SIGUCCS Annual Report

July 2002 - June 2003

Submitted by: Robert Paterson, Chair

SIGUCCS (Special Interest Group for University and College Computing Services) hosted two successful conferences during 2002-2003 and ended the year with a significant fund balance. Membership increased slightly due to the transition to a Conference Only SIG.

The Executive Committee members are: Chair; Robert Paterson, Vice Chair; Lida Larson, Secretary Jerome Smith, Treasurer; Alan Herbert, Information Director, Nancy Bauer. Linda L. Downing and Jack Esbin. are members-at-large. Jennifer Fajman serves as the immediate past-chair.


The Executive Committee held a day and a half planning meeting in October at ACM headquarters in New York. The meeting focused on the mission, goals and directions for SIGUCCS as they relate to resource management. This gave the new Executive Committee an opportunity to meet with ACM personnel and gain an understanding of ACM operations. The state of the national economy and conference attendance continue to be driving concerns.

SIGUCCS was successful during its first year as a Conference Only SIG. Both the fall and spring conferences exceeded financial goals. The spring conference still needs development and growth.

The Executive Committee established three working subcommittees, Marketing, Web Services and Consulting Services. Over the next year we plan to flesh out these services to our members and the Higher Education community.

Awards Program

The SIGUCCS Awards Programs have been in place for many years. The two most recently established programs are the Penny Crane Award, to recognize significant multiple contributions from individuals over an extended period of time to SIGUCCS, and the Hall of Fame awards for the many individuals who have contributed their time and energies that have materially benefited SIGUCCS.

John Bucher was the third recipient of the 2002 Penny Crane Award.

The were 10 people installed in the Hall of Fame: John Bucher, Diane Jung, Sheri Prupis, Carl Malstrom, Lois Secrist, Fred Harris, Larry Pickett, Geraldine MacDonald, Jerry Martin and Terris Wolff.

More information on the awards program can be found at


The thirty-first Fall User Services Conference was held 20 to 23 November 2002 in Providence RI. The theme was Charting Bold Courses: New Worlds in User Services. 472 people attended the conference, with tutorial registration at around 172. 50 papers were published in the proceedings, which were made available in both hard copy and CD ROM format. There were also discussion, panel and poster sessions as part of the conference. The conference had a surplus of approximately $27,500.

The thirtieth spring Computer Services Management Symposium (CSMS) was held from March 30 through April 1, 2003 in a new location, Monterey CA. The change in venue was designed to attract a wider constituency. Plans are now in place for this conference to move to alternate locations across the country to fulfill this goal. The conference was constructed as a series of plenary sessions, facilitated discussion groups and evaluated papers. Approximately 87 people attended. Financially, the conference made a small profit of $2600.

Future conferences include the Fall User Services Conference to be held at the San Antonio, TX, September 21 - 24, 2003, and the CSMS in Santa Fe, NM March 21 to 23, 2004.

Financial and Membership Issues

(Note: see SIG Services section in the annual report for SIGUCCS financial and membership data.)

We continue to maintain a healthy fund balance, thanks in a large part to the success of our two annual conferences. As of the end of June 2003, our fund balance exceeded $285,000 and our membership was 437 with a retention rate of about 70%.

2002 User Services Awards

As we have done for many years, we held our documentation competition and awards in conjunction with the Fall User Services Conference in Providence RI.

Category 1: Web Based Services

Category 1a: Web -Based Services

Overall Winner: Bucknell University

Bucknell University's Department of Information Services and Resources

Second Place (over 4,000 students): University of Missouri-Columbia

University of Missouri-Columbia Information & Access Technology Services Public Web Site

Third Place (over 4,000 students): University of Colorado at Boulder

Information Technology Services (ITS) Web Site

Honorable Mention (over 4,000 students): College of William and Mary

The Learning Team Web Site

Second Place (under 4,000 students): St. Edward's University

Computer Help Web Site at St. Edward's University

Third Place (under 4,000 students): Willamette University

Willamette Integrated Technology Services (WITS) Web Site

Category 1b: Student Employee Web Sites

Overall Winner: Bentley College

Lindsay Lab Consultant Web Site

Second Place (over 4,000 students): Brown University

Brown University Lab Consultant Program Web Site

Third Place (over 4,000 students): University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wisconsin Student Technical Training (STT) Program Web Site

