ACM Resolution on Sponsorship of International Conferences
as Passed by the ACM Council, May 25, 1975
ACM Council, desirous of encouraging open information exchange and complete scientific freedom, subscribes to the following policies relating to international scientific conferences sponsored by, or held in cooperation with, ACM:
- The Council endorses the September 1972 addition to the Statutes of The International Council of Scientific Unions, and affirms that official ACM participation in all conferences shall be guided by the principles expressed in that provision: "In pursuing these objectives of the ICSU, the (ICSU) Council shall observe the basic policy of nondiscrimination and affirm the rights of scientists throughout the world to adhere to or to associate with international activity without regard to race, religion, or sex." The (ICSU) Council shall recognize and respect the independence of the internal scientific planning of its national members.
- Council indicates that the implementing guidelines contained in the Resolution On The Free Circulation of Scientists of the ICSU XV General Assembly shall be followed to the extent possible in developing implementing procedures specifically meant for ACM sponsored conferences in or outside the United States, recognizing the responsibility of the ACM Council as final arbiter in such matters.
It is the viewpoint of the ACM Council that the computing community should support only such conferences, whether ACM sponsored or not, that subscribe to these guidelines. However, ACM or any of its sub-units shall not enter into formal agreements on international conference sponsorship or participation unless the sponsoring organization in the host country has agreed to adhere to these principles.