SIG Governing Board-Executive Committee Motions - FY'01

Motion: Approve changes to the SIGACT mission statement. Notkin, Cohoon

Unanimous (8/8/00)

Motion: Contingent upon approval from the ACM Awards committee, the SGB EC shall allocate the remaining SIGNUM funds in the amount of $50,000 to fund an endowment to be administered by SIGSAM. This endowment shall fund prizes for scholarly work and student travel grants that will be awarded in the name of SIGNUM.

Notkin, Furuta
Unanimous (8/8/00)

Motion: The SGB EC approves the term extensions of the leadership of SIGWEB, SIGUCCS, SIGCPR, SIGIR, SIGCOMM and SIGARCH.

Notkin, Ellis
unanimous (8/8/00)

Motion: Move that the SGBEC recommend dissolution of SIGBIO.

Furuta, Chesnais
Unanimous (10/13/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB allow a 90-day continuance for revitalization of SIGCUE.

Notkin, Furuta
Unanimous (10/13/00)

Motion: Move to continue SIGART's status as a multi-service SIG.

Furuta, Klein

Motion: Move to continue SIGMOD's status as a multi-service SIG.

Cohoon, Hayne

Motion: Recommend that the SGB continue SIGMIS' status as a multi-service SIG with a viability review in 2 years.

Furuta, Berenbaum
(7,2,0) - Motion passes (10/13/00)

Motion: Move to establish SIGKDD as a multi-service SIG.

Hayne, Berenbaum
Unanimous (10/13/00)

Motion: Move to establish SIGecom as a multi-service SIG.

Furuta, Bernenbaum
(8,0,1) - Motion passes (10/13/00)

Motion: Move to establish SIGMOBILE as a multi-service SIG.

Ellis, Hayne
Unanimous (10/13/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB EC recommend acceptance of the Allocation Task Force report.

Cohoon, Ellis
Unanimous (10/13/00)

Motion: Move that the SIGSAM executive committee be permitted to extend their terms of office for the next 2 years.

Furuta, Notkin
unanimous (11/14/00)

Motion: Move to endorse the SIGGRAPH bylaw changes and allow them to be distributed to the membership.

Furuta, Feldman
unanimous (2/1/01)

Motion: Move to allow SIGPLAN to run the VC for Conferences position unopposed for the upcoming election.

Furuta, Berenbaum
unanimous (2/1/01)

Motion: Move to allow SIGCHI to run the VC for Conferences position unopposed for the upcoming election. (2/1/01)

Motion: Move to support SIGs that wish to utilize outside firm to run electronic election.

Notkin, Cohoon
unanimous (2/1/01)

Motion: Move to place SIGUCCS in transition with the consent and agreement of the SIGUCCS leadership.

Klein, Notkin
Unanimous (3/8/01)

Motion: Move to proceed with the dissolution of SIGBIO, handling membership obligations, reverting their fund to the SGB. The fund will be earmarked for a 2 year period within the SGB fund balance for BIO related activities. The SGB EC thanked the leadership of SIGBIO for their efforts in revitalization.

Notkin, Klein
Unanimous (3/8/01)

Motion: Move that the SGB EC request that the group that has submitted a preliminary plan for the future of SIGCUE be asked to prepare a formal plan to include a financial model, publication plans, other activities and clear milestones for all.

Chesnais, Furuta
(4,2,0) (3/8/01)

Motion: Move that a SIG 2 or more issues behind in its publication schedule be automatically placed in transition. This policywould be placed in effect June 11, 2001

motion passed (5/31/01)

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