ACM Celebrates Pride Month 2022

As part of ACM’s efforts in championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the computing community,in 2022 we celebrated the achievements and contributions of legendary and contemporary LGBTQ computing professionals.
We spotlighted #LGBTQ computing legend Sophie Wilson, whose contribution to the development of ARM processor led to the smartphones that billions use every day.

image of sophia watson; quote: "not knowing something is impossible has interesting effects on your work."


Before she became well known as a gay rights activist, Edie Windsor was IBM’s first woman senior systems programmer. She even helped gay organizations to computerize their mail systems.


image of Edie Windsor; quote: "All of my IBM experience continues throughout my life, I assure you."


Alan Turing, a British mathematician who articulated the mathematical foundation and limits of computing, was born on this day in 1912. The #ACMTuringAward, computing's most prestigious award, was named in Alan Turing's honor.

image of Alan turing; quote: "Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do things no one can imagine."

For #PrideMonth and beyond, read Amy J. Ko’s thoughtful column on CS education, identity, community, and other topics if you haven’t done so already:

image of Amy J. Ko; quote: "Strong community is not just helpful to fighting injustice; it is the solution to injustice."