SIGMIS FY'04 Annual Report
July 2003 - June 2004
Submitted by: Janice C. Sipior, SIGMIS Chair
Mission and Overview
SIGMIS is the Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems of the ACM. SIGCPR, the Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research, merged with SIGMIS in July 2002. Members of SIGMIS are interested in information systems and technologies for management and the management of these systems and technologies. SIGMIS was founded in 1961 as the Special Interest Group on Business Data Processing and later was known as the Special Interest Group on Business Information Technology. Today, SIGMIS has over 650 members throughout the world. SIGMIS publishes The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (Data Base, for short) and holds the annual SIGMIS CPR conference dedicated to computer personnel research. SIGMIS also participates in the annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the annual European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), the annual International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), and other conferences. SIGMIS promotes student achievement, is a cofounder of ISWorld Net, and partners with other organizations to provide services to members and to the profession.
Summary of Recent Accomplishments
During the last FY'04, some of the major events and accomplishments of SIGMIS include:
Held the SIGMIS CPR Conference April 22-24, 2004 in Phoenix, AZ USA
Awarded the first "Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year Award"
Cosponsored the Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2003) November 3-8, 2003 in New Orleans, LA USA
In-cooperation with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2003) December 14-17, 2003 in Seattle, WA USA
Sponsored the Doctoral Dissertation Paper Award
Held the third annual reception for SIGMIS members at the ICIS2003
Continued to represent ACM as a member of a select group to develop model curriculum for education in IS, both at the undergraduate and graduate level
Continued to fund a representative to the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
1. Awards
Beginning with the ICIS 1995, SIGMIS became the sponsor of the ICIS MIS Doctoral Dissertation Award. In 2003, the award was given to Otto Koppius for his work entitled "Information architecture and electronic market performance," based on his dissertation completed at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The first to receive the "Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year Award" at the 2004 SIGMIS CPR Conference are Mr. Maren Simonsen, University of Bergen, and Dr. Maung Sein, University of Bergen and Agder University College, Norway, for their paper, "Conceptual Frameworks in Practice: Evaluating EU Training Strategy in Organizations."
2. Papers
SIGMIS held the SIGMIS CPR Conference April 22-24, 2004 in Phoenix, AZ USA. The conference program is available from the SIGMIS website at:
Additionally, SIGMIS publishes The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (Data Base, for short), a quarterly peer-reviewed journal devoted to communicating advances in research and best practice in MIS. For the current and previous issues of Data Base, please visit the SIGMIS website.
3. Programs
To promote professional interaction among SIGMIS members, the third annual reception at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2003) was held on Saturday, December 13, just prior to the conference December 14-17, 2003 in Seattle, WA USA.
4. Service to MIS Community
In conjunction with representatives of the Association for Information Technology Professionals (AITP) and the Association for Information Systems (AIS), SIGMIS has been involved in the development of model curriculum for education in information systems both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Additionally, the ACM and the IEEE Computing Society are founders of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). IFIP acts on behalf of member societies in carrying out international cooperation to advance the information processing profession. SIGMIS continues to fund the attendance of the ACM's representative for one of the annual meetings of IFIP to promote involvement among the membership of SIGMIS and IFIP.
5. Key Issues
We need to further expand the focus of the annual CPR Conference to serve not only the current attendees, but to attract all members. Additionally, we need to secure conference program committees for future years, beyond April 2005. Success with this conference is also critical to provide a source of revenue to offset the cost of services currently provided to members.
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