Call for Nominations: Editor-in-Chief, ACM Books

The ACM Publications Board is seeking an Editor-in-Chief for ACM Books.

The ACM Books program, which publishes academic and practitioner books for the computing community, is noted for its attention to quality and its strong support of authors throughout the publication process. The ACM Publications Board relies on the Books Editor-in-Chief to ensure that the exceptional quality standards of the series are maintained, that the editorial process is both timely and fair, and that the pipeline of new books is sufficient to support the future publication schedule. The EiC works closely with the ACM Books Editorial Board and with an in-house staff that manages the editorial, production, and marketing activities associated with the program.

Nominations are invited for a three-year term as ACM Books Editor-in-Chief beginning on May 1, 2025 (renewable for a further three-year period, subject to the approval of the Publications Board). This is a voluntary position, but ACM will cover appropriate expenses and provide any necessary administrative support. ACM may choose to recruit two Co-EiCs to work together on the management of the program.

Nominations should include a brief explanation of why the nominee should be considered and a short statement on the candidate’s vision for the future development of ACM Books. Self-nominations are welcome, as are joint nominations for two Co-EiCs.

Please send all nominations to Chris Hankin ([email protected]) and Sean Pidgeon ([email protected]).

Nominations deadline: March 15, 2025.

The ACM Publications Board has established a nominating committee to assist in selecting the next EiC. The committee members are:

Chris Hankin, Imperial College (Chair)
Diane Cook, Washington State University
John Grundy, Monash University
Meena Mahajan, Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Helena Mentis, University of Maryland
Tobias Nipkow, TU Munich
Adelinde Uhrmacher, University of Rostock (Publications Board Liaison)