Honorable Mention (under 4,000 students): Willamette University

WITS Lab Assistants Help Guide

Category 2: Computing Newsletter

Category 2a: Printed Newsletter

Overall Winner: University of California, Davis

IT Times Special Edition Winter 2002

Second Place (over 4,000 students): Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

i/s: News about information systems throughout MIT

Third Place (over 4,000 students): University of Wisconsin-Madison


Honorable Mention (over 4,000 students): Brown University


Category 2b: Electronic Newsletter

Overall Winner: University of California, Davis

IT Times

Second Place (over 4,000 students): Penn State University

Academic Computing Newsletter

Category 3: How-to-Guides and Instructional Materials

Category 3a: Electronic How-to-Guides

Overall Winner: Brown University

Web Publishing Central

Second Place (over 4,000 students): Idaho State University

Help Desk Knowledge Base

Third Place (over 4,000 students): University of California, Davis

Student Computing Guide Web Site

Honorable Mention (over 4,000 students): University of California, Davis

Faculty Technology Guide

Second Place (under 4,000 students): Smith College

Smith College Technology and Resource Advisor (TARA) Web Site

Third Place (under 4,000 students): Willamette University

Microsoft Word 2000 Tips Tricks & FAQs

Honorable Mention (under 4,000 students): Willamette University

Willamette Email Information

Category 3b: Printed How-to-Guides

Overall Winner Bentley College

Computing Resource Guide for Students with Bentley Notebook Computers

Second Place (over 4,000 students): Cornell University

Get Online with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP

Third Place (over 4,000 students): Cornell University

Bear Access How to Get Started

Honorable Mention (over 4,000 students): University of Missouri-Columbia

Everything Technology Faculty Guide 2001-2002

Second Place (under 4,000 students): Bentley College

Computing Resource Guide for Faculty

Third Place (under 4,000 students): Tokyo International University of America

Using a Kaneko Multimedia Center Video Editing Workstation and iMovie to Edit Your Movie

Category 3c: Printed Instructional Classroom Materials

Overall Winner: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

FileMaker Pro 5.5: Working with Existing Databases

Second Place (over 4,000 students): University of New Hampshire

Blackboard QuickStart 5: A Beginner's Guide to Launching a Blackboard Course

Category 3d: Electronic Instructional Classroom Materials

Second Place (over 4,000 students): The College of William and Mary

Instructional Video: Image Editing for the College of William and Mary Web Templates

Third Place (over 4,000 students): Brown University

SPSS Tutorial for a class on Introductory Statistics

Category 4: Quick Reference Guide

Category 4: Quick Reference Guide

Overall Winner: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Educational Computing Resources Quick Guide

Second Place (over 4,000 students): University of Missouri-Columbia

Welcome to Technology @ MU 2002-2003

Get Ready for Technology @ MU 2002-2003

Third Place (over 4,000 students): Cornell University

UPortal.Cornell bookmark

Honorable Mention (over 4,000 students): Penn State University

ANGEL Bookmark

Honorable Mention (under 4,000 students): Bentley College

High-Tech Classroom Quick Reference Guide: Smith Academic Technology Center

Category 5: Promotional Materials

Category 5a: General Service Promotional Materials

Overall Winner: Yale University School of Medicine

Posters: The Surprisingly Effective Role an "Old-Fashioned" Medium Can Play Promoting 21st Century Technology

Second Place (over 4,000 students): University of California, Berkeley

Connecting@Berkeley 2003

Third Place (over 4,000 students): University of Wisconsin-Madison

Wisconsin Integrated Software Catalog (WISC) Promotional Campaign

Honorable Mention (over 4,000 students): University of Colorado at Boulder


Computer Registration Process and Account Activation Poster

Second Place (under 4,000 students): Bucknell University

Planning Calendar and Guide to Information Services and Resources

Third Place (under 4,000 students): Valparaiso University

Connecting Minds to the World: The Guide to Resources 2002-2003

Valparaiso University Electronic Information Services and Moellering Library

Category 5b: Promotional Video/Audio

Overall Winner: Willamette University

Dangerous Connections

Second Place (over 4,000 students): University of Wisconsin-Madison

Video Conferencing at DoIT

Category 5c: Student-Created Promotional Materials

Overall Winner: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Software Training for Students (STS), University of Wisconsin-Madison Promotional Newsletter

Second Place (over 4,000 students):

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Software Training for Students (STS), University of Wisconsin-Madison

Student-created Promotional Bookmark

Third Place (over 4,000 students): South Dakota State University

Student Computing Services Tri-Fold Brochure

Category 6: Software CDs

Overall Winner: University of California, Davis

Bovine Online-The UC Davis Internet Toolkit

Second Place (over 4,000 students): University of Pennsylvania

PennConnect 2002

Third Place (over 4,000 students): Idaho State University

Idaho State University Help Desk Took Kit CD

Second Place (under 4,000 students): Willamette University

Willamette Integrated Technology Services (WITS) "Technical Guide for Opening Days" CD-ROM

ACM Case Studies

Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.

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