ACM Student Chapters Celebrate CSEdWeek by Organizing Hour of Code Activities
During Computer Science Education Week, December 7 - 13, 2020, ACM Student Chapters participated in the Hour of Code, a global movement designed to generate excitement in young people about programming and technology. Games, tutorials, and other events were organized during Computer Science Education Week around the world, inspiring the next generation of computer scientists.
ACM student chapters that have organized 2020 Hour of Code activities include:
- BVRIT HYDERABAD, College of Engineering for Women ACM-W Student Chapter
- Chitkara ACM Student Chapter
- Christ University ACM Student Chapter
- Dundalk Institute of Technology ACM Student Chapter
- IIT Hyderabad ACM Student Chapter
- Koc University ACM Student Chapter
- Kuwait University ACM Student Chapter
- Malayan Colleges Laguna ACM Student Chapter
- Manipal University Jaipur ACM Student Chapter
- Maribor ACM Student Chapter
- MPSTME ACM Student Chapter
- NIT Surat ACM Student Chapter
- NUCES Lahore ACM Student Chapter
- RAIT ACM Student Chapter
- Stony Brook University ACM-W Student Chapter
- Thapar University ACM Student Chapter
- UCSP ACM Student Chapter
- University of California, Irvine ACM-W Student Chapter
- University of Moratuwa ACM Student Chapter
- UPES ACM Student Chapter
- UPES ACM-W Student Chapter
Chapter-in-a-Box: Everything You Need to Run and Grow Your ACM Chapter
Chapter-in-a-Box contains the resources required for organizing and maintaining an ACM chapter. This compilation of materials and practices includes advice about recruiting members, ideas for activities, how-tos for running meetings and conferences, and much more.