ACM MemberNet - March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Welcome to the March 2023 edition of ACM MemberNet, bringing you the world of ACM and beyond. Explore the many facets of ACM with our newsletter of member activities and events. Read past issues of MemberNet online in our archive.
Read coverage of ACM in the news media.
Is there a person, event, or issue you'd like to see covered? Please email [email protected].
- Call for Nominations for ACM Awards
- ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling Now Accepting Nominations
- DATE 2023, April 17–19
- CHI 2023, April 23–28 (Hybrid)
- CODASPY 2023, April 24–26
- WebSci 2023, April 30–May 1 (Hybrid)
- The Web Conference 2023, April 30–May 4
- Washington Post Prints USTPC Letter to the Editor on Facial Recognition
- USTPC Weighs in on Federal Cybersecurity R & D Strategic Plan
- On Demand: HotTopics on Web Accessibility
- Connect with ACM's Tech Policy Groups
- Become an Ambassador for ACM—You Could Be a Grand Prize Winner!
- Featured Member Benefit: Discounts and Special Offers
- ACM Academic Department Membership Option
- Pluralsight Training Now Available for ACM Members
- ACM ByteCast Interviews Pat Pataranutaporn
- View On Demand—ACM TechTalk With Sasha Rosenbaum
- 2023 Computer Science Curriculum Guidelines Revision
- EngageCSEdu Instructional Materials Now Available in ACM DL
- ACM Europe HPC Summer School Deadline Extended to April 14
- Upcoming ACM Student Research Competitions: Submission Deadlines
- Graduating Students Eligible for Special Transition Rate
- Above and Beyond Scholarship—Lauren Cairco Dukes
- The Origins of womENcourage Celebration: Eva Navarro Lopez
- Telling Our Stories: Sara Pedersen
- womENcourage: Trondheim, Norway, 20-22 September 2023
- ACM Scholarships for Women Computing Students to Attend Research Conferences
- Join ACM-W's Membership Email List
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Computing Education Webinar with Mehran Sahami
- Women's History Month Panel on Demand
- Provide Feedback on a Draft New ACM Authorship Policy
- Call for ICPS Managing Editor
- acmqueue: "Research for Practice: The Fun in Fuzzing"
- ACM Transactions on Computation Theory Welcomes Prahaldh Harsha as Editor-in-Chief
- ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare Welcomes Gang Zhou as Co-Editor-in-Chief
- New ACM Journals Open for Submissions
- ACM Open: Jisc Consortium Expands Agreement
Bob Metcalfe Receives 2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award

ACM has named Bob Metcalfe as recipient of the 2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award for the invention, standardization, and commercialization of Ethernet.
Metcalfe is an Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at The University of Texas at Austin and a Research Affiliate in Computational Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).
The ACM A.M. Turing Award, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of Computing,” carries a $1 million prize, with financial support provided by Google, Inc. It is named for Alan M. Turing, the British mathematician who articulated the mathematical foundation and limits of computing.
“Ethernet has been the dominant way of connecting computers to other devices, to each other, and to the Internet,” explains ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “Metcalfe’s original design ideas have enabled the bandwidth of Ethernet to grow geometrically. It is rare to see a technology scale from its origins to today’s multigigabit-per-second capacity. Even with the advent of WiFi, Ethernet remains the staple mode of data communication, especially when security and reliability are prioritized. It is especially fitting to recognize such an impactful invention during its 50th anniversary year.”
Call for Nominations for ACM Awards
Each year, ACM recognizes technical and professional achievements within the computing and information technology community through its celebrated Awards Program. ACM welcomes nominations for candidates whose work exemplifies the best and most influential contributions to our community, and society at large.
ACM seeks your help in building and diversifying the nomination pool for our ACM Awards. It is often the case that people wonder why a specific person who seems highly deserving has not received an ACM award. The common answer is that the person was never nominated.
Please take a moment to consider those individuals in your community who may be suitable for nomination. Refer to the award nominations page for nomination guidelines and the complete listing of Award Subcommittee Chairs and Members. Also keep in mind ACM's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion when nominating. Candidates for ACM Awards do not need to be members to be nominated.
