Conference Promotion, Printing, Awards Production
Promoting the Call for Papers
Once the PAF has been endorsed, the Call for Papers can be publicized.
What information should the call for papers include?
- Name, dates, location, organizers of conference
- Sponsoring Societies/SIGs name and logos
- Scope and Purpose of the meeting
- Type of papers which will be accepted
- The length of the paper for review
- Important dates (i.e. due dates, acceptance date, camera-ready copy due date). It is recommended that the date include the time zone.
- Link to online submission system
- ACM Author Representation Policy
- Information on the authoring tools made available through ACM
- Conference attendance requirements for authors of accepted papers
- The following disclosure:
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)”
- The following statements:
- “By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.”
- “Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improving author discoverability, ensuring proper attribution, and contributing to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.”
Promoting the Event
Once the Preliminary Approval Form (PAF) has been endorsed, the conference may be publicized. The ACM logo and SIG logo must be prominently displayed on all promotional material, including the website.
How should other organizations be listed on the conference material?
- ACM Cooperating SIGs-the ACM cooperating logo should appear next to the SIG logo(s) on all promotional material.
- Corporate Supporters-the logo of each corporate supporter along with their level of support may appear on all promotional material.
Can we utilize the term "organized by" for the Chair's organizations or other companies that provide in-kind logistical and administrative support to ACM sponsored conferences?
ACM is considered both the sponsor and "organizer" of an event. You may thank or acknowledge an organization for their support or in-kind work in the final program, the website, or at the conference.
Here is an example of appropriate wording: The ACM (conference name) conference would like to thank/acknowledge (company name) for their (support, administrative support, logistical support, etc.)
Complimentary Ad Space in Communications of the ACM
ACM offers sponsored conferences free ads in CACM (provided there is space available). Please contact the Advertising Sales Account Manager, Ilia Rodriguez, for more information.
Promotional Services
ACM can assist you with your promotional needs including: fliers, advanced and final programs.
When printing quotes are desired, it is helpful to have this information:
- Dimensions of printed material
- Number of pages
- Quantity
- Shipping address – or general area
- Number of colors
What information should the Advanced Program include?
The main purpose of this piece is to promote attendance at the conference. Information should include:
- Name, dates, and location of conference
- Sponsoring Societies/SIGs names and logos
- Program detail
- Keynote speakers
- Conference highlights
- Hotel forms
- Travel, hotel, and registration information
- Social activities
- Corporate Supporters
- Committee
- City information
Name and contact information of persons who questions can be directed to
What should the copy of the final program include?
This piece is distributed on-site and must provide information to the conference attendee. Information should include:
- Name, dates, and location of conference
- Sponsoring Societies/SIGs names and logos
- Schedule of conference activities
- Welcome
- Session times and rooms
- Keynote speakers
- Date, Location and Contact Information for next year's event
When using the ACM logo online or in any printed material, it is important to follow the comprehensive guidelines in the ACM Style Guide that have been created for the ACM logo and its associated branding elements.
Does ACM need to see the promotions?
Yes. ACM should see all promotional pieces prior to printing or publishing online. Please forward to your Conference Operations Liaison.
Plaques and Certificates
ACM has a preferred vendor for award plaques and certificate production. These items can be utilized to recognize awardees as well as conference leaders. Plaques have a wooden base and a screen-printed metal plate. Certificates are printed on certificate paper and placed in a framing folder.
- To order plaques and certificates from ACM, please contact your program coordinator. They will provide you with a link to an online portal where you will make your plaque or certificate request. Orders should be submitted two months prior to the conference for events outside the US, and at least five weeks prior for events held within the US. Preparation and shipment times vary depending on the accuracy of the information provided, as well as the location of the conference. Large orders can alter the timeframe as well. To avoid delays, it is important that all requested information is provided on the online order request, including the ship to address.
There are two options for certificate preparation. The first is to use ACM’s preferred vendor as outlined above. The second is for the volunteer leader to prepare the certificates directly. Below you will find a template link. You may order certificate paper and jackets through ACM or purchase on your own and submit the expense for reimbursement to your program coordinator.
To order paper and certificate jackets contact, [email protected]
A certificate template is also available
If you would like to purchase the same materials ACM uses, the information to order is below. We use the blue certificate jacket w/gold foil and the gold certificate.
Certificate Paper: Orleans Gold Cert 28# Cs 100ct. Item Number: CT1313
Certificate Holders: Crest Blue Cert Jckt Gold Foil. Item Number: KEF200BL
Use of Stock Photography in Promotional Materials
Photos are the intellectual property of the photographer. To use photos on the conference website or other promotional materials, a license must be purchased or granted from the photographer, or the company representing them. Please do not post unauthorized photos in your conference promotions. Using photos to promote ACM conferences is considered commercial use. Whether or not a monetary profit is realized, the collection of fees for registration is technically commerce. In the past, ACM has paid licensing fee claims to photographers for unauthorized use of their photos on conference websites. Photographers are becoming more assertive regarding the unauthorized use of their photos, and are using third-party companies to track down the use of their work online and make claims on their behalf. For promotional materials, please purchase the appropriate stock photography licenses, or consider royalty-free images through a site like Creative Commons. You can also request photos from the Convention and Visitors Bureau in the conference city. They should be able to provide you with royalty-free images of the area upon request.
There are no hard and fast rules about photography at conferences, however, the host should provide signage for use by the conference committee advising attendees that the conference activity may be photographed or captured on video for promotional purposes. Here is some possible wording for such signage:
“During official program sessions and events the words, images, sounds, object, and technologies presented at the Conference are protected by copyright or patents. Please respect the owners’ intellectual property and speakers’ rights of privacy by not recording or photographing these sessions without proper clearance. “
Attendees are invited to record or photograph informal gatherings and networking events to publish them on social media platforms and personal blogs.
Need award certificates?
For paper and certificate jackets contact [email protected]
A certificate template is also available.