General Instructions for Proceedings Volumes

(If your volume has different requirements, contact Adrienne Gristci [email protected])

ACM will be the publisher; you may arrange for local printing and distribution of the hard copy if you wish it.

The following information should help you produce both print and electronic files conforming to ACM standards.

1. Any commercial quality printing you want is fine. Unless ACM is putting print copies into inventory for post-conference sales, the number of copies and the particular quality of paper is your call. But, if you do print, you should send four (4) copies of the printed proceedings to Adrienne Griscti as well.

2. ACM has an automated rights management form collection system for ACM published proceedings. The contact (lead) author(s) will be sent the ACM rights management form and complete instructions on how to complete their form. A weekly reminder will be sent to all contact author(s) whose forms still need to be completed. Reminder notices will be emailed every week until four weeks before the conference/workshop.

You will be sent a weekly status report listing all authors who have not completed their eRights form. You will also receive an email when all of the forms have been submitted/approved. All eRights management forms must be submitted and approved four weeks before the proceedings is to appear in the Digital Library.

After completing their rights management form, authors will be emailed the correct rights text and bibliographic strip to place within their paper. Please inform authors that they must enter the text into their paper.

As rights management emails are sent from an automated system, there is a chance that emails sent will wind up in SPAM folders. Please make sure that you and your authors set email SPAM settings to allow emails from "[email protected]"


Alongside the camera-ready PDF’s, you will be required to collect and submit the source files for each paper – all files which were used to create the final output (PDF), be they Word, LaTeX, image files, etc.  Submission of source files was always a requirement, albeit one that was hardly enforced in the past. In anticipation of serving both accessibility compliant PDF and responsive HTML5 formatted files from the ACM Digital Library, ACM is now enforcing this requirement.
ACM advises that all viable paper/front matter files be submitted by you three weeks before the first day of the event. This will ensure the timely inclusion of the proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

The publication must not be distributed in any format until all rights management forms have been approved.

To initiate the automated rights management form system, ACM requires you to upload article metadata to the ACM eRights System. You can either:
  1. Obtain the XML metadata file from the Conference Management System (EasyChair, HotCRP, PCS, or LinkLings);
  2. Create the XML metadata file according to the DTD specifications ( It might be easier to modify the sample XML file (; or
  3. Create a .csv file which contains a record for each publication entry you wish to have listed separately in the ACM Digital Library. ACM will phase the .csv file deposits out in 2018.
Missing entries in the metadata file or discrepancies in title or author names will delay publication of the materials in the ACM Digital Library.

Please complete the .csv file using the following specifications: 

"Paper Type","Title","Lead Author:Affiliation;Author2:Affiliation;Author3:Affiliation;etc.","Lead Author e-mail",”Author e-mail;Author e-mail"

Sample record:
"Full Paper","This is a Sample Title","Adrienne Griscti:Association for Computing Machinery;Craig Rodkin:Peace University;John Smith:Hunter Corp.","[email protected]",”[email protected];[email protected]

Article titles must be in English.

Make sure to include the quotation marks within the .csv file as listed above.
Click here to download a sample .csv file

"Paper Type" : Please include one of the following paper types (only) for each of the submissions:

Extended Abstract
Full Paper
Invited Talk Abstract
Invited Talk Paper
Poster Paper (poster article that is 5 or more pages) 
Short Paper

"Title": Please include the paper title as it will appear in the proceedings.

"Author": Please list the lead author first, and include all contributing authors, separated by semicolons

"Lead Author email": Please provide the e-mail address for the lead author.  The lead author will be sent the rights management form and be asked to endorse the form on behalf of all contributing authors. 

"Additional Author emails": Please provide the e-mail address for all other authors separated by comma.

Associated links :

**Please note that papers of 5 pages in length or longer are considered Full Papers.


3Once all authors have submitted their ACM eRights management forms, they will undergo a formal review process. Once the formal review is complete and all forms are approved, an email will be sent to the proceedings contact on record with instructions on how to upload proceedings materials (front/back matter (including ToC), author source files, and article PDFs collected from authors) for ACM Digital Library processing. Materials loaded prior to acceptance will be deleted from the system.

4. ACM has implemented a new set of TeX and MS-Word authoring templates which we will need you to point your authors to within your CFP and website documentation. The URL for the new template is This new consolidated template package replaces all previous independent class files and packages and provides a single up-to-date LATEX package with optional calls. The package uses only free TEX packages and fonts included in TEXLive, MikTEX and other popular TEX distributions.

The new LATEX package and MS-Word template incorporates updated versions of the following ACM templates:

ACM proceedings templates: ACM Standard, SIGCHI, SIGCHI abstracts, and SIGPLAN

NOTE: Most proceedings authors (including ICPS authors) will use the "sigconf" proceedings template variant, but SIGCHI, and SIGPLAN need to direct authors to use their SIGs particular variant within their documentation.

  • ACM offers 24/7 author support for these templates through our vendor, Aptara. Please direct authors who have TeX/MS-Word template problems or inquiries to  [email protected].
  • ACM has partnered with Overleaf, a free cloud-based, collaborative authoring tool, to provide an ACM LaTeX authoring template. The ACM LaTeX template on Overleaf platform is available to all ACM authors here.
  • LANGUAGE SERVICES: ACM has partnered with International Science Editing (ISE) to provide language editing services to ACM authors. ISE offers a comprehensive range of services for authors including standard and premium English language editing, as well as illustration and translation services, and also has significant outreach in China. Editing is available for both Word and LaTeX files. As an ACM author, you will receive a generous discount on ISE editing services.

