ACM MemberNet - October 27, 2022
Welcome to the October 2022 edition of ACM MemberNet, bringing you the world of ACM and beyond. Explore the many facets of ACM with our newsletter of member activities and events. Read past issues of MemberNet online in our archive.
Read coverage of ACM in the news media.
October 27, 2022
- Jack Dongarra to Give the ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture at SC22
- View the 2022 HLF Laureate Panel on Demand
- SIGSPATIAL, Nov. 1–4
- ICAIF, Nov. 2–4 (hybrid)
- SenSys, Nov. 6–9
- Middleware, Nov. 7–11
- CCS, Nov. 7–11
- CSCW, Nov. 8–22 (online)
- SC, Nov 13–18
- ESEC/FSE, Nov. 14–18
- TechBrief: "Election Security: Risk-Limiting Audits"
- ACM Global Technology Policy Council Endorsement
- Connect with ACM's Tech Policy Groups!
- Become an Ambassador for ACM—You Could Be a Grand Prize Winner!/Q1 Ambassadors
- Featured Member Benefit: Discounts and Special Offers
- ACM Academic Department Membership Option
- Pluralsight Training Now Available for ACM Members
- Skillsoft’s Percipio Platform is Now Available
- ACM ByteCast Interviews Steve Nouri
- TechTalks: "Tradeoffs in the Software Workflow"
- Upcoming ACM Student Research Competitions: Submission Deadlines
- Graduating Students Eligible for Special Transition Rate
- ACM-W Rising Star Award Nominations
- Celebrating Technology Leaders, Episode 11
- Join ACM-W's Membership Email List
- DL Research Study
- New ACM Journals Open for Submissions
- TOPLAS Names Jan Vitek as EiC
- New ACM Books
- acmqueue: "Mapping the Privacy Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currencies"
- ACM Open: Several Institutions Renew and Sign New Agreements
Jack Dongarra to Give the ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture at SC22

2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient Jack Dongarra will be delivering his Turing Lecture, "A Not So Simple Matter of Software," at the 2022 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22). In it, he will examine how high-performance computing has changed over the last 40 years, look toward future trends, and discuss how a new generation of software libraries and algorithms is needed to use dynamic, distributed, and parallel environments effectively. The lecture will take place at 9 am CT (2 pm UTC) on Tuesday, November 15, and will be available via livestream.
Read more about the award and watch the video interview with Dongarra about his career shown at this year's ACM Awards Banquet.
View the 2022 HLF Laureate Panel On Demand
This year's 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum offered young researchers and other participants the opportunity to connect with scientific pioneers and learn how the laureates made it to the top of their fields. A highlight of the event was the Laureate Discussion moderated by ACM CEO Vicki Hanson with a panel featuring a rare lineup of ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients: Vinton Gray Cerf, Leslie Lamport, and Joseph Sifakis. The laureates discussed their respective work and careers, the developments that have occurred in their fields since they received their respective Turing Awards, and reflected on some of the most critical issues in the world of computer science today, including the ethics of AI.
You can watch the discussion in its entirety here.
2022 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships

ACM and the IEEE Computer Society announced today that Marcin Copik of ETH Zurich and Masado Alexander Ishii of the University of Utah are the recipients of the 2022 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships. Shelby Lockhart of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign received an Honorable Mention. Copik is recognized for incorporating the Function-as-a-Service programming model into HPC applications and bringing high-performance into serverless to cut costs and increase efficiency of supercomputing. Ishii is recognized for developing lightweight, dimension-parameterized, parallel meshing algorithms with a focus on scalability and improving total time-to-solution for engineering applications. Lockhart is recognized for contributions in scalable iterative solvers using node-aware communication and low synchronization algorithms to reduce communication bottlenecks on supercomputers.
Call for Nominations for 2022 ACM Awards
ACM seeks your help in building and diversifying the nomination pool for our 2022 Awards. It is often the case that people wonder why a specific person who seems highly deserving has not received an ACM award. The common answer is that the person was never nominated. We ask that members help distribute this ACM Awards Call for Nominations to your network through distribution lists, related organizations, and individual contacts to help ensure that deserving candidates are nominated. It is also asked that ACM's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion be taken into consideration when nominating. While candidates for advanced member grades (Fellow or Distinguished Member) must be ACM members, candidates for ACM Awards do not need to be members to be nominated. Nominations are due December 15, 2022.
