communications of the ACM, member rates to ACM Special Interest Group conferences, member subscription rates to ACM journals, and much more. To learn more, visit the ACM Academic Department Membership page or contact Cindy Ryan.
Discover the Latest ACM Select: "Getting Started With IoT"
ACM Selects are themed shortlists curated by subject matter experts for both serious and emerging computing professionals, with the goal of providing new ways to discover relevant resources, either through ACM or authenticated by ACM-affiliated specialists. The latest Select is part one of our feature, "Getting Started With Internet Of Things" (IoT), which offers a set of introductory articles of IoT, a selection of easy-to-read articles describing and motivating the IoT, and a deep dive into the major aspects of IoT such as communication protocols, edge-to-cloud continuum, AI and data analytics, and security/privacy.
ACM ByteCast Interviews Nuria Oliver

ACM ByteCast is ACM's series of podcast interviews with researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice. In the latest episode, host Rashmi Mohan interviews Nuria Oliver, the first female Science Director at Telefonica R&D and Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance. Oliver highlights her experience with teams and why a flat structure seems to work best, and shares her experience with the Data-Pop Alliance, an initiative created by MIT in order to use data for social good. She also discusses her passion—inspiring young girls in computer science—and her belief that we have a societal challenge to tackle in the underrepresentation of women in technology and the failure to inspire young girls into this field. Oliver also shares what most excites her about her future career.
Listen to ACM ByteCast interviews here, or wherever you get your podcasts.
TechTalk: The Evolution of Accessibility
Watch the on-demand ACM TechTalk "The Evolution of Accessibility," by Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Chief Accessibility Officer at Microsoft. Her team is at the forefront of creating positive experiences that apply technology to make a difference in the world and the lives of individuals, from how we hire and support people with disabilities in employment to innovative technology that aims to revolutionize what’s possible for people with disabilities. Lay-Flurrie leads many initiatives to empower people with disabilities both inside and outside of Microsoft. She founded the Disability Employee Resource Group at Microsoft, created the Disability Answer Desk which provides specialist customer support to people with disabilities, and hosts the annual Microsoft Ability Summit, which focuses on empowering 13,000+ registered attendees with the inclusive and innovative thinking necessary to enable people around the world. Outside of Microsoft, Lay-Flurrie is on the board of directors of Disability:IN, Gallaudet University, and Team Gleason.
Visit the TechTalks Archive for our full archive of past TechTalks.
Upcoming ACM Student Research Competitions: Submission Deadlines
ACM Student Research Competitions (SRCs) offer a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees. The most recent SRC winners were presented at ICFP 2022. The next conferences accepting submissions are:
- SIGCSE 2023, March 15–18, deadline October 14, 2022
- SAC 2023, March 27–April 1, deadline October 1, 2022
- CHI 2023, April 23–28, deadline January 19, 2023
- ICSE 2023, May 14–20, deadline December 30, 2022
- PLDI 2023, June 19–21, deadline March 23, 2023
Graduating Students Eligible for Special Transition Rate
ACM offers a special ACM Professional Membership for $49 USD (regularly $99) to help graduating students make the transition to professional careers, and take advantage of continuous learning opportunities, including free online books and courses and access to ACM's Career & Job Center. This one-year-only transition rate includes all the benefits of Professional Membership plus the option of purchasing a Digital Library subscription for $50. Recent graduates can access this special transition offer through ACM's convenient online renewal form, or by following the instructions on the paper renewal form. For more information, visit the Reasons to Transition to Professional Membership page.
About the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program
Book the speaker for your next event through the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program (DSP) and deliver compelling and insightful content to your audience. ACM will cover the cost of transportation for the speaker to travel to your event. Our program features renowned thought leaders in academia, industry, and government speaking about the most important topics in the computing and IT world today. Our booking process is simple and convenient.
See ACM Distinguished Speakers in action on our Flickr page.
Featured ACM Distinguished Speaker: Lauren Maffeo

Lauren Maffeo has reported on and worked within the global technology sector covering tech trends for The Guardian and The Next Web from London. Today, Maffeo works as an associate principal analyst at GetApp, where she covers the impact of emerging tech like AI and blockchain on small and midsize business owners. In 2017, Maffeo was named to The Drum’s "50 Under 30" list of women worth watching in digital. That same year, she helped organize Women Startup Challenge Europe, which was the continent’s largest venture capital competition for women-led startups. She has served as a mentor for Girls in Technology’s Maryland chapter, and DCA Live included her in its 2018 list of “The NEW Power Women of Tech.” Maffeo was also shortlisted for the Future Stars of Tech Award in AI and Machine Learning by Information Age in 2019. Her lecture topics include “Erase Unconscious Bias From Your AI Datasets.” She is available to speak through the ACM Distinguished Speaker Program.
