Communicating Results of Investigations
Updated December 1, 2022
Once a decision has been reached regarding a claim, that decision will be communicated in writing to the claimant(s) and accused by the ACM Director of Publications for Works published in the ACM Digital Library or by the Program Committee Chair(s) or General Chair(s) for unpublished conference, workshop, or symposium related Works. Upon notification, the investigative phase will be deemed to have ended, and there will be no further communication with any party by ACM, unless there is an appeal to the ACM President. See appeals policy for more information about the process for appealing policy violation decisions.
In all cases, if a violation has been found, the parties will be informed of the penalties and the actions to be taken.
Upon notification, the investigative phase will be deemed to have ended, and there will be no further communication with any party by ACM unless there is an appeal to the ACM President.
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