For a list of all ACM awards, information about each award, and their categories, please visit the ACM Awards Webpage.
Call for ACM Senior Member Nominations
The Senior Member advanced grade of membership recognizes ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous ACM Professional membership. Nominations are accepted on a quarterly basis. The deadline for nominations is December 3.
FCRC 2023, June 16–23, 2023
The 2023 ACM Federated Computing Research Conference will assemble a spectrum of affiliated research conferences and workshops into a week-long, co-located meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA. This model retains the advantages of the smaller conferences while at the same time facilitating communication among researchers in different fields of computer science and engineering. Each morning FCRC will feature a joint plenary talk on topics of broad appeal to the computing research community. The technical program for each affiliated conference will be independently administered, and each is responsible for its own meeting's structure, content, and proceedings. To the extent facilities allow, attendees are free to attend technical sessions of other affiliated conferences co-located with their "home" conference.
SIGAda Awards Recipients
ACM’s Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda) announced the recipients of two awards recognizing outstanding technical contributions and distinguished service. Fabien Chouteau is the recipient of the 2022 ACM SIGAda Robert Dewar Award for Outstanding Ada Community Contributions for broad, lasting contributions to Ada technology & usage. Luis Miguel Pinho received the 2022 ACM SIGAda Distinguished Service Award for his exceptional contributions to SIGAda activities & products.
Best Paper Awards Given at Recent ACM SIG Conferences
ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) regularly cite outstanding individuals for their contributions in 38 distinct technological fields. Some awards presented (or to be presented) at conferences:
- SOSR '22: The ACM SIGCOMM Symposium on SDN Research
- SAP '22: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2022
- MobileHCI '22: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
- SIGDOC '22: The 40th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication
- IDC '22: Interaction Design and Children
- NANOCOM '22: The Ninth Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication
You can find them all here.
The 30th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems will be held as an in-person event for the first time in two years in Seattle, Washington, USA. The conference will include workshops on "Reinforcement and Meta Learning," "Graph Neural Networks," "Geocoding, Text/NL Processing," "Trajectory/Motion Prediction," and many more. Keynotes speakers are Jack Cooper (IARPA) and Siva Ravada (Oracle).
ICAIF, Nov. 2–4 (hybrid)
The 3rd ACM International Conference on AI in Finance will be held both in-person in New York City, New York, USA and online. Workshops will include "Graph and Knowledge Graphs in Finance," "Women in AI and Finance," "Benchmarks for AI in Finance," "Machine Learning for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing," and more. Keynote speakers will include Xin Guo (UC Berkeley), Sebastian Jaimungal (University of Toronto), Tucker Balch (JP Morgan Chase), and others.
SenSys, Nov. 6–9
The 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems introduces a highly selective, single-track forum for research on systems issues of sensors and sensor-enabled smart systems which can revolutionize a wide array of application areas, broadly defined. The conference will host a diverse array of workshops, presentations, and sessions on a variety of current topics. Keynote speakers are Mani Srivastava (UCLA) and David E. Culler (Google, UC Berkeley). The event will be held in-person in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Middleware, Nov. 7–11
The ACM/IFIP Middleware Conference is a major forum for the discussion of innovations and recent scientific advances of middleware systems. Workshops include "Serverless Computing," "Distributed Infrastructure for the Common Good," "Container Technologies and Container Clouds," and more. Keynote speakers are Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Seetharami Seelam (IBM Research). The event will be held in-person in Québec City, Québec, Canada.
CCS, Nov. 7–11
The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) is the flagship annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control. Workshops will include "Privacy in the Electronic Society," "Poisoning and Backdooring ML," "Information Leakage and Access Control," and more. Keynote speakers are Patrick McDaniel (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Shafi Goldwasser (MIT), Michelle Mazurek (University of Maryland), and Srini Devadas (MIT). The event will be held in-person in Los Angeles, California, USA.
CSCW, Nov. 8–22 (online)
The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing explores the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities. The opening keynote will be delivered by Balaji Parthasarath (International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore). In addition to several presentations and demonstrations, panels include "Consent: A Research and Design Lens for Human-Computer Interaction" and "Reconsidering Accountability in the Present and Future of Work." The event will be held online.
