Recent ACM Europe TPC Public Policy Products

Official ACM policy statements require adoption by the ACM Council or the ACM Executive Committee, and represent the views of ACM. The following materials are the product of, and should be attributed to, the ACM Europe Technology Policy Committee except where identified as having been jointly produced.



ACM Europe TPC Comments on High Value Datasets

Europe TPC provided the European Commission with specific suggestions for how best to implement newly adopted legislation regarding High Value Datasets. Its key point was that important components of established “FAIR” principles omitted from that statute be expressly included in the pending implementing legislation, particularly provisions addressing the findability and accessibility of data.

Europe TPC Comments on EC Cyber Resilience Consultation

The Committee responded to a detailed “radio button” questionnaire and supplemented its selections with several key written points, including: endorsing the promotion of secure-by-design and secure-by-default engineering approaches; warning of an increased likelihood of state actors, or their proxies, using cyber-attacks; and urging the development of secure-by-design principles specific to machine learning systems.

ACM Europe TPC Comments on "Data Act"

Europe TPC's Comments endorsed the Commission’s intent to ensure "fairness in the allocation of value from data among actors in the data economy and to foster access to and use of data," while specifically urging that the proposed Data Act: be expanded to encompass metadata; address foreseeable environmental impacts; and minimise data processing's complexity and cost.