People of ACM European Chapters - Bulletin Archive

"People of ACM European Chapters" highlights the unique scientific accomplishments and compelling personal attributes of ACM chapter members in Europe who are making a difference in advancing computing as a science and a profession. These bulletins feature ACM members whose personal and professional stories are a source of inspiration for the larger computing community.


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Meet Oleksandr Lemeshko

Oleksandr Lemeshko is a Professor and Head of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering at the Kharkiv (Ukraine) National University of Radio Electronics (NURE). His research interests include computer network traffic management, optimization and quality of service in infocommunications, wireless networks, hierarchical and fault-tolerant routing, and network security. In his interview, he discusses analyzing and synthesizing telecommunication multiservice networks, improving the scalability of network solutions, activities or upcoming events of the Kharkiv ICT ACM-W Chapter, and more.

Oleksandr Lemeshko