New ACM Journals Accepting Submissions
Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering (PACMSE): Submission guidelines here
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (PACMMOD): Submission guidelines here
ACM Transactions on Probabilistic Machine Learning (TOPML): Submit papers here
Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET): Submission guidelines here
Games: Research and Practice (GAMES): Submit papers here
Collective Intelligence (COLA): Submit papers here
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS): Submit papers here
ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems (JATS): Submit papers here
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (JRC): Submit papers here
ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (TORS): Submit papers here
Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (DLT): Submit papers here
ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning (TELO): Submit papers here
ACM Digital Government: Research and Practice (DGOV): Submit papers here
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