Outstanding Chapter Activities Winner

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana ACM Student Chapter

Engineering Faculty. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia.

Our People - Chapter officers and Sponsor

Alfredo Santamaría
Chair [email protected]
Juan Pablo Rodríguez
Vice-Chair [email protected]
Oscar Moreno
Secretary [email protected]
Nicolás Sequera
Treasurer and Community Manager [email protected]
Jaime Pavlich
Sponsor [email protected]
Daniel Serrano
Adviser [email protected]
Johan Murillo
Adviser [email protected]

Our University and Our Chapter

The Javeriana ACM Student Chapter is a team that wants to transcend in time with their contributions to humanity. Everyone has a choice between observing how changes occur and tolerate situations that make us uncomfortable, or changing reality, being the drivers of global transformation and becoming creators of the future without leaving behind the values that allow us to grow as human beings.

Our group is based on the second choice, which is the reason for our existence and the reason that drives us to be one of the most active and dynamic student groups of our university and our country, with new and creative activities and events of great academic and personal contribution to its participants and recognized by the community.

Our team consists of students, graduates and faculty members from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, one of the most important educational institutions of our country. We have had four Google Student Ambassadors, two Google Interns and three workers at Microsoft, among many members with academic distinctions and scholarships.

In this way, and taking into account the context of our environment and the capabilities of our members, we offer different kinds of experiences to the community such as academic workshops and social activities. Through those activities, and using the tools provided by ACM, we improve the University students’ learning mechanisms and strengthen the level of interest they have for their academic and professional activities.

Our Chapter stands out as an active and dynamic student group with reputation and ideologies that demand constant monitoring and evaluation on the officers’ behalf. Based on the knowledge acquired from our activities, new experiences are proposed and created, always aligned with our Chapter’s seal and the context in which we operate. Due to the extraordinary ability of our team members and the University’s support, we have become into a valuable group of people when it comes to planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities. Currently, faculty members and directives ask us for help in organizing and participating in activities that require judgment, experience, responsibility and proactivity.

Our goal is to be the focus point of the University’s Systems Engineering community and the Number one Chapter in the world, recognized as the benchmark in terms of events, conferences, publications and project.

Outstanding Chapter Activities

These are the activities we have planned and executed in the last year:

Algorithmic Thinking Workshops and Programming Contest: Every semester we organise three workshops and one programming contest to help the freshmen strengthen their basic programming concepts in a fun and constructive way. Participants: around 160 students each semester.

Intersistemas soccer match: We organized a soccer cup for systems engineer students, the idea was to get to know other members of the chapter, in a different context. This year we are organizing the same activity. In the event we had 8 teams with an average of 6 players.

GIT and JUnit workshop: We realized that this two technologies a key strength in the industry, and are not currently included in the program of any of our classes. We decided to create a workshop separated in two different sessions in order to teach the basics of this tools. We had around 15 students on each session.

Laravel workshop: One of the most seeked skills searched in our context is PHP, so we decided to have a Laravel workshop, a PHP framework which is becoming one of the most used tools in the industry. We had around 20 students in the workshop.

Programming workshops for school students: Every Saturday during the semester we teach high school students the basic concepts of programming. In this Workshops we use Discant, a programming language that was developed by members of our chapter. We conducted a workshop with Intel Galileos, where each student built a circuit and programmed it using C++. This semester we are exploring a new approach where we teach css, html git and python to thee students, and help them to build a web app.Attendance: 15 students per semester.

Programming contest training: We gather every saturday morning to train for the national and regional ACM-ICPC Programming Contest. Participants: between 10 and 15 students per semester.

An hour of code: Once again we joined the initiative of An hour of code, by developing two separate activities in the year, and inviting students from all ages, and using the standard activities, and some designed by us, where they get to use Lego Robots and Intel Galieos.

Introduction to engineer talk: We conducted a workshop in the introduction to engineer class, using the Intel Galileos, and having the students design, build and program a binary calculator using leds.

The Competitive Programming Network (RPC): Our chapter is active part of the RPC; together we organize, judge and promote programming contests at least 12 times a year, with participation of more than 150 teams from countries like Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. We are responsible of coordinating the Network, and the hosting and maintenance of the web page, forums and judging platform.

Galileo workshop: in this workshop artist and designers learnt to use websockets in javascript to communicate a Web page with an Intel galileo microcontroller, the objective of this activity was to demonstrate the basics of the concept Internet of things so they can come up with ideas and use these technologies to develop them.

Students and courses

Students who take computer science and related courses, and typical majors of our chapter members:

Number of students at:

● Systems Engineering: 53

● Electronic Engineering: 7

● Industrial Engineering: 1

● Other University: 1

● Faculty members: 4

Some of our members are taking two majors, those students are counted twice.

Total unique members: 57

In our University, there are around 300 people studying Systems Engineering, which is the equivalent career to Computer Science.

About us

Email: [email protected]

Web page: acm.javeriana.edu.co

Facebook: facebook.com/acmjaveriana

Twitter: twitter.com/acmjaveriana

Lifelong Learning

ACM offers lifelong learning resources including online books and courses from Skillsoft, TechTalks on the hottest topics in computing and IT, and more.


ACM Case Studies

Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.