SIG Conference Planning Guide
Dear Conference Leaders,
Congratulations on your appointment to Chair an ACM sponsored or co-sponsored event. This Guide was developed as a resource for conference organizers. It is divided into 8 sections to allow committee members to focus on a particular area of interest.
Conferences that are part of an existing ACM sponsored or co-sponsored series may submit a Preliminary Approval Form (PAF). Once approved by the sponsoring SIG leadership, you’ll have the ability to promote the event and begin the site selection process. Conferences new to ACM are advised to submit a Technical Meting Request Form (TMRF). This will give the sponsoring SIG leaders the necessary information to approve sponsorship or co-sponsorship. Both forms are explained and linked to from the Guide.
Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of a conference means that ACM is taking legal and financial responsibility for the event on behalf of a Special Interest Group. As a result, there are required practices and policies that need to be followed. The Guide will outline those for you. In addition, the ACM headquarters staff can provide assistance on site selection, finances, contract negotiation and general practices in running an ACM event. To determine your point of contact, see the SIG Services Staff page.
Feedback on the Guide is welcome. Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think.
Donna Cappo, Director of SIG Services
Table of Contents
Establishing an ACM Sponsored or Co-sponsored Event
- Use of the ACM Name with Conferences
- Submitting the Preliminary Approval Form (PAF)
- Submitting the Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF) and Budget
- US Tax and Your Budget
- VAT (Value Added Tax) and Your Budget
- Events Co-Sponsored with Other Societies
- Sites of ACM Conferences within the past 2 years (March 2023 - March 2025)
Site Selection, Venue and Hotel Contracting
Conference Registration
- Online Registration Management Using the ACM Registration Vendor
- Conference Accessibility
- Registration and ACM Policies
- Demographic Survey Information
- Carbon Offset Program
- Visa Support Letter Requests
- Onsite Registration Management
- Conference Attendee Lists
- Certificates of Attendance
- Post-Conference Surveys
Conference Operations
- Your Conference Operations Liaison (Your Main HQ Point-of-Contact)
- Hotel and Convention Center Management
- Contract Management
- Hiring Independent Contractors
- Virtual Conferences
- Providing Childcare at ACM Conferences
- Use of Music at Conferences
- Shipping
- Conference Calls
- ACM P referred Vendors
- Policy Against Harassment at ACM Activities
- CARES Program
- ACM Statements
Conference Finances
- Using the ACM In-House Bank Account
- Using a University Bank Account
- Receiving Corporate Support Income
- Receiving Exhibitor or Advertising Income
- Paying Conference Expenses with the ACM In-House Bank Account
- ACM Payment Policy
- ACM W-8/W-9 Policy
- Reimbursing Volunteer Leaders
- Reimbursing Speaker Expenses
- Paying Speaker Honorariums or Conference Awards
- Paying Student Travel Grants
- Procedure for Closing Conference Finances
- Taking Advantage of the ACM Tax-Exempt Status
- Policy for Services Performed by Volunteer Leaders
- Equipment Purchase Guidelines
- Submission Systems
- Production Systems
- ACM Policies for Reviewers
- Plagiarism Software
- Information for Authors
- Language Services
- OpenSurround in the ACM Digital Library
- OpenToc in the ACM Digital Library
- ACM Policy on Withdrawing Work from the Digital Library
- Video Capture and Streaming
- Hosting SIG Conference Videos on ACM's YouTube Channel
Conference Promotion, Printing, Awards Production
- Promoting the Call for Papers
- Promoting the Event
- Complimentary Ad Space in Communications of the ACM
- Promotional Services
- ACM Logo Guidelines
- Plaques and Certificates
- Use of Stock Photography in Promotional Materials
- Photography at Conferences