ACM Student Chapters Celebrate CSEdWeek by Organizing Hour of Code Activities
During Computer Science Education Week, December 3 to 9, 2018, nearly 90 ACM student chapters participated in the Hour of Code, a global movement designed to generate excitement in young people about programming and technology. Games, tutorials, and other events were organized during Computer Science Education Week around the world, inspiring the next generation of computer scientists.
ACM student chapters that organized 2018 Hour of Code activities include:
- ACM-UNSAAC Student Chapter, Peru
- ACM-W Student Chapter at UW-Platteville, USA
- Adelphi University ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Alexandria University ACM Student Chapter, Egypt
- Alpha Arts and Science College ACM-W Student Chapter, India
- Amity ACM Student Chapter, India
- ANITS ACM Student Chapter, India
- Bennett University ACM Student Chapter, India
- Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering ACM Student Chapter, India
- Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering ACM-W Student Chapter, India
- Bilkent University ACM Student Chapter, Turkey
- BIT Meerut ACM Student Chapter, India
- BITS Pilani-Rajasthan ACM Student Chapter, India
- Bluegrass Community and Technical College ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- Bradley University, USA
- CA State University/Los Angeles ACM Student Chapter, USA
- California Polytechnic State University ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- CCET ACM Student Chapter, India
- Central Washington University ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Chitkara ACM Student Chapter, India
- CIIT Lahore ACM Student Chapter, Pakistan
- Connecticut College ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- DR N. G. P. Institute of Technology ACM Student Chapter, India
- Dundalk Institute of Technology ACM Student Chapter, Ireland
- Faulkner University ACM Student Chapter, USA
- FISAT ACM Student Chapter, India
- Forman Christian College ACM Student Chapter, Pakistan
- GMRIT ACM Student Chapter, India
- Habib University ACM Student Chapter, Pakistan
- Henderson State University, USA
- Holy Family University ACM Student Chapter, USA
- IIT (ISM) Dhanbad ACM Student Chapter, India
- INSAT ACM Student Chapter, Tunisia
- International Burch University ACM Student Chapter, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- IUPUI ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Kansas State University, USA
- KSU ACM Student Chapter, Saudi Arabia
- Lewis & Clark College ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Malayan Colleges Laguna ACM Student Chapter, Philippines
- Manipal University ACM Student Chapter, India
- Manipal University Jaipur ACM Student Chapter, India
- Maribor ACM Student Chapter, Slovenia
- Minerva Schools at KGI ACM Student Chapter, USA
- MNM Jain Engineering College ACM Student Chapter, India
- Nazarbayev University ACM Student Chapter, Kazakhstan
- NIT Surat ACM Student Chapter, India
- Northeastern Illinois University ACM Chapter, USA
- NSU ACM Student Chapter, Bangladesh
- NUST ACM Student Chapter, Pakistan
- PCCOE ACM Student Chapter, India
- PCCOE&R ACM Student Chapter, India
- Pomona College ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- Puerto Rico Rio Piedras ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Purdue Global University ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Randolph-Macon College ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Rider University ACM Student Chapter, USA
- Royal University of Bhutan ACM Student Chapter, Bhutan
- RVRJCCE ACM Student Chapter, India
- SRM University ACM Student Chapter, India
- St. Mary's College of Maryland ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- Stern College for Women ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- Stony Brook University ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- T.I.P. ACM Student Chapter, Philippines
- Touro College, USA
- Treston International College ACM Student Chapter, Philippines
- UCSP ACM Student Chapter, Peru
- University of Guanajuato ACM Student Chapter, Mexico
- University of Kentucky ACM-W Student Chapter , USA
- University of Louisiana/Monroe, USA
- University of Michigan/Dearborn, USA
- University of North Dakota, USA
- University of San Francisco ACM Student Chapter, USA
- University of San Francisco ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- University of South Asia ACM Student Chapter, Pakistan
- University of Texas at San Antonio ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- University of Texas/San Antonio ACM Student Chapter
- University of the Philippines ACM Student Chapter, Philippines
- University of Washington/Bothell, USA
- UPES ACM Student Chapter, India
- UPES ACM-W Student Chapter, India
- UPV ACM Chapter & UPV ACM-W Student Chapter, Spain
- UTEP ACM-W Student Chapter, USA
- VVCE ACM Student Chapter, India
View ACM's Hour of Code 2019 Flickr Album
ACM chapters that participated in the Hour of Code took photos from their experiences introducing young student to computing. This Flickr album contains some photos from Hour of Code events that ACM chapters hosted in their communities.

Chapter-in-a-Box: Everything You Need to Run and Grow Your ACM Chapter
Chapter-in-a-Box contains the resources required for organizing and maintaining an ACM chapter. This compilation of materials and practices includes advice about recruiting members, ideas for activities, how-tos for running meetings and conferences, and much more.

Chapter Administrative Interface
The Administrative Interface helps manage member rosters, add newly elected officers, update address and contact information, submit events to the ACM Local Activities Calendar, and produce annual reports.