Outstanding Community Service Winner
PSUT ACM Student Chapter
Address: Khalil Saket Street, Al-Jubaiha.
Amman, 11941, P.O. Box 1438, Jordan.
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: +962790851952
Officers: ➔ Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Ibrahim Al-Bluwi ([email protected]) ➔ President: Umar Al-Kfaween ([email protected]) ➔ Vice President: Farah Wael ([email protected]) ➔ Treasurer: Batool Armouti ([email protected]) ➔ Secretary: Muhannad Abdullah ([email protected]) ➔ Officer in Training: Jood Hajeer ([email protected]) ➔ Officer in Training: Hamza Abu Ammar ([email protected])
Chapter’s Websites:
Facebook page:
www.codability.net (Under Construction)
Youtube channel:
Our Chapter:
In its 3rd year running, the ACM Student Chapter at PSUT has maintained its reputation as the top scientific club at PSUT. Our vision is to see Computer Science as a respected major choice in Jordanian households as much as Engineering and Medicine are. We strive to achieve our vision by making it possible for our community to explore the true nature of Computer Science, not only as a tool to aid every other science, but also as an applied science, pretty much like all the other types of sciences they are familiar with.
Our University:
Since its establishment in 1991, Princess Sumaya University for Technology has been the leading university in Jordan in the field of technology. The university started offering only 2 majors; Computer Science, and Electronics Engineering. It grew since then to cover an array of ICT related courses in 3 different schools; IT, Electrical Engineering, and Business schools. PSUT is considered one of the smallest universities in Jordan, but despite a population of only 3000 students, PSUT has acquired an excellent reputation at the regional level.
The school’s mission is to graduate high quality professionals who are capable of competing, both academically and professionally at the national and international levels, actively participating in building the ICT sectors in Jordan; in accordance with official policy, promoting solid research in the leading technological fields, and building a research platform for the Jordanian industry.
There is a total of 941 bachelors enrolled in Computer Science and Computer Engineering related majors at PSUT, in addition to 100 master students, and 9 PhD students who study IT majors.
The chapter consists of 72 members, they study the following majors:
● Computer Science: 36.
● Computer Graphics and Animation: 5.
● Software Engineering: 13.
● Electronics Engineering: 2.
● Computer Engineering: 7.
● Networks and Information Security Engineering: 7.
● Communications Engineering: 1.
● Accounting: 1.
Our Community Services:
“Science for All“, is the blessing we say over every event we kick off.
Living in a Third World country is accompanied with various complications regarding the availability of applied knowledge, and how people profiteer from the knowledge they possess. Therefore, we have set a goal of sharing the Science of Computing we study with the community, professionally, and for free.
Our community service targeted students from different universities and schools. On a competitive aspect, we have trained more than 110 university students for the Jordanian Collegiate Programming Contest, and more than 20 school students for the upcoming Jordanian Olympiad in Informatics (JOI). Our excellent work has attracted the hosts of many competitive programming contests in Jordan to request our aid in organizing such contests, as we are willing to exploit our expertise in this field to organize brilliant contests that will attract even more students in the upcoming years!
In the past two years, we came to realize that Computer Science in Jordanian households is associated with words and terms like “Code”, or “an employee who writes computer code for a living”, this really sounds bizarre now that we are studying this science! And so we switched from the typical “One Hour of Code” school run we organize every year, into organizing an event we named: “One Hour of Computer Science”, an initial step toward facing the false portrait our community perceives Computer Science as. We were able to tour a couple of schools and present some of their classes with a nice small session full of Computer Science activities, without using a single computer! Conveying to them that Computer Science is indeed a Science, like Physics, or Astronomy! And computers are just the tool! You do not need to write code to use Computer Science, it is everywhere!
In our pursuit to make our vision come true, we have initiated an annual Summer programming camp we called Codability. Codability is a nonprofit initiative in which we teach school kids a variety of programming, problem solving, and web designing courses for several levels for about one tenth of the original cost charged for such courses elsewhere in Jordan. Codability has been able to graduate more than 100 students in the last two years; many of which have achieved top places in the JOI for consecutive years.
The thought that gave born to Codability is that coding has become an essential skill in our modern life, and so we wish that every kid, despite their financial issues, can learn how to code and solve problems efficiently, because, like we believe; Science is for all.
Lifelong Learning
ACM offers lifelong learning resources including online books and courses from Skillsoft, TechTalks on the hottest topics in computing and IT, and more.

ACM Case Studies
Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.