For more information about Maffeo, please visit her DSP speaker information page.
Welcome New ACM Chapters
Chapters are the "local neighborhoods" of ACM. The regional ACM Professional, Student, ACM-W, and Special Interest Group (SIG) chapters around the globe involve members locally in competitions, seminars, lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities. ACM welcomes the new chapters that were chartered August 12 through September 15, 2022:
ACM Student Chapters:
- CU Colorado Springs ACM Student Chapter, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
- Jadavpur University ACM Student Chapter, Kolkata, India
- MANIT ACM Student Chapter, Bhopal, India
- NYU Tandon School of Engineering ACM-W Student Chapter, Brooklyn, New York, USA
- PIET ACM Student Chapter, Panipat, India
- Universidad Panamericana Aguascalientes ACM-W Student Chapter, Aguascalientes, Mexico
- University of Calgary ACM-W Student Chapter, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- University of Rochester ACM Student Chapter, Rochester, New York, USA
ACM Professional Chapters:
- Bangalore ACM Chapter, Bangalore, India
- Costa Rica ACM SIGCHI Chapter, Cartago, Costa Rica
Chapter Events
ACM would like to highlight and congratulate the following chapters for organizing these successful events:
HTU ACM Student Chapter
(Amman, Jordan)
In July, the HTU ACM Student Chapter held their second problem solving training session to help prepare our students for the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). Joined by over 30 students from campus, they kicked off the training with a live interview with an ICPC finalist from their own town, offering students an opportunity to interact and inquire about the training of an ICPC finalist.
Hyderabad Deccan ACM Chapter
(Hyderabad, India)
Hyderabad Deccan ACM Chapter collaborated with engineering colleges, the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE), and BVRIT Hyderabad College for Women (BVRITH) to celebrate World Environment Day in June, with seminars promoting technological advancements in environmental and climate sciences. A quiz was conducted for the participants and chapter-sponsored prizes were given to the winners.
UHCL ACM Student Chapter
(Texas, USA)
The UHCL ACM Student Chapter held a "Coffee with Professor" event every Thursday through the summer semester. Each week students were able to meet with a professor and ask questions outside of the classroom, with professors sharing their knowledge in Computer Science/Engineering/IT and research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Celebrating Our Members
As part of their continued efforts to promote and encourage the participation, inclusion, and advancement of women in the field of computer science and other related fields, both ACM-W North America and ACM-W Europe have made a special effort to spotlight individuals within their organizations who celebrated the variety and breadth of talents, interests, and achievements. These individuals who have been recognized for their unique and inspirational stories can be found both on the ACM-W North America Profiles section and the ACM-W Europe Blog. Please visit both sites and get to know more about these women who are forging their own future in their fields.
Join ACM-W's Membership Email List
Did you know that ACM-W offers a general email distribution list for its members? This ACM-W public list is a communication channel for disseminating general information about ACM-W, bulletins, and upcoming events, which can be joined here. Also read the ACM-W Connections newsletter for updates on ACM-W programs, local celebrations, scholarships and awards, chapters, and more.
Juan Meza Receives the 2022 Tapia Award
The ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing brings together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities in the premier venue to acknowledge, promote, and celebrate diversity in computing. The recipient of the 2022 Richard A. Tapia Achievement Award for Scientific Scholarship, Civic Science and Diversifying Computing is Juan Meza (University of California, Merced). The award is given annually to an individual who is a distinguished computational scientist, computer scientist or computer engineer and who is making significant contributions to civic areas such as teaching, mentoring, advising, and building and serving communities. The individual is also one who demonstrates extraordinary leadership in increasing the participation of groups who are underrepresented in the sciences.
New ACM Journals Open for Submissions
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (JRC) will publish high-quality original research at the intersection of computing, ethics, information, law, policy, responsible innovation, and social responsibility from a wide range of convergent, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives. The journal welcomes papers using any or a combination of computational, conceptual, qualitative, quantitative, and other methods to make contributions to knowledge, methods, practice, and theory, broadly defined.
ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems (JATS) aims to cover topics in design, analysis, and the control of autonomous transportation systems. The area of autonomous transportation systems is at a critical point where the issues of data, models, computation, and scale are increasingly important. Multiple disciplines are approaching the problems of traffic operations, road safety, sustainability, and efficient road traffic and vehicle management which require communication cooperation. Interdisciplinary research in communications and networking, control systems, machine learning, traffic engineering, transportation systems, and unmanned aerial systems are also of interest.