SC, Nov 13–18
At the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, invited talks will show how translational research and technologies and their applications address some of the most complex challenges of our time, in addition to panels, workshops and more. 2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient Jack Dongarra will deliver his Turing Lecture at the conference. The event will be held in Dallas, Texas, USA.
ESEC/FSE, Nov. 14–18
The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering will be a hybrid online/in-person event. Scheduled keynote speakers are Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft) on "AI-Assisted Programming: Applications, User Experiences, and Neuro-Symbolic Techniques," Gail Murphy (University of British Columbia) on "Task Modularity and the Emergence of Software Value Streams," and Marsha Chechik (University of Toronto) with "On Safety, Assurance and Reliability: A Software Engineering Perspective." This event is being held in-person in Singapore.
TechBrief: "Election Security: Risk-Limiting Audits"
“Ultimately, the goal of any election technology or process is to provide convincing evidence that the outcome correctly and completely reflects the will of the voters,” is the opening line of the ACM Technology Policy Council’s latest ACM TechBrief, the fifth issue in the quarterly series. "Election Security: Risk-Limiting Audits" (RLAs) goes on to briefly recap the history of election security and to argue that “dangers inherent in electronic voting should not prevent the use of computers to automate voting processes.”
Indeed, authors Matthew Bernhard and Dan Wallach conclude, “RLAs are a powerful, efficient means to assure election accuracy and encourage public confidence in their certified results.”
While the math behind them may be complex, the premise of an RLA is simply stated: “employ computers to efficiently scan and tabulate votes cast on paper ballots and employ humans to ensure that the computerized outcome is correct by examining a random sample of paper ballots by hand.”
As the new TechBrief explains, election officials first decide how statistically confident they need to be that the audit will detect an incorrect count in vote totals. Opting for 98% confidence, for example, would cause them to conduct a “2% RLA.” How many ballots wind up counted by hand is then determined by the margin of victory; the smaller the margin, the more ballots that must be sampled.
Despite RLAs being a proven and extremely cost-effective approach to election auditing, however, only five states in the US require them with just ten more either now piloting or legally permitting them. Elsewhere in the world, only Denmark has conducted an actual RLA.
For more about ACM TechBriefs and links to all five issues to date, please see the TechBriefs home page. If you have an idea for a future TechBrief or would like more information about potentially authoring one, please contact the [email protected].
ACM Global Technology Policy Council Endorsement
Published in May of 2017 as joint product of the US and Europe Technology Policy Committees, their Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability has now been collaboratively updated and adopted by both Committees. It also has been endorsed by ACM’s global Technology Policy Council Technology Policy Council.
The new and expanded Statement on Principles for Responsible Algorithmic Systems was distributed to the media late this month. It’s also already been shared by USTPC AI Subcommittee Chair Jeanna Matthews with colleagues at a conference in Washington sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and by USTPC Law Subcommittee Chair Andy Grosso at an International Association for Court Administration event in Helsinki.
The Statement, which amplifies and delineates nine principles, frames them this way:
"While algorithmic systems hold the promise of making society more equitable, inclusive, and efficient, those results do not automatically flow from automation. Like decisions made by humans, machine-made ones can also fail to respect the rights of individuals and result in harmful discrimination and other harmful effects. It is imperative, therefore, that algorithmic systems comply fully with established legal, ethical, and scientific norms and that the risks of their use be proportional to the specific problems being addressed."
Its lead authors were Jeanna Matthews and Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Important contributions also were made by Vijay Chidambaram, Simson Garfinkel, Carlos E. Jimenez-Gomez, Bran Knowles, Arnon Rosenthal, Ben Schneiderman, Stuart Shapiro, and Alejandro Saucedo. Comments and other assistance also were provided by: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Jean Camp, Brian Dean, Jeremy Epstein, Oliver Grau, Chris Hankin, Jim Hendler, Harry Hochheiser, Lorena Jaume-Palasi, Lorraine Kisselburgh, Marc Rotenberg, Gerhard Schimpf, Jonathan Smith, Gurkan Solmaz and Alec Yasinsac.
The new Statement is available online with all other recent ACM policy products.