    To take advantage of this partnership, visit (Editing services are at author expense and do not guarantee publication of a manuscript.)


While papers may be submitted in the author's native language, ACM requires titles and abstracts be submitted in English; author(s) (including affiliations) submitted using the Roman Alphabet as opposed to Cyrillic, Chinese, or Arabic.

Your authors should apply ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme at:

You should examine the Classification Scheme yourself in some detail in order to give specific direction to your authors, suggesting which areas of the Scheme they should look at closely to find appropriate categories. (If you are having trouble finding appropriate categories and subject descriptors, contact Craig Rodkin [email protected]  for suggestions)

5. ACM will have an ISBN generated for your proceedings volume.

6. Title Page Information to be generated by organizers.

  • a. The Title Page holds the normal citation information, displayed as you wish, such as:

    Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter annual

    international conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Making CHI Natural

    2005, Auckland, New Zealand

    CHINZ ‘05

    Conference Chair: Dr. Beryl Plimmer

    Program Chair: Professor Mark Apperly

    Sponsors: The University of Auckland & the New Zealand Chapter of ACM SIGCHI

  • b. the verso of the Title Page should look something like chinz-05.doc

7. Once rights management forms are approved, an email will be sent to the conference organizers with the procedures for uploading the proceedings PDF files for Digital Library processing.

ACM wants the material to appear in the Digital Library on the day your conference begins. To accomplish this, we must have the files no later than three weeks before the conference, and preferable sooner, as we will need to have the metadata generated.

  • a. The files should be PDF.
  • b. They should be optimized for fast web viewing.
  • c. They should have the rights management statement and bibliographic strip on the bottom of the first page left column.
  • d.

    1. When paginating the volume, paginate sequentially throughout the volume.

    2. If you are using article numbering, number the articles sequentially as you wish them to appear in the ACM Digital Library Table-of-Contents and paginate each article 1-n.

  • e. They should have Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped).
    All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file.
    Any PDF that is not deposited with fonts embedded will need to be corrected. In order to help you through this process, we have created documentation on how to embed your fonts. Please download the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file, ACM.joboptions.

    ACM cannot substitute font types, though. This really must be done in the source files before the Postscript or PDF is generated. If bit-mapped fonts are used, they will not necessarily display legibly in all PDF readers on all platforms, though they will print out fine.

  • f. They should be named using the ACM convention: sequence-firstauthorlastname.pdf

    For example, if you paginate the whole volume, use starting page number of each article. If not, then use the article number sequence of appearance in the Table of Contents.

    Example: if John Smith were the first author of the second article and it began on page 14, the file name would be: p14-smith.pdf. If the volume is not paginated, the file name would be a2-smith.pdf.

If you cannot provide the PDFs this way, we can take care of b for you. And if you provide Postscript, we can generate the PDFs for you.

Whatever additional post-processing work we have to do here on the files will add time.

8. We will also need a Table of Contents file with title, authors, and proper sequencing. You should list the page range for each article in the Table of Contents. If you are not paginating the entire volume, but rather article numbering, then we only need the proper sequence, Article 1, Article 2, ...Article N.

9. We will also need PDFs for any front matter or back matter you wish to appear in the Digital Library. If you print any Introduction or Preface or Acknowledgments, we can mount this in the Digital Library only if you supply a file containing this front matter. Back matter is usually less important. Occasionally there are indexes which cannot be readily duplicated with a Search. Supply a back matter file if you wish.

10. Supplements and/or Auxiliary Material

ACM calls extra files to be reviewed with the submitted paper “Supplements.” An example might be a proof that is too long to be included within the allotted number of pages but which is supplied as an online-only Appendix. Another example might be a program which is the actual subject matter of the paper, such as a TOMS paper and its supplemental algorithm. Supplements are an integral part of the paper and are published with it as such. rights management of the paper applies as well to these integral Supplements. Checking Part I of the form transfers rights management on the paper and its Supplements.

ACM calls extra files which are not reviewed as part of the submitted paper but which an author supplies as an additional resource for the reader “Auxiliary Materials.” An example might be an extensive data set used in the research for the paper, or programs that were run on that data to derive the results. ACM will not take copyright to Auxiliary Material which is not reviewed and is not part of the formally published work. But ACM still needs permission from the owner to serve Auxiliary Materials and an agreement that the author is abiding by ACM terms when supplying the non-reviewed Auxiliary Material. Checking Part II of the form and saying YES to the terms grants ACM permission to serve the Auxiliary Materials.

In the event that an author is supplying both kinds of files, Supplements and Auxiliary Materials, they should be provided in separate zips and labeled as such - or A short readme file the author provides will appear in the DL along with each Supplement and/or Auxiliary Material describing the content and whatever requirements there are for using it.

11. Finally, we will need the number of articles submitted and the number accepted. We would also appreciate it if you could describe the review process applied as we are planning on capturing this kind of qualifying information some time in the future.

Last Revised May 14, 2019 by Adrienne Griscti

If you have any technical questions regarding this process, please contact Craig Rodkin

(mailto:[email protected]).

New Word Template for ACM Authors

Working with volunteers from both the SIG and journal communities, ACM has developed a new, easy-to-use Word authoring template and workflow which will allow authors to concentrate on their content rather than focus on print output formatting, as well as reduce the time needed to prepare the text for submission.

TAPS Author Workflow

In the final step in the new ACM production workflow, authors will submit their validated paper to ACM's publishing system (TAPS). The publishing system produces and distributes the traditional PDF output as well as ACM's new responsive HTML5 design.