ACM Games: Research and Practice offers a lighthouse for games research—a central reference point that defines the state of the art on games and playable media across academic research and industry practice. Inclusive in community, discipline, method, and game form, it publishes major reviews, tutorials, and advances on games and playable media that are both practically useful and grounded in robust evidence and argument, alongside case studies, opinions, and dialogues on new developments that will change games. It embraces open science and scholarship and actively champions new and underrepresented voices in games and playable media.
Inspired by the broad agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Communities (JCSS) aims to publish significant and original research from a broad array of computer and information sciences, social sciences, environmental sciences, and engineering fields that support the growth of sustainable societies worldwide, especially including under-represented and marginalized communities. JCSS aims to explicitly promote interdisciplinary research work including new methodologies, systems, techniques, applications, behavioral, qualitative, and quantitative studies that address key societal challenges including sustainability, gender equality, health, education, poverty, accessibility, conservation, climate change, energy, infrastructure, and economic growth, among others. We also welcome research on the ethics of technology, especially from a critical perspective, that explores limitations and concerns with technology-led solutions for sustainable societies.
ACM Journals Inaugural Issues
The inaugural issue of ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (DLT) is now available for download. DLT is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality, interdisciplinary research on the research and development, real-world deployment, and/or evaluation of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts. DLT offers a blend of original research work and innovative practice-driven advancements by internationally distinguished DLT experts and researchers from academia, and public and private sector organizations.
The inaugural issue of Collective Intelligence (COLA) is now available for download. Co-published by SAGE, COLA is a global, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes trans-disciplinary work bearing on collective intelligence across the disciplines. The journal embraces a policy of creative rigor in the study of collective intelligence to facilitate the discovery of principles that apply across scales and new ways of harnessing the collective to improve social, ecological, and economic outcomes. In that spirit, the journal encourages a broad-minded approach to collective performance. We welcome perspectives that emphasize traditional views of intelligence as well as optimality, satisficing, robustness, adaptability, and wisdom.
New ACM Books
Applied Affective Computing, by Leimin Tian, Sharon Oviatt, Michal Muszynski, Brent C. Chamberlain, Jennifer Healey, and Akane Sano, discusses this nascent field that sits at the cross-section between artificial intelligence and social and behavioral science. This book offers readers an overview to the state of the art and emerging themes in affective computing using comprehensive reviews of existing approaches to affective computing systems and social signal processing.
In Theories of Programming: The Life and Works of Tony Hoare, editors Cliff B. Jones and Jayadev Misra present the essence of the 1980 A.M. Turing Award laureate's various works—the quest for effective abstractions—both in his own words and in chapters written by leading experts in the field, including many of his research collaborators. This volume also contains biographical material, his Turing Award lecture, the transcript of an interview, and some of his foundational papers.
In The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents, editors Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachaud, and David Traum provide a comprehensive overview of the research fields of embodied conversational agents, intelligent virtual agents, and social robotics. Socially interactive agents, whether virtually or physically embodied, are autonomous agents that are able to perceive an environment—including people or other agents—then reason, decide how to interact, and express attitudes such as emotions, engagement, or empathy.
acmqueue: "The Arrival of Zero Trust: What Does it Mean?"
Enterprise cybersecurity used to rely on securing the corporate network, and then: "Trust, but verify." But now, with cloud computing and most employees working from home at least some of the time, there is no longer such thing as a single security perimeter. And with corporate security breaches becoming commonplace, trust has essentially evaporated as well. The concept of the Zero Trust enterprise defense strategy is based on the idea that no network, user, packet, interface, or device should be trusted, and eliminating the concept of trust altogether.
ACM Open: Johns Hopkins University and North Dakota State University Sign Agreements
ACM is pleased to announce two new ACM Open agreements. Johns Hopkins University and North Dakota State University have both signed on to the ACM Open program, allowing researchers at these institutions to publish in open access an unlimited number of research articles in the ACM Digital Library.
ACM Open is ACM's transformative open access publishing model for transitioning ACM to become a sustainable open access publisher with the goal of making research publications in the ACM Digital Library fully open access upon publication. A full list of institutions that have signed on to the ACM Open program can be found here.
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15–October 15)

>Diversity in computing enriches our understanding of the field as well as the people working in it. Check out ACM’s Spotlight Series, featuring Hispanic computing professionals whose academic excellence, engineering accomplishments, and long-term efforts to diversify the field make them inspiring role models for future generations of students, researchers, and practitioners.
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Connecting with the right employers in computing can be a daunting task. Thankfully, the world's leading companies, colleges and universities come to the ACM Career & Job Center to find the best candidates. By creating an account on the ACM Career and Job Center, you'll gain access to a wide range of tools to help you find the perfect job:
- Finding a Job - Use the job search tools to find a job that matches your search criteria.
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