Connect with ACM's Tech Policy Groups!
To learn more about upcoming programs and the work of ACM's Technology Policy groups, follow @USTPC and @EuropeTPC on Twitter. If you're interested in contributing to the work of ACM's Europe or US Technology Policy Committees, please email [email protected].
Become an Ambassador for ACM—You Could Be a Grand Prize Winner!
The Ambassadors for ACM program rewards ACM members like you for encouraging new members to join. Your first-hand experience with ACM's valuable career development and continuous learning programs makes you a perfect envoy to share your ACM experiences with prospective members. The Ambassadors for ACM program offers opportunities for you to earn new prizes, rewards, and bonus gifts with each referral. Submit the ACM Referral Form, and your referrals can join ACM at a special discount rate. Our members are our greatest asset. Your support of ACM is critical to our continuing efforts to advance computing as a science and a profession. Please consider becoming an Ambassador for ACM.
ACM is pleased to announce the following top recruiters in the Ambassadors for ACM member recruitment program for the first quarter of the 2022-2023 program year:
July: Shafalika Vijayal
August: Rama Krishna Paladugu
September: Eluri Ramesh
Featured Member Benefit: Discounts and Special Offers
ACM's Discounts and Special Offers Program is our way of saying "Thanks!" to our members by providing you with discounts on the goods and services you need, want and use. Save on insurance, software/hardware, careers and conferences, magazines, books and journals, travel, financial products, and general consumer products
ACM Academic Department Membership Option
The ACM Academic Department Membership option allows universities and colleges to provide ACM Professional Membership to their faculty at a greatly reduced collective cost. ACM offers a membership for academic department faculty at the cost of $49 per person, more than half off the standard ACM professional membership fee of $99 per year. Through this program, each faculty member will receive all the benefits of individual professional ACM membership, including Communications of the ACM, member rates to ACM Special Interest Group conferences, member subscription rates to ACM journals, and much more. To learn more, visit the ACM Academic Department Membership page or contact Cindy Ryan.
Pluralsight Training Now Available for ACM Members
ACM is happy to announce the latest member benefit for lifelong learning: the award-winning Pluralsight platform. You can access ACM’s custom collection of more than 2,000 courses, skill assessments, learning paths, and certification exam prep in the ACM Learning Center. ACM worked with Pluralsight to select resources that cover the most in-demand technical skills, frameworks, and certifications, and will periodically rotate in new content to ensure currency and breadth of coverage. And sometime in 2023, content is expected to be added from A Cloud Guru, the world's largest hands-on cloud learning library.
To access the Pluralsight library, visit the ACM Learning Center, click on Pluralsight in the top right corner, and log in with your member credentials.
Skillsoft’s Percipio Platform is Now Available
Skillsoft’s new Percipio platform is now available to ACM members. Percipio includes all the content you already enjoy in the current Skillport platform, as well as skill benchmarks, course assessments, practice labs, coding labs, cloud labs, and more. Learners consume content in whatever way makes sense for them—videos, books, audiobooks, practice labs, coding sandboxes, and more. Learners can also attend live events, tech and developer bootcamps, and instructor-led courses.
To access more than Skillsoft Percipio, visit the ACM Learning Center, click on Percipio in the top right corner, and log in with your member credentials.
ACM ByteCast Interviews Steve Nouri

ACM ByteCast is ACM's series of podcast interviews with researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice. In the latest episode, host Rashmi Mohan interviews Steve Nouri, Founder of AI4Diversity, Founding Member of Hackmakers, and Chief AI Evangelist at Wand. With more than one million followers on LinkedIn, he is one of the most influential voices in AI and Data Science. In this podcast, the native Australian Nouri describes his journey to computing, explains the importance of building a brand online and how it can create more opportunities for computing professionals, and shares his big hopes for the non-profit AI4Diversity.
Listen to ACM ByteCast interviews here, or wherever you get your podcasts.