The deadline for nominations for the main awards has passed. Other deadlines: Gordon Bell Prize, April 15; ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship, May 1; ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award, June 30.
ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling Now Accepting Nominations
To highlight and encourage more research focused on modelling the devastating impact of climate change, ACM has established the ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling. The new award aims to recognize innovative parallel computing contributions toward solving the global climate crisis. As Gordon Bell explained, "With more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than at any time in human history, sea levels rising faster than ever before, and extreme weather events that destroy everything in their wake, there is no denying that we are in a climate crisis. Climate modelling can’t reverse this trend. But it offers us the best possible blueprint to understand where we are and where we’re heading."
Climate scientists and software engineers will be evaluated for the award based on the performance and innovation in their computational methods. Nominated projects should demonstrably improve climate modelling and enhance the understanding of the Earth’s climate system. Nominations may be submitted online here. The deadline to apply for the inaugural award is April 15, 2023.
For more information, read the news release.
Call for ACM Senior Member Nominations
The Senior Member advanced grade of membership recognizes ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous ACM Professional membership. Nominations are accepted on a quarterly basis. The deadline for nominations is June 3, 2023.
SIGGRAPH Election Candidates
The ACM SIGGRAPH Nominating Committee has proposed the following candidates for the 2023 ACM SIGGRAPH election which will commence on 15 June 2023:
Mathieu Desbrun, Inria/X
Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
Elizabeth Baron, Unity Technologies
Marc Petit, Epic Games
Courtney Starrett, Texas A&M University
Victoria Szabo, Duke University
In accordance with the ACM SIGGRAPH Bylaws, additional candidates may be placed on the ballot by petition. All candidates must be ACM Professional Members as well as members of ACM SIGGRAPH. Anyone interested in petitioning must inform ACM Headquarters, Pat Ryan ([email protected]), of their intent to petition by 5 April 2023. Petitions must be submitted to ACM Headquarters for verification by 18 April 2023.
The Nominating Committee:
Thierry Frey, Chair
Dena DeBry
Jenny Dana
Arik Shamir
Larry Bafia
Scott Owen
FCRC 2023, June 16–23, 2023
The 2023 ACM Federated Computing Research Conference will assemble a spectrum of affiliated research conferences and workshops into a week-long, co-located meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA. This model retains the advantages of the smaller conferences while at the same time facilitating communication among researchers in different fields of computer science and engineering.
Daily plenary speakers will be Kunle Olukoton (Stanford University), Margaret Martonosi (US National Science Foundation), 2012 A.M. Turing recipient Shafi Goldwasser (University of California Berkeley), Don Towsley (University of Massachusetts), and Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich). There will also be a plenary panel on "Reflecting on 50 Years of Computing Research, and Future Outlook," featuring Hagit Attiya (Technion), 2021 A.M. Turing Award recipient Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee at Knoxville), Mary Hall (University of Utah), Lizy Kurian John (The University of Texas at Austin), and Guy L. Steele Jr. (Oracle Labs).
The technical program for each affiliated conference will be independently administered, and each is responsible for its own meeting's structure, content, and proceedings. To the extent facilities allow, attendees are free to attend technical sessions of other affiliated conferences co-located with their "home" conference.
SIGCSE Awards Announced
The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) recently announced two award recipients at their conference. Susan Rodger received the Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education Award for creating JFLAP, changing how the automata course is taught, and for helping to bring computing to primary and secondary schools through her work with the Alice environment. Renée McCauley received the Lifetime Service to Computer Science Education Award for more than two decades of exemplary service to SIGCSE, the computing education community and ACM; her mentoring and encouragement to others; and her leadership in increasing the global impact of SIGCSE.
Best Paper Awards Given at Recent ACM SIG Conferences
ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) regularly cite outstanding individuals for their contributions in 38 distinct technological fields. Some awards presented (or to be presented) at conferences:
- HRI '23: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
- SIGCSE '23: The 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
- CGO '23: 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
- TEI '23: Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
- PPoPP '23: The 28th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
You can find them all here.
