Minutes of the March 22, 2001 SGB EC Conference Call

1) Review of Action Items

The following actions were reported closed:

Action: Hayne to coordinate conference software groups that develop as a result of interests conveyed via e-mail on conference software as presented during the October 2, 1999 SGB meeting. (10/2/99)(changed from Cassel to Hayne 9/12/00)

Action: Baglio to include award evaluation as part of the viability review in the SOR.(2/5/00)

Action: Baglio to place update of SOR on the SGB agenda.

Action: Baglio and Notkin to work on setting up call schedule before and after March 11th SGB EC meeting. (11/14/00)

Action: Chesnais will work with Snodgrass to address the concerns of SIGCOMM leadership. (11/14/00)

Action: Baglio to include SIGGRAPH bylaw changes on January conference call agenda. (12/14/00)

Action: Chesnais will report to the ACM EC that the SIGCAS bylaw amendment to elect a board of directors will go forth to the SIGCAS membership as part of their election materials. (12/14/00)

Action: Chesnais will report to the ACM EC that the SIGCSE bylaw amendment to allow three year terms will go forth to the SIGCSE membership as part of their election materials. (12/14/00)

Action: Furuta to inform SIGGRAPH leadership that bylaw changes were approved. (2/1/01)

Action: Furuta to inform SIGPLAN leadership that VC of Conference position can run opposed and encourage them to make this an appointed position. (2/1/01)

Action: Furuta to inform SIGCHI leadership that VC of Conference position can run opposed and encourage them to make this an appointed position. (2/1/01)

Action: Ryan to find out timing from outside election firm to run electronic election. (2/1/01)

Action: Baglio to place electronic election process on SGB March meeting agenda. (2/1/01)

Action: Klein to inform Fajman that SIGUCCS was placed in transition and the SGB EC expects a revitalization plan by May 1st. (3/8/01)

Action: Klein to report to the SGB, the SGB EC's recommendation to SIGBIO. (3/8/01)

Action: Klein will report SGB EC's decision on the revitalization of SIGCUE to the leaders that proposed the plan.(3/8/01)

The following actions were reassigned:

Action: Notkin to work on SOR update to include a trigger listing for troubled SIGs based on the HQ report on viability. Reassigned (3/22/01)

Action: Chesnais to report back to SGB on the MAB's decision for allowing a discounted three-year and lifetime membership choice. Reassigned from Arnold (3/22/01)

2) Review of motions and actions from 3/11/01 SGB meeting

Chesnais reviewed each of the motions from the SGB meeting:

Motion: Move that a SIG 2 or more issues behind in its publication schedule be automatically placed in transition. This policy would be placed in effect June 11, 2001.

Action: Baglio to inform appropriate staff that a SIG 2 or more issues behind in its publication schedule be automatically placed in transition effective June 11, 2001.

Motion: The SGB requests that the EC choose a conference manuscript tracking tool, arrange access, support and enhancement, and develop a business plan, within the next 3 months.

Motion: The SGB requests that the SGB EC review the rights and responsibilities policy and bring to the Fall 2001 SGB meeting a list of those rights that are not currently being guaranteed, along with proposals for how to ensure those rights.

The actions relating to the publications area were given to Jim Cohoon in his role as Publications Advisor for the SGB EC. The SGB EC supported the idea that Jim could put together committees or reassign the actions to other members of the SGB as appropriate.

Action: Cohoon to lead effort to choose a conference manuscript tracking tool, arrange access, support and enhancement, and develop a business plan, within the next 3 months.

Action: Cohoon to lead effort to review the rights and responsibilities policy and bring to the fall 200 1 SGB meeting a list of those rights that are not currently being guaranteed, along with proposals for how to ensure those rights.

Motion: Move to propose that SIGCPR's allocation be frozen at $3,000 for the next 3 years.

The above motion was tabled. The SGB EC will work with the small SIGs on two issues. 1) Mechanism for requesting financial assistance as a result of the allocation and 2) Continue to work with SIG leaders to develop outlets for programs that don't necessarily fit within the SIG structure. The hope is to handle these issues before the next set of meetings so the SGB can move on to other areas.

Action: Chesnais to work with small SIG Chairs on minimum allocation issues.

Action: Baglio to place SIGCPR allocation agenda item on August SGB agenda.

Motion: Move to accept SGB EC's recommendation to place SIGUCCS in transition

Klein reported that the SIGUCCS EC is continuing their efforts to revitalize the SIG and submit a formal plan. He will request that they do that by May 1st in order for SGB EC to handle the request before terms expire on June 30th.

Action: Klein to inform Fajman that SIGUCCS has been placed in transition and request revitalization plan by May 1st.

Motion: Move to continue SIGCAPH's current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Motion: Move to continue SIGMM's current status as a conference SIG for the next 4 years.

Motion: Move to continue SIGOPS' current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Motion: Move to continue SIGSAC's current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Motion: Move to continue SIGSAM's current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Motion: Move to continue SIGSOUND's current status as an Electronic SIG for the next 4 years.

Motion: Move to continue SIGSOFT's current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Action: Baglio to issue appointment letter to name Mike O'Donnell Chair of SIGSOUND.

Motion: Move to allow SIGs to provide larger discounts to their own SIG members than to ACM-only member. The new algorithm: fee for ACM+SIG member <= fee for SIG-only member <= fee for ACM-only member <= non-member fee. The ordering for ACM-only member and SIG-only member can be switched at the discretion of the SIG leaders.

The above motion passed.

Action: Chesnais to bring SGB endorse pricing proposal to ACM EC to request a bylaw change.

Motion: Move to cap SGB weighted votes at 5.

The above motion was tabled. The SGB EC will have this placed on the next agenda for discussion with appropriate back-up so that SIG leaders have the necessary information they need to make a decision.

Action: Baglio to place weighted voting cap on August agenda.

Motion: Move to recommend dissolution to ACM Council for SIGBIO and earmark funds for biological computing area for a 2 year period at which time the funds would be placed in the SGB fund for any activity.

Action: Chesnais to bring SGB recommendation to dissolve SIGBIO to the ACM EC for endorsement and to ACM Council for final action.

3) SIGCUE newsletter

Klein reported that SIGCUE had submitted a newsletter for distribution to their membership. This is their first newsletter since January'99. ACM HQ requested guidance from the SGB EC on volume and issue. The SGB is supportive of the new leaderships efforts to get the SIG up and running. The SGB EC suggested and endorsed the idea that SIGCUE membership be extended for 1 year and the newsletter carry the next volume and issue in the sequence with the current date. A letter is to be issued with the newsletter explaining all of this.

Action: Klein to let SIGCUE leaders know that The SGB EC suggested and endorsed the idea that SIGCUE membership be extended for 1 year and the newsletter carry the next volume and issue in the sequence with the current date. A letter is to be issued with the newsletter explaining all of this.

Action: Johnson to prepare draft of letter for SIGCUE members to be issued with their next issue explaining volume and issue numbering and extension of terms.



  • Donna Baglio
  • Alan Berenbaum
  • Alain Chesnais
  • Rick Furuta
  • Mark Scott Johnson
  • Bruce Klein
  • Jim Cohoon
  • Carla Ellis
  • Stuart Feldman
  • Stephen Hayne
  • David Notkin
  • Mary Lou Soffa

Action: Johnson to inform appropriate HQ staff of SIGCUE's extension of terms.