TechTalk: "Tradeoffs in the Software Workflow"

Watch the on-demand ACM TechTalk "Tradeoffs in the Software Workflow," by Titus Winters, Principal Software Engineer at Google and author of the popular book, Software Engineering at Google. Software becomes valuable when it is released to users. DevOps methodology and works like The Phoenix Project rightfully point out that a major goal is to reduce the amount of "work in progress." Research from DORA in works like Accelerate show that high-performing software organizations ship small changes constantly and have higher velocity and stability as a result. The talk aims to make sense of two forces that seem to be in tension: fast workflows and release processes vs. the ever-expanding galaxy of workflow best practices, propose mechanisms to compare the value of defects spotted before release, and tie all of this back to fundamental definitions of software engineering: programming mixed with time and other programmers.
Visit the TechTalks Archive for our full archive of past TechTalks.
Upcoming ACM Student Research Competitions: Submission Deadlines
ACM Student Research Competitions (SRCs) offer a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees. The most recent SRC winners were presented at ASE'22. The next conferences accepting submissions are:
- ISEC 2023, February 23–25, 2023, deadline October 31, 2022
- ICSE 2023, May 14–20, 2023, deadline December 30, 2022
- CHI 2023, April 23–28, 2023, deadline January 19, 2023
- PLDI 2023, June 19–21, 2023, deadline March 23, 2023
Graduating Students Eligible for Special Transition Rate
ACM offers a special ACM Professional Membership for $49 USD (regularly $99) to help graduating students make the transition to professional careers, and take advantage of continuous learning opportunities, including free online books and courses and access to ACM's Career & Job Center. This one-year-only transition rate includes all the benefits of Professional Membership plus the option of purchasing a Digital Library subscription for $50. Recent graduates can access this special transition offer through ACM's convenient online renewal form, or by following the instructions on the paper renewal form. For more information, visit the Reasons to Transition to Professional Membership page.
About the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program
Book the speaker for your next event through the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program (DSP) and deliver compelling and insightful content to your audience. ACM will cover the cost of transportation for the speaker to travel to your event. Our program features renowned thought leaders in academia, industry, and government speaking about the most important topics in the computing and IT world today. Our booking process is simple and convenient.
See ACM Distinguished Speakers in action on our Flickr page.
Featured ACM Distinguished Speaker: Margaret Burnett

Margaret Burnett is a Distinguished Professor at Oregon State University. She began her career in industry, where she was the first woman software developer ever hired at Procter & Gamble Ivorydale. She was the principal architect of the Forms/3 and FAR visual programming languages, co-founded the area of end-user software engineering, and pioneered the use of information foraging theory in the domain of software debugging. Burnett is an ACM Fellow, a member of the ACM CHI Academy, and an award-winning mentor. Her lecture topics include "Gender-Inclusive Software and Beyond," and "Research Experiences for Undergraduates (for Faculty)." She is available to speak through the ACM Distinguished Speaker Program.
For more information about Burnett, please visit her DSP speaker information page.
Welcome New ACM Chapters
Chapters are the "local neighborhoods" of ACM. The regional ACM Professional, Student, ACM-W, and Special Interest Group (SIG) chapters around the globe involve members locally in competitions, seminars, lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities. ACM welcomes the new chapters that were chartered September 16 through October 17, 2022:
ACM Student Chapters:
- Ahmedabad University ACM Student Chapter, Ahmedabad, India
- Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College ACM Student Chapter, Ghaziabad, India
- Anáhuac University ACM Student Chapter, Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico
- BDCE SEVAGRAM ACM Student Chapter, Wardha, India
- G.L. Bajaj ACM Student Chapter, Greater Noida, India
- Ganpat University ACM Student Chapter, Mehsana, India
- Middlesex University Mauritius ACM Student Chapter, Flic En Flac, Mauritius
- NMIMS Chandigarh ACM Student Chapter, Chandigarh, India
- RAMCO IT ACM Student Chapter, Rajapalayam, India
- Symbiosis Institute of Technology ACM Student Chapter, Pune, India
- Truba ACM Student Chapter, Bhopal, India
- UHCL ACM-W Student Chapter, Houston, Texas, USA
- UNC Charlotte ACM-W Student Chapter, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
- University of Birmingham Dubai ACM Student Chapter, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
ACM-W Rising Star Award Nominations

The ACM-W Rising Star Award recognizes a woman whose early-career research has had a significant impact on the computing discipline, as measured by factors such as frequent citation of their work, creation of a new research area, a high degree of technology transfer, and/or other positive influences and societal impact. The award is given annually, and the recipient will receive a framed certificate and a $1,000 stipend. Nominations will close on November 30, 2022. One award recipient will be selected by January 31, 2023.