DATE 2023, April 17–19
The Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference is the premiere European event for electronic system design & test. Tutorials and workshops will include "Modern High-Level Synthesis for Complex Data Science Applications," "Remote Side-Channel and Fault Attacks in FPGAs," "Eco-design and Circular Economy of Electronic Systems," "Open-Source Design Automation," "Nano Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems," and more. Keynote speakers are Edith Beigné (Meta Reality Labs), Dirk Elias (Robert Bosch GmbH), Jan M. Rabaey (UC Berkeley). The event is being held in Antwerp, Belgium.
CHI 2023, April 23–28 (Hybrid)
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. Workshops include "AI Literacy: Finding Common Threads Between Education, Design, Policy, and Explainability," "Sharing and Experiencing Hardware and Methods to Advance Smell, Taste, and Temperature Interfaces," "Behavioural Design in Video Games: Ethical, Legal, and Health Impact on Players," and more. Keynotes will be delivered by tech journalist Eva Wolfangel and Peter Kariuki (SafeMotos). The conference will be held as a hybrid event in Hamburg, Germany.
CODASPY 2023, April 24–26
The ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control's Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy will feature co-located workshops on Security and Privacy Analytics, and Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems. Panels will address subjects such as "Comparative Privacy Analysis of Mobile Web Browsers," "Understanding the Impact and Implications of In-Vehicle Infotainment System Hacking with Automotive Grade Linux," and more. Keynote speakers will be Michael Reiter (Duke University) and Catuscia Palamidessi (Inria). The event is being held in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
WebSci 2023, April 30–May 1 (Hybrid)
The ACM Conference on Web Science is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding the complex and multiple impacts of the Web on society and vice versa, co-located with the ACM Web Conference.. The discipline is well situated to address pressing issues of our time by incorporating various scientific approaches. We welcome quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research, including techniques from the social sciences and computer science as well as work involving data collection and research ethics. This year's keynote speakers are Dhiraj Murthy (Moody College) and David Rand (MIT). The hybrid event is being held in Austin, Texas, USA.
The Web Conference 2023, April 30–May 4
The ACM Web Conference is an annual international academic conference on the topic of the future direction of the World Wide Web, co-located with the ACM Conference on Web Science. It will offer will offer a high quality program made of research sessions, posters and demonstrations, a PhD symposium for junior scholars, workshops, tutorials, a developers track for practitioners, panels, a special track on web for good, and co-located special days. Keynote speakers include 2022 A.M Turing Award recipient Bob Metcalfe (MIT), Barbara Poblete (University of Chile), and others. The event will be held in Austin, Texas, USA with virtual components.
Washington Post Prints USTPC Letter to the Editor on Facial Recognition
Writing in his capacity as USTPC Chair, Jeremy Epstein’s letter to the Washington Post, headlined "Don’t let facial recognition technology get ahead of principles " by the paper, appeared on Sunday, March 12. Citing USTPC’s 2020 Statement on Facial Recognition Technologies and its call for a temporary moratorium on the government and private sector uses of such technologies until they can be made safer, the letter diplomatically noted that "there is a disconnect between publicly stated concerns about facial recognition and the continued allocation of research dollars to refine the technology." It more pointedly concluded with respect to such a moratorium, however: :Technology advances at a lightning pace; law and policy move more deliberately. But this doesn’t mean they can’t get in step. In fact, they must." The letter was drafted in response to the Post’s March 7 article, “FBI, Pentagon Helped Research Facial Recognition for Street Cameras, Drones .”
USTPC Weighs in on Federal Cybersecurity R & D Strategic Plan
USTPC responded this month to a joint Request for Information by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office. Such filings will inform their 2023 update of the 2019 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan.
In its Comments, the Committee recommended:
- Continuing to fund research and development work on six key previously identified priorities: artificial intelligence, quantum information science, trustworthy distributed digital infrastructure, privacy, secure hardware and software, and education and workforce development
- Prioritizing "research into the dependability and security of systems that both incorporate, and also might be attacked using" technologies that have dramatically evolved since 2019, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and large language models
- Addressing for the first time how to assure "the security, privacy, and provenance of data held in repositories such as data lakes, data warehouses, data lake houses, and in operational systems," as well as investigating “techniques for providing resiliency when a data source has been found to be compromised…."
