Introducing Proceedings of the ACM

What is PACM?

Proceedings of the ACM on X (PACM) is a new journal series with first issues planned for 2017. This series is suitable for those ACM SIG-sponsored conferences that adapt their review processes to be comparable to those of journals. It is being launched in recognition of the fact that conference-centric publishing disadvantages the CS community with respect to other scientific disciplines when competing with researchers from other disciplines for top science awards and career progression, and the fact that top ACM conferences have demonstrated high quality and high impact on the field. 

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PACM on Software Engineering

Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering (PACMSE) is a new Gold Open Access journal publishing top-quality, original research on all aspects of software engineering, from requirements elicitation to quality assessment, design, maintenance, evolution, and deployment. PACMSE covers a broad range of topics and methods that help conceive, create, and maintain better software be it embedded, cloud-based, mobile and ubiquitous, or runs on conventional computers. The journal operates in close collaboration with the Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT).

Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering

PACM on Management of Data

Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (PACMMOD) is a journal concerned with the principles, algorithms, techniques, systems, and applications of database management systems, data management technology, and science and engineering of data. We invite the submission of original data management, data engineering, and data science research targeting the data life cycle of real applications, studying phenomena at scales, complexities, and granularities never before possible.

PACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT) publishes original research of the highest quality dealing with all areas of computer graphics and interactive techniques including rendering, modeling, animation, and digital image processing as well as the visual computing and simulation elements of  computational fabrication, computational photography, physical modeling and control, user interfaces, video game techniques, and virtual and augmented reality.

PACM on Human-Computer Interaction

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI) is a journal for research relevant to multiple aspects of the intersection between human factors and computing systems. PACMHCI covers a broad range of topics and methods that help illuminate the intersection between humans and computing systems. The scope of this journal includes research contributions in new systems for input and output, studies of user experiences with computing systems, scholarship on the individual and group effects of computer mediation, and societal impacts of new human computer interactions.

PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) is a premier journal for research relevant to the post-PC era. IMWUT covers a broad range of topics and includes research contributions in systems and infrastructures, new hardware and sensing techniques, and studies of user experiences and societal impact.

PACM Series on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems

The PACM Series on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS) publishes original research of the highest quality dealing with performance of computing systems, broadly construed. We recognize that critical insights into key design trade-offs in computer or network systems have historically be obtained using a broad set of tools: benchmarking and experimental evaluation, mathematical modeling, algorithmic analysis, which often need to be combined creatively.

PACM on Networking

Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET) is a journal for research relevant to multiple aspects of the area of computer networking. We seek papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and its applications. We especially encourage submissions that present new technologies, novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. We are also looking for papers on network properties such as policy and economics, security and privacy, reliability and availability, performance, energy efficiency, etc.

PACM on Programming Languages

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) is a Gold Open Access journal publishing research on all aspects of programming languages, from design to implementation and from mathematical formalisms to empirical studies. Each issue of the journal is devoted to a particular subject area within programming languages and will be announced through Calls for Papers

How to Apply

If your conference has an established record of high quality, judged by standing in the field, citations, and other measures used by the PACM Steering Committee, you may consider applying for inclusion in the PACM journal series.  The application guidelines serve as a template for what to include in a PACM proposal. The Steering Committee will review the proposal, work with the proposers on potential revisions, and then decide whether to forward a proposal to the ACM Publications Board for final approval.

PACM Governance

The PACM Steering Committee is charged with PACM oversight and operation. However, each PACM journal will have an Editorial Board structured according to its own proposed and approved governance system. The ACM Publications Board has ultimate authority over the PACM Series and each of its titles.

Production Instructions

Once a proposal has been approved, your production team will need to be assembled. Detailed instructions for PACM production vendors are found in the PACM production guidelines and required metadata documents. ACM templates must be used by authors to ensure a uniform look to the journals program.

Publish with ACM

ACM's prestigious conferences and journals seek top-quality papers in all areas of computing and IT. It is now easier than ever to find the most appropriate venue for your research and publish with ACM.

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