For more information and to put forth a nomination, review the award nomination form.
Celebrating Technology Leaders, Episode 11: Resilience and Overcoming Adversity—The CTO Journey
The office of CTO oversees everything from technology vision and strategy to architecture, innovation, development, and infrastructure. In this episode of "ACM-W Celebrating Technology Leaders," women C-suite technology leaders with diverse experiences are invited to share their stories of grit and resilience. What were some of the unique challenges they faced as a woman in an IT leadership role? Did they architect their careers or were they vigilant to take advantage of opportunities? How do they deal with difficult situations, people, and emotions on an ongoing basis? Watch as host Bushra Anjum and panelists Rebecca Parsons (Thoughtworks), Janice Zdankus (HP), Saima Mushtaq (Wyngs), and Rama Akkiraju (IBM) discover nuggets of wisdom and inspiration from these stories.
Look for this new webinar to be uploaded soon and watch the full archive of CTL webinars here.
Join ACM-W's Membership Email List
Did you know that ACM-W offers a general email distribution list for its members? This ACM-W public list is a communication channel for disseminating general information about ACM-W, bulletins, and upcoming events, which can be joined here. Also read the ACM-W Connections newsletter for updates on ACM-W programs, local celebrations, scholarships and awards, chapters, and more.
DL Research Study
As part of ACM’s continuing commitment to delivering the highest value to the computing community, the DL Board will survey and interview users and other stakeholders of the ACM Digital Library to inform future enhancements. It would greatly appreciated if members would take time to provide feedback and to help ensure ACM makes the investments in the Digital Library that will best serve you. The DL Board plans to open the survey the week of October 31, at which time a link will be posted to it on ACM's website and the ACM Digital Library.
New ACM Journals Open for Submissions
Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET) is a journal for research relevant to multiple aspects of the area of computer networking. The journal seeks papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and its applications, especially submissions that present new technologies, novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. PACMNET is also looking for papers on network properties such as policy and economics, security and privacy, reliability and availability, performance, energy efficiency, etc.
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (JRC) will publish high-quality original research at the intersection of computing, ethics, information, law, policy, responsible innovation, and social responsibility from a wide range of convergent, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives. The journal welcomes papers using any or a combination of computational, conceptual, qualitative, quantitative, and other methods to make contributions to knowledge, methods, practice, and theory, broadly defined.
ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems (JATS) aims to cover topics in design, analysis, and the control of autonomous transportation systems. The area of autonomous transportation systems is at a critical point where the issues of data, models, computation, and scale are increasingly important. Multiple disciplines are approaching the problems of traffic operations, road safety, sustainability, and efficient road traffic and vehicle management which require communication cooperation. Interdisciplinary research in communications and networking, control systems, machine learning, traffic engineering, transportation systems, and unmanned aerial systems are also of interest.
ACM Games: Research and Practice (GAMES) offers a lighthouse for games research—a central reference point that defines the state of the art on games and playable media across academic research and industry practice. Inclusive in community, discipline, method, and game form, it publishes major reviews, tutorials, and advances on games and playable media that are both practically useful and grounded in robust evidence and argument, alongside case studies, opinions, and dialogues on new developments that will change games. It embraces open science and scholarship and actively champions new and underrepresented voices in games and playable media.
Inspired by the broad agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Communities (JCSS) aims to publish significant and original research from a broad array of computer and information sciences, social sciences, environmental sciences, and engineering fields that support the growth of sustainable societies worldwide, especially including under-represented and marginalized communities. JCSS aims to explicitly promote interdisciplinary research work including new methodologies, systems, techniques, applications, behavioral, qualitative, and quantitative studies that address key societal challenges including sustainability, gender equality, health, education, poverty, accessibility, conservation, climate change, energy, infrastructure, and economic growth, among others. We also welcome research on the ethics of technology, especially from a critical perspective, that explores limitations and concerns with technology-led solutions for sustainable societies.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Names Jan Vitek as EiC

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) has named Jan Vitek as Editor-in-Chief for a three-year term starting September 1, 2022 and ending August 31, 2025. Vitek is a Professor of Computer Science at Northeastern University. He holds degrees from the University of Geneva and the University of Victoria, and works on topics related to the design and implementation of programming languages.
