Join Us September 19, 2022 for a Reddit AMA Session on Quantum Computing and Simulation
On September 19, 2022 at 12 pm EDT (9 am PDT, 4 pm UTC), lead co-author of "TechBrief: Quantum Computing and Simulation" Chris Hoofnagle will host a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session and answer questions about quantum computing and simulation. If you are not familiar with Reddit AMAs, these are interactive interviews in which Reddit users ask a moderator questions on a specific topic in real time.
We encourage everyone to follow and/or join this discussion on Reddit. When the discussion thread goes live, it will be discoverable at You do not need to be logged in to Reddit to follow the discussion; however, if you wish to pose questions to the moderator, you must log in with a Reddit username. The moderator will post his answers from the Reddit handle "u/TheOfficialACM." When the discussion is live, ACM will post a direct link to the AMA from its official Twitter account, @TheOfficialACM.
We hope to have many participants join this fascinating conversation about the growing field of quantum computing and simulation. Share this information with your friends and colleagues, and come with questions!