Minutes of the November 24, 2003 SGB EC Conference Call
1. Review member-at-large assignments
Baglio reviewed the list of all SGB assignments as reported to her by Berenbaum via e-mail.
2. Review action items
Action: SGB EC will develop a task force to review activities related to offering SIG publications on-line instead of hard-copy. Volunteers included Wolf, Partridge, Chesnais, Jewett, Ebcioglu, Haramundanis, and R. Brown. The SGB EC will continue this discussion. (9/21/02)
This action is complete. The SGB-EC discussed this and Ozsu suggested making this action part of the goal for the joint SIGs/Pubs task force currently looking to expand the use and utility of the DL and Portal. Tamer is one of the SIG reps and will ask Alex Wolf (SIGSOFT), Craig Partridge (SIGCOMM), Tom Jewett (SIGCAS), Kemal Ebcioblu (SIGMICRO), Katherine Haramundanis (SIGDOC) and Robert Brown (SIGAPL) if they are interested in working with the task force or providing input. Ozsu will incorporate the offering of SIG publications on-line instead of via hard copy into the goals of the joint SIGs/Pubs task force.
Action: SIGCAPH leadership to work with Frawley at ACM HQ to issue a letter to the membership informing them of the newsletter status and the direction the SIG will be taking. (3/15/03)
This action is complete. The letter was sent to the SGB EC today for their files.
Action: Berenbaum to identify task force members to make recommendations on DL content. (3/16/03)
Action remains, no report.
Action: Baglio to send Ozsu list of conferences not using the Sheridan Service. (3/16/03)
Action remains.
Action: SGB EC to monitor the 10 SIGs that submitted deficit budgets for FY'04. (5/5/03)
Action remains. Baglio will request that accounting report on the activities of the 10 SIGs that submitted deficit budgets and will forward to the SGB EC.
Action: Baglio will have ACM HQ staff put together a summary of exposure for each of the SIGs. This information will be forwarded to the SGB EC for review and will be included in future viability reports.(5/5/03)
Action remains.
Action: Berenbaum to request that the ACM EC approve the SIGCHI bylaw changes. (8/20/03)
Action remains.
Action: Gabow to inform the SIG leaders of SIGAPL, SIGAPP, SIGART, SIGCAS, SIGMICRO, SIGSAC, SIGSIM and SIGUCSS that there is now a single SIG designation. The categories of conference-only, publications-only and electronic forum no longer exist.(9/20/03)
This action is complete.
Action: Gabow to inform the SIGSOUND leaders that the SIG has been dechartered but that they may continue to utilize ACM's listserve capabilities to continue a forum on SOUND.(9/20/03)
This action is complete.
Action: ALL SIGCHAIRS must provide a list of annual membership benefits annually by, November 15th in order to remain viable. (9/20/03)
This action is complete. Baglio reported that 4 SIGS: CHI, DOC, ITE and MOBILE did not submitt their list of annual membership benefits. She offered to review the information from all of the SIGS before making recommendations on format and measuring viability. Robert Walker will assist since he is now responsible for SIGs in transition. Henry Walker also offered to help.
Action: ALL Conference-only SIG Chairs must submit an update to their bylaws to allow for elections during the next election cycle (2005-2007). (9/20/03)
Action remains while Ryan and Baglio prepare recommendations for possible election models.
Action: Baglio and Ryan to make recommendations on alternative election models for all SIGs. (9/20/03)
Action remains.
Action: Gabow to inform SIGCAPH leadership that SIGCAPH remains in transition and will be discussed during the next SGB EC conference call.(9/21/03)
This action is complete. The SGB EC recommends that Alan Berenbaum appoint a new Chair to SIGCAPH. The Chair is expected to appoint a new executive committee and should come up with a program plan for SGB EC review by February 1, 2004.
Action: Gabow to inform SIGGROUP leadership that SIGGROUP remains in transition and must supply a full election slate by November 20, 2003.(9/21/03)
Action remains. Gabow has heard from SIGGROUP leader and is awaiting a slate.
Action: SGB EC to approve the FY'05 variable rate starting point. (9/21/03)
Action remains. Baglio will work with accounting to distribute recommendation.
Action: Berenbaum to appoint task force to review allocation with regard to grants and expenses associated with them to determine if they should be exempt from the allocation formula. (9/21/03)
Action remains. Baglio reported that Berenbaum is in the process of putting together this task force with SIG leaders that secure grants and SIG leaders that do not.
Action: Ryan to provide SGB with a legal recommendation on URL redirection. (9/21/03)
Action remains. Ryan has forwarded suggested wording to ACM lawyers and is awaiting their response.
Action: Graves to provide SGB EC with an implementation/rollout timeline for their November 2003 conference call if appropriate based on legal recommendation. (9/21/03)
This action is complete. Graves has done what's necessary to implement URL redirection. He is awaiting approval from legal to move ahead.
Action: Baglio to review SIG newsletter production process and provide an outline to SGB leaders and make recommendations on changes if appropriate. (9/21/03)
Action remains.
3. Review process for new SIG proposals.
Baglio verified the procedure for new SIGs with the group. When new proposals come in she reviews the non-technical content and makes suggestions on format. Baglio sends proposals to the SGB EC for input. They should be prepared to:
- Let proposal submitter know we appreciate the effort but aren't prepared to charter a SIG at this time.
- Endorse and forward to the SGB for comment
- Ask them to respond to additional concerns (please list)
If endorsed, the proposal will be forwarded to the SGB for input and action.
4. Location for Spring SGB Meetings
The SGB EC support meeting in Chicago at the Hilton O'Hare. Their preference is the weekend of March 13th if possible. All understand that availability is the issue.
5. Other issues
No other issues were discussed.
- Donna Baglio
- Hans Boehm
- Stu Feldman
- Hal Gabow
- Tamer Ozsu
- Henry Walker
- Bob Walker