New ACM Books
Software: A Technical History by Kim W. Tracy, examines such areas as fundamentals, operating systems, programming languages, programming environments, networking, and databases from their earliest beginnings to their modern variants. Case studies illustrate UNIX, APL, SAGE, GNU Emacs, Autoflow, internet protocols, System R, and others. Extensive problems and suggested projects enable readers to deeply delve into the history of software in areas that interest them most.
Weaving Fire into Form: Aspirations for Tangible and Embodied Interaction by Brygg Ullmer, Orit Shaer, Ali Mazalek, and Caroline Hummels, investigates multiple facets of the emerging discipline of Tangible, Embodied, and Embedded Interaction (TEI). It explores the interweaving of the physical and digital toward understanding some of their wildly varying hybrid forms and behaviors. Spanning conceptual, philosophical, cognitive, design, and technical aspects of interaction, this book charts both history and aspirations for the future of TEI.
Spatial Gems, Volume 1 by John Krumm, Andreas Zuflle, and Cyrus Shahabi, presents fundamental new techniques for understanding and processing geospatial data. These "spatial gems" articulate and highlight insightful ideas that often remain unstated in graduate textbooks, and which are not the focus of research papers. They teach us how to do something useful with spatial data whether in algorithms, code, or equations. With contributions from pioneering researchers, this volume will serve students, researchers, professors, and developers in the field alike.
In Democratizing Cryptography: The Work of Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, editor Rebecca Slayton tells the story of the inventors of public key cryptography, an innovation that ultimately changed the world. This is the first book to provide a comprehensive insider's perspective on the full impacts of public key cryptography, including six original chapters by nine distinguished scholars. Beginning with an original joint biography of the lives and careers of Diffie and Hellman, the volume includes newly transcribed interviews, Turing Award Lectures, and particularly influential articles by both men.
acmqueue: "Mapping the Privacy Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currencies"
As central banks all over the world move to digitize cash, the issue of privacy needs to move to the forefront. The path taken may depend on the needs of each stakeholder group: privacy-conscious users, data holders, and law enforcement. In this article, Raphael Auer, head of the Eurosystem Centre of the BIS Innovation Hub, and his colleagues at the University of Innsbruck and the Concordia Institute say that now is the time to shape what future payment flows will reveal about you.
ACM Open: Several Institutions Renew and Sign New Agreements
ACM is pleased to confirm that several early adopters of the ACM Open model have renewed their ACM Open license. ACM wishes to thank Carnegie-Mellon University, Iowa State University, and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology for their continued support of the model.
ACM is also thrilled to announce new ACM Open agreements with FH Salzburg and Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. Through these agreements, researchers and students at participating institutions receive unlimited access to the ACM Digital Library and have the opportunity to publish an unlimited number of research articles Open Access.
ACM Open is ACM's transformative open access publishing model for transitioning ACM to become a sustainable open access publisher with the goal of making research publications in the ACM Digital Library fully open access upon publication. A full list of institutions that have signed on to the ACM Open program can be found here.
Celebrating Global Diversity Awareness Month With People of ACM

Do you follow our People of ACM interviews? This October and beyond, celebrate global diversity with us by revisiting the journeys of first-rank computing professionals worldwide featured in this popular series.
ACM Career & Job Center Connects You With Career Opportunities
Connecting with the right employers in computing can be a daunting task. Thankfully, the world's leading companies, colleges and universities come to the ACM Career & Job Center to find the best candidates. By creating an account on the ACM Career and Job Center, you'll gain access to a wide range of tools to help you find the perfect job:
- Finding a Job - Use the job search tools to find a job that matches your search criteria.
- Create and Manage Email Alerts - Stay on top of the latest job openings. Receive an email when new jobs match your search criteria.
- Create/Post Resumes - Get noticed by employers. Create or upload a resume with our easy-to-use tools so employer can get in touch with you.
- View Saved Jobs - Save jobs that interest you, add notes, share with friends, and track your applications to keep on top of your job search.
For any assistance with the ACM Career and Job Center, please contact ACM's Advertising Sales Manager, Ilia Rodriguez.
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