On Demand: HotTopics on Web Accessibility
ACM's US Technology Policy Committee (USTPC) hosted a HotTopics webinar session, "With Liberty and Web Accessibility for All: Getting the DOJ’s Upcoming Rulemaking Right"—now available on demand. Moderated by Lorraine Kisselburgh, the panel of ACM experts—Tim Elder, Stephanie Enyart, and Jonathan Lazar—discussed what the new rules should look like, whether they can they be crafted to well serve both user and business interests, what assistive technologies must they enable, how accessible websites should be designed to conform with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and more. The DOJ’s rulemaking is slated to begin in May. More background about the proceeding and the issues at its core is available on the webinar's landing page.
Connect with ACM's Tech Policy Groups!
To learn more about upcoming programs and the work of ACM's Technology Policy groups, follow @USTPC and @EuropeTPC on Twitter. If you're interested in contributing to the work of ACM's Europe or US Technology Policy Committees, please email [email protected].
Become an Ambassador for ACM—You Could Be a Grand Prize Winner!
The Ambassadors for ACM program rewards ACM members like you for encouraging new members to join. Your first-hand experience with ACM's valuable career development and continuous learning programs makes you a perfect envoy to share your ACM experiences with prospective members. The Ambassadors for ACM program offers opportunities for you to earn new prizes, rewards, and bonus gifts with each referral. Submit the ACM Referral Form, and your referrals can join ACM at a special discount rate. Our members are our greatest asset. Your support of ACM is critical to our continuing efforts to advance computing as a science and a profession. Please consider becoming an Ambassador for ACM.
Featured Member Benefit: Discounts and Special Offers
ACM's Discounts and Special Offers Program is our way of saying "Thanks!" to our members by providing you with discounts on the goods and services you need, want and use. Save on insurance, software/hardware, careers and conferences, magazines, books and journals, travel, financial products, and general consumer products.
ACM Academic Department Membership Option
The ACM Academic Department Membership option allows universities and colleges to provide ACM Professional Membership to their faculty at a greatly reduced collective cost. ACM offers a membership for academic department faculty at the cost of $49 per person, more than half off the standard ACM professional membership fee of $99 per year. Through this program, each faculty member will receive all the benefits of individual professional ACM membership, including Communications of the ACM, member rates to ACM Special Interest Group conferences, member subscription rates to ACM journals, and much more. To learn more, visit the ACM Academic Department Membership page or contact Cindy Ryan.
Pluralsight Training Now Available for ACM Members
ACM is happy to announce the latest member benefit for lifelong learning: the award-winning Pluralsight platform. You can access ACM’s custom collection of more than 2,000 courses, skill assessments, learning paths, and certification exam prep in the ACM Learning Center. ACM worked with Pluralsight to select resources that cover the most in-demand technical skills, frameworks, and certifications, and will periodically rotate in new content to ensure currency and breadth of coverage. Later this year, content is expected to be added from A Cloud Guru, the world's largest hands-on cloud learning library.
To access the Pluralsight library, visit the ACM Pluralsight page, click on Pluralsight in the top right corner, and log in with your member credentials.
ACM ByteCast Interviews Pat Pataranutaporn

ACM ByteCast is ACM's series of podcast interviews with researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice. In this episode of ACM ByteCast, host Bruke Kifle interviews Pat Pataranutaporn. Pataranutaporn is a technologist and a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he explores the intersection of synthetic virtual humans and synthetic biology, specifically at the interface between biological and digital systems. In the interview, Pat describes how his early fascination with dinosaurs led him into the scientific realm, explains the research area of fluid interfaces and describes some of the innovative work his group has been doing on human-AI co-reasoning, and more.
Listen to ACM ByteCast interviews here, or wherever you get your podcasts.
View On Demand—ACM TechTalk With Sasha Rosenbaum

View the TechTalk, "Future of DevOps," with Sasha Rosenbaum, a principal at Ergonautic–now on demand. The term DevOps first appeared in 2009, and since then has been used to describe a cultural shift, an engineering job title, and many products in the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery space. In this session, Rosenbaum talks through the brief history of DevOps as a methodology, a set of technical skills, and an umbrella of technologies, and then dives into what the next 5 to 10 years are likely to look like in the DevOps space. Register to view the TechTalk here.
Visit the TechTalks Archive for our full archive of past TechTalks.
2023 Computer Science Curriculum Guidelines Revision
A joint task force of ACM, the IEEE Computer Society, and the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is currently revising the Computer Science curricular guidelines which were last updated in 2013. The task force is updating the knowledge model and designing a complementary competency model of the curricula, and invites CS professionals to provide feedback and suggestions on all aspects of the curricula. It plans to have the curricular recommendations reviewed in March and again in July 2023 and also invites nominations and self-nominations of reviewers. Feedback is currently being solicited for Version Beta of the report
For additional information and to contribute to this effort, visit the CS2023 website.
EngageCSEdu Instructional Materials Now Available in ACM DL
EngageCSEdu publishes high-quality, engaging, classroom-tested Open Educational Resources (OER’s) for computer science education that have been contributed by various authors and covering a growing number of topics. Several of the EngageCSEdu resources are now available in ACM’s Digital Library, as well as in published collections:
- Vol. 1 Issue 1 - Inaugural Issue
- Vol. 1 Issue 2 - Special Issue on HCI Education
- Vol. 1 Issue 3 - Special Issue on AI Education
All issues both published and upcoming can be found here.
ACM Europe HPC Summer School Deadline Extended to April 14
The 2023 ACM Europe Summer School on HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications will take place July 2–7 , hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The summer school is open to young computer science researchers and engineers, and outstanding MSc students. Sixty accepted participants will spend one week in Barcelona, attending formal lectures, invited talks, and other activities. For more information and to apply, please visit the HPC Summer School homepage. Applications close on 14 April, end-of-day AoE.
Upcoming ACM Student Research Competitions: Submission Deadlines
ACM Student Research Competitions (SRCs) offer a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees. The most recent SRC winners were presented at SIGCSE 2023. The next conferences accepting submissions are:
- ISSTA 2023, July 17–21, 2023, deadline April 15, 2023
- SIGGRAPH 2023, August 6–10, 2023, deadline April 25, 2023
- SIGDOC 2023, October 26–28, 2023, deadline May 7, 2023
- ICCAD 2023, October 29–November 2, 2023, deadline May 22, 2023
- ESEC/FSE 2023, November 11–24, 2023, deadline June 29, 2023
- SC 2023, November 12–17, 2023, deadline August 5, 2023
- ICCAD 2023, October 29–November 2, 2023, deadline August 26, 2023
- SIGCSE 2023,, October 29–November 2, 2023, 2023, deadline October 13, 2023
Graduating Students Eligible for Special Transition Rate
ACM offers a special ACM Professional Membership for $49 USD (regularly $99) to help graduating students make the transition to professional careers, and take advantage of continuous learning opportunities, including free online books and courses and access to ACM's Career & Job Center. This one-year-only transition rate includes all the benefits of Professional Membership plus the option of purchasing a Digital Library subscription for $50. Recent graduates can access this special transition offer through ACM's convenient online renewal form, or by following the instructions on the paper renewal form. For more information, visit the Reasons to Transition to Professional Membership page.
About the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program
Book the speaker for your next event through the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program (DSP) and deliver compelling and insightful content to your audience. ACM will cover the cost of transportation for the speaker to travel to your event. Our program features renowned thought leaders in academia, industry, and government speaking about the most important topics in the computing and IT world today. Our booking process is simple and convenient.
See ACM Distinguished Speakers in action on our Flickr page.
Featured ACM Distinguished Speaker: Athena Vakali

Athena Vakali is a Professor at the School of Informatics, Aristotle University, Greece, where she leads the Laboratory on Data and Web science. She holds a PhD in Informatics from Aristotle University, an MSc degree in Computer Science from Purdue University, and a BSc degree in Mathematics. Her current research interests include Data Science topics with emphasis on big data mining and analytics, next-generation Internet applications and enablers, online social networks mining, as well as online sources data management on the cloud, the edge, and decentralized settings. Her lectures include "TG-OUT: Temporal Outlier Patterns Detection in Twitter Attribute Induced Graphs," "Wearable Analytics: A Systematic Survey and an Evidence-Based Framework," and more. She is available to speak through the ACM Distinguished Speaker Program.
For more information about Vakali, please visit her DSP speaker information page.
ACM Local Meetups connect smart technical people at local city events. They are informal groups that meet regularly to discuss a diverse array of computing topics. The following local ACM Meetups have been scheduled:
ACM Local Meetups
- Youngstown: NEOACM REMOTE TECH TALK: Listening Party with CHATGPT, April 2
NEOACM will have a remote tech talk OPEN DISCUSSION about CHATGPT. This is PART 2 to our GENERATIVE AI discussion we had on February 5, 2023. - Chicago: Navigating the Complexity of ML Production: Insights and Lessons Learned, April 5
Atul Dhingra, Engineering Manager at Standard AI, will present his insights into the Machine Learning (ML) model lifecycle in production. The talk covers various aspects of ML Operations that go into making a successful model deployment, - Kansas City: Kansas City Meeting, April 13
This is a monthly meeting where a specific topic is presented, and an informal general discussion occurs after. - San Francisco: Improving VR/AR Experiences by Understanding the Human Visual System, April 19
Brooke Krajancich, Electrical Engineering PhD Candidate, Stanford, will be speaking on virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) wearable displays which provide perceptually realistic user experiences and two different ways in which a greater understanding of the human visual system may assist in achieving this goal.
ACM Chicago: "Large Language Models and the End of Programming"
ACM Chicago held a Local Meetup on February 8, 2023 featuring Matt Welsh, "Large Language Models and the End of Programming?" concerning his belief that generative AI will lead to the end of programming within threee years. Welsh previously wrote about the subject in an article "The End of Programming," in the January issue of Communications of the ACM.
View the Chicago Meetup with Welsh here
ACM Local Meetups are active in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Mumbai, New York City, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, Rio de Janeiro, Sacramento, San Francisco, Surabaya, Washington DC, and Youngstown. If you are interested in organizing a Meetup in your locale, please contact Andrew Conklin.
Welcome New ACM Chapters
Chapters are the "local neighborhoods" of ACM. The regional ACM Professional, Student, ACM-W, and Special Interest Group (SIG) chapters around the globe involve members locally in competitions, seminars, lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities. ACM welcomes the new chapters that were chartered February 10 through March 20, 2023:
ACM Student Chapters:
- Adani ACM-W Student Chapter, Adani, India
- AUK ACM Student Chapter, Salmiya, Kuwait
- BSACIST ACM Student Chapter, Chennai, India
- BYU Idaho ACM-W Student Chapter, Idaho, USA
- Cameron University ACM Student Chapter, Lawton, Oklahoma, USA
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Chandigarh University ACM Student Chapter, Ajitgarh, India
- DUET ACM Student Chapter, Karachi, Pakistan
- Islamia University of Bahawalpur ACM Student Chapter, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
- IT de Mérida ACM Student Chapter, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
- PACE ACM Student Chapter, Piyali Junction, India
- PDEU ACM-W Student Chapter, Gandhinagar, India
- Pharos University ACM Student Chapter, Alexandria, Egypt
- PRPCEM ACM Student Chapter, Amravati, India
- RKCE ACM Student Chapter, Amravati, India
- RVITM ACM Student Chapter, Bangalore, India
- SAIT Indore ACM Student Chapter, Indore, India
- Salem State University ACM Student Chapter, Salem, Massachusetts, USA
- Universität St. Gallen ACM Student Chapter, St. Gallen, Switzerland
ACM Professional Chapters:
- Putrajaya ACM Chapter, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Geneva ACM Chapter, Geneva, Switzerland
- Zhuhai ACM Chapter, Zhuhai, China
Above and Beyond Scholarship—Lauren Cairco Dukes
As a recipient of an ACM-W Scholarship, Lauren Cairco Dukes knows how much it means for women in computer science to set an example for future generations, and how impactful ACM-W can be in one’s life. Dukes was a software engineer at Area 120, Google’s in-house incubator until the entire Area 120 organization was cut as a part of Google’s layoffs in January 2023. She earned her BS in Computer Science at Winthrop University, and her MS and PhD at Clemson University, where she conducted human-computer interaction research for healthcare training in virtual reality and taught undergraduate courses. Read more of her inspiring life and career, and how an ACM-W Scholarship helped her on her path here.
The Origins of womENcourage Celebration: Eva Navarro Lopez
This year marks the 10th womENcourage celebration, and ACM-W Europe is so excited to share the stories of this event had so far while looking forward to bigger, greater and more exciting celebrations to come. ACM-W Europe is acknowledging this milestone with a series of blogs from past chairs who have organized the event successfully so far. This month the focus is on Eva Navarro Lopez who is one of the founders of womENcourage. Read how she helped launch the yearly celebration here.
Telling Our Stories: Sara Pedersen
Each year, a gathering of incredible women can be found at the womENcourage celebrations, and participants are encouraged to tell their stories in blog posts. This tradition continues in 2023 with Sara Pedersen, who is a student from NTNU Norway in her third year bachelor’s degree in informatics. Read more about Pedersen's story here.
womENcourage: Trondheim, Norway, 20-22 September 2023
The 10th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage 2023 will take place at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, on 20-22 September, 2023. The theme of the conference is "Computing Connecting Everyone." Open to all genders, womENcourage was initiated by ACM-W Europe and aimed at connecting women from diverse technical disciplines and encouraging them to pursue their education and profession in computing. WomENcourage brings together women in the computing profession and related technical fields to exchange knowledge and experience and provide special support for women who are pursuing their academic degrees and starting their careers in computing. Through a program packed with insightful topics and engaging educational and networking activities, womENcourage provides a unique experience of the collective energy, drive, and excellence that professional women share to support each other.
ACM Scholarships for Women Computing Students to Attend Research Conferences
With Research Computer Science Conference Scholarships, ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and related programs to attend research computer science conferences around the world. This exposure to computing research can inspire a student to continue onto the next level of their academic or professional career. The ACM-W scholarships are divided between scholarships of up to $600 for intra-continental conference travel, and scholarships of up to $1,200 for intercontinental conference travel. Scholarship applications are evaluated in six groups each year, in order to distribute awards across a range of conferences. Learn more about ACM-W scholarships and how to apply here.
Join ACM-W's Membership Email List
Did you know that ACM-W offers a general email distribution list for its members? This ACM-W public list is a communication channel for disseminating general information about ACM-W, bulletins, and upcoming events, which can be joined here. Also read the ACM-W Connections newsletter for updates on ACM-W programs, local celebrations, scholarships and awards, chapters, and more.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Computing Education Webinar with Mehran Sahami

Machine Learning has tremendous potential for developing tools to improve efficiency and accuracy in decision-making. However, ML also has the potential to lead to outcomes that reinforce human biases, disproportionately impact vulnerable populations, and violate notions of privacy. Join Mehran Sahami along with moderators Fay Cobb Payton and Susan Reiser on April 19, 1:00 pm ET (5:00 pm UTC) for the webinar, "Confronting Ethical Challenges in a High-Tech World," as they explore some of the promise and perils that arise from Machine Learning to understand both some of the ethical issues and competing value trade-offs at stake.
Women's History Month Panel on Demand
The pandemic has fueled many changes—from the way we work to how big a role we allow technology to play in our life. Research also shows that the past three years have affected women in the workforce particularly hard. How has it been for women in computing? View the in-depth panel conversation on demand, "What's Changed Post-Pandemic? A Conversation With Women in Computing" featuring Jocelyn Simmonds, Jen Lamere, Yasmine Elglaly, and Hemangee Kapoor, moderated by Gloria Childress Townsend.
Provide Feedback on a Draft New ACM Authorship Policy
ACM is updating its authorship policy to address the use of Artificial Intelligence tools for authoring research papers and to provide clear guidelines to the community for the appropriate use of these tools in ACM Publications. ACM is seeking your feedback on this draft policy. Your valued feedback will be shared with and considered carefully by the ACM Publications Board prior to finalizing the updated policy. It should take less than 15 minutes of your time.
To provide feedback, please respond to our survey.
Call for ICPS Managing Editor
ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) publishes high-quality international conferences, technical symposia, and workshops in computer science and related areas of research. We are currently seeking a PhD-level Managing Editor with research experience in computer science to oversee the program. This is a paid position. Interested candidates may apply here, or contact Sean Pidgeon, Executive Editor, at [email protected] for further information.
acmqueue: "Research for Practice: The Fun in Fuzzing"
Stefan Nagy of the University of Utah takes us on a tour of recent research in software fuzzing, or the systematic testing of programs via the generation of novel or unexpected inputs. He first looks at the semantic notion of "likely invariants"—inferred via techniques from property-based testing. Next, he explores encoding domain-specific knowledge about certain bug classes into test-case generation. And finally, he looks at a method of randomly generating entire C programs and using differential analysis to compare traces of optimized and unoptimized executions in order to find bugs in the compilers themselves.
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory Welcomes Prahladh Harsha as Editor-in-Chief
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) welcomes Prahladh Harsha as its new Editor-in-Chief. The appointment is from March 15, 2023 to April 30, 2024. Harsha is a faculty member of the at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare Welcomes Gang Zhou as Co-Editor-in-Chief
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (HEALTH) welcomes Gang Zhou as its new Co-EIC, joining Insup Lee and John Anthony Stankovic. The appointment is from March 15, 2023 to April 30, 2024. Zhou is a Professor at the College of William and Mary.
New ACM Journals Open for Submissions
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (JRC) will publish high-quality original research at the intersection of computing, ethics, information, law, policy, responsible innovation, and social responsibility from a wide range of convergent, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives. The journal welcomes papers using any or a combination of computational, conceptual, qualitative, quantitative, and other methods to make contributions to knowledge, methods, practice, and theory, broadly defined.
ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems (JATS) aims to cover topics in design, analysis, and the control of autonomous transportation systems. The area of autonomous transportation systems is at a critical point where the issues of data, models, computation, and scale are increasingly important. Multiple disciplines are approaching the problems of traffic operations, road safety, sustainability, and efficient road traffic and vehicle management which require communication cooperation. Interdisciplinary research in communications and networking, control systems, machine learning, traffic engineering, transportation systems, and unmanned aerial systems are also of interest.
ACM Open: Jisc Consortium Expands Agreement
ACM is proud to announce an expanded ACM Open agreement with the Jisc consortium in the United Kingdom. Through this agreement, researchers and students at approximately 70 participating institutions receive unlimited access to the ACM Digital Library and have the opportunity to publish an unlimited number of research articles Open Access, while retaining copyright of their work. This agreement represents a significant advancement of Open Access and Open Science in the United Kingdom.
ACM thanks these institutions and Jisc for their support of our Open Access publishing. It is through these agreements that ACM will successfully transition to a fully Open Access publisher.
ACM Open is ACM's transformative open access publishing model for transitioning ACM to become a sustainable open access publisher with the goal of making research publications in the ACM Digital Library fully open access upon publication. A full list of institutions that have signed on to the ACM Open program can be found here.
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Connecting with the right employers in computing can be a daunting task. Thankfully, the world's leading companies, colleges and universities come to the ACM Career & Job Center to find the best candidates. By creating an account on the ACM Career and Job Center, you'll gain access to a wide range of tools to help you find the perfect job:
For any assistance with the ACM Career and Job Center, please contact ACM's Advertising Sales Manager, Ilia